

时间:2021-10-07 08:40:31 英语读后感 我要投稿





上海龙凤1314  Reason and emotion is the first work of Jane Austen. Eleanor and Marianne were born in a respectable English gentry family. Their elder sister was good at controlling emotions with reason, but their younger sister was often uncontrolled. Therefore, when they met setbacks in love, they made different reactions The plot revolves around the two heroines spouse selection activities, revealing that in the capitalist society of England at that time, marriage was regarded as a kind of custom for women to seek economic security and improve their economic status, and the ugly fashion of attaching importance to family and neglecting their childrens feelings and rights.

  In reason and emotion, there is always a light of reason, and the heros excellent rational mind and his wit and wisdom, of course, are also indispensable to her hot feelings, to show the central idea of maintaining self integrity and meeting the requirements of society. This is a work of interest and humor. It takes the complicated love story of two sisters as the main line, expressing the relationship between reason and emotion, and in many cases, the idea that reason should be better than emotion. In the era of Jane Austen, the praise of emotion is the mainstream content of literature at that time. Many people think that the expression of excellent characters is the strong emotion that cant be restrained, no matter whether it will bring pain to themselves or their families. If you want to be restrained or hidden, its a mistake. However, Jane expresses different opinions on this view through the stories of the two sisters. From the book, she can see that she believes that sincere and warm feelings are important and valuable, but they still need to be controlled and regulated by reason. After all, emotions are emotional, and their arbitrary development may bring many unnecessary pain, no matter to themselves or their families. Only with rational mind and thinking at the same time can we avoid or minimize this kind of harm, which is undoubtedly good for everyone.

  Reason and emotion are like a double-edged sword. Sticking to reason may hurt emotion, take care of emotion, and lose reason. In real life, we often face many choices. I hope each of us can control our own reason and emotion.

上海龙凤1314  《理智与情感》是英国著名女作家简.奥斯丁的处女作。埃莉诺和玛丽安两姐妹生在一个体面的英国乡绅家庭,姐姐善于用理智来控制情感,妹妹却往往情感毫无节制,因此在恋爱中碰到挫折时,她们作出了不同的反映……情节围绕着两位女主人公的择偶活动展开,揭露当时英国资本主义社会,以婚配作为女子寻求经济保障、提高经济地位的一种风俗,重门第而不顾儿女感情和做人权利的丑陋时尚。




上海龙凤1314  Jane Austen wrote her first novel "sense and emotion" in an anti satirical way, but her writing skills were quite skilled. Each plot and character in the story are described in a very real and delicate way, which makes people sincerely appreciate Jane Austens insight into human nature. The plot revolves around the two heroines activities of spouse selection, revealing that in the capitalist society of England at that time, marriage, as a kind of custom for women to seek economic security and improve their economic status, was an ugly fashion of attaching importance to family rather than their childrens feelings and rights. As the title shows, the whole story focuses on the conflict between "reason" and "emotion".

  Marianne has more than reason and more than feelings; John Dashwood and his wife have more than reason and less than feelings; Willoughby is emotionally hypocritical, seemingly emotional, but actually indifferent and selfish. In the story, Jane Austen praises the characters who value emotion, and satirizes those who lack in reason from time to time. However, she shows extreme disdain for those who lack only in reason or in emotional hypocrisy. What Jane Austen appreciates most is Eleanor, because she is both emotional and rational. This paper also expounds Jane Austens view on this issue, that is, it cant be without emotion or too rational. The heroine of the story pursues the equal exchange and communication of thoughts and feelings with men, demands equal rights in social status, and insists on the freedom of choosing partners. This was supposed to be a rebellious act in Britain at that time.

上海龙凤1314  Reason and emotion are like a double-edged sword. Sticking to reason may hurt emotion, take care of emotion, and lose reason. Its the best way to use this double-edged sword, of course, to be able to deal with emotions rationally and keep them sane within a certain range of emotions. However, in real life, you are often faced with choices. Are you more rational than emotional? Or is emotion more than reason? Or like Mr. Willoughby, who is emotional on the surface but selfish on the inside. Therefore, may each of us be able to control our own reason and emotion, rather than be enslaved by it.

上海龙凤1314  简·奥斯汀以反讽刺的手法写了她的第一部小说《理智与情感》,但写作技巧相当熟练。故事中的每一个情节,人物个性描述的都非常真实细腻,让人由衷地感叹简·奥斯汀对人性的洞察。情节围绕着两位女主人公的择偶活动展开,揭露当时英国资本主义社会,婚配作为女子寻求经济保障、提高经济地位的一种风俗,重门第而不顾儿女感情和做人权利的丑陋时尚。如同书名展现的那样,整个故事集中表现了“理智”与“情感”的矛盾冲突。

上海龙凤1314  玛丽安是理智不足而感情有余;约翰·达什伍德夫妇是理智有余而感情不足;而威洛比是感情上十分虚伪,表面上似乎很有情感,实际上却冷漠无情,自私透顶。简·奥斯汀在故事里对珍重感情的人物加以赞扬,尽管对哪些人在理智上的欠缺也不时加以讽刺;然而对缺少感情仅有理智或是在感情上虚伪的人,却表现出极度鄙视的态度。简·奥斯汀最赞赏的是埃莉诺,因为她即重感情又有理智。这里也阐述了简·奥斯汀在这个问题上的看法,即不能没有感情,也不能过于理智。故事的女主角均追求与男士思想感情的平等交流与沟通,要求社会地位上的平等权利,坚持选择伴侣的自由。这在当时的英国,应该是一种叛逆的行为。

上海龙凤1314  理智与情感好比一把双刃剑,坚持理智,可能会伤了情感,照顾情感,可能又失去理智。能很理智地处理情感,能在情感的一定范围内保持理智,当然最好,这是运用这把双刃剑的最好方式。但是,现实生活中,往往会面临着取舍时,你是理智多于情感呢?还是情感多于理智?或是像威洛比先生哪样,表面上很有情感内心却很自私自利。所以,愿我们每一个人都能驾御自己的理智与情感,而不是被它所奴役。


上海龙凤1314  I remember the first time I watched "reason and emotion", I was probably still in junior high school. I loved my lively sister very much. Maybe it was Kate at that time who permeated the classical pure beauty. It was so moving. Clearly remember, Marianne said, the more books I read, the less likely I was to meet real feelings. Then I think of Colonel Brandon coming in with the song and seeing Marianne in front of the piano. The sun is shining on her face. Its so picturesque and full of emotion.

上海龙凤1314  So at that time, I chose the vigorous Marian to love. Its as if someone guessed that you were smiling or sobbing, as if you could bring sunshine to the whole room by laughing, as if you sat there and let the melody flow out of your fingers, and everyone was quietly immersed in your notes, as if you could laugh and cry without any external factors, as if you were full of vitality because of youth Hua Feiyangs playfulness can make the world around you willfully.

  However, Marianne only glowed at a young age. So many years later, when I saw the BBCs remake of three episodes of "reason and emotion", I clearly gave more love to Marians sister, Eleanor, who used to be silent in my world. Not so surrounded by the light, not so handsome face, but quietly share your worries, and then bear the sadness of yourself, still hold up your expectations.

  The same background and growing up experience, however, they are like two stages of growing up for me, although their differences are actually static personality problems. It should be rare for a person like Eleanor in his early days to be tolerant, restrained and understanding. More of us are just Marianne. I used to think that the most beautiful and perfect things are the normality of a certain stage of our lives, and will be killed eventually.

  The simple to willful Marianne was at last willing to be quiet beside the people she had previously despised. But I am no longer infatuated with the halo that self puts on for her, reason is bigger than emotion, growth is really a kind of compromise. But I dont want to deny this kind of compromise, just as this post is not to commemorate the Marianne who everyone used to be. I am not so attached to the madness of willfulness.

  Recently, its just the story of passing by others. Its probably not just the impulse that breaks the previous fate. Theres no fate, no place to rest. Isnt that the best refuge? Its hard to stop suddenly. After I finish the competition between reason and emotion, I still laugh at myself, maybe I am the most naive one.


上海龙凤1314  因此那个时候选取了朝气的玛丽安去钟爱。仿佛你低眉就有人猜想你是浅笑或是低泣,仿佛你欢笑就能给整个屋子带来阳光,仿佛你端坐在那里任旋律从指尖汩汩流出而所有人都安静地淌在你的音符里沉醉,仿佛你能够想笑就笑想哭就哭不必正因任何外界而磨灭自我的棱角,仿佛因了青春有了朝气洋溢了才华飞扬了俏皮就能够任性地让全世界都能够绕着你转。




上海龙凤1314  最近只是途经别人的故事,打破以前引为宿命的大概不只是冲动。宿命都没有了,无处安身,那不是最好的避难所么?突如其来的截然而止让人并不好受。在我这样罗嗦完了理智与情感的比拼之后,我还是笑自我,或许我才是最幼稚的那一个。









