

时间:2022-08-09 13:15:13 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




  暑假生活英语作文 篇1

  In addition to the stressful and substantial study life, I also have a relaxed and happy holiday life. The rich and varied content, enrich my life, also adds a bit of fun and leisurely as his childish students.

上海龙凤1314  Go for a walk at leisure is a compulsory course for me every day. Walking in the area next to the flowers, breathing the fresh air, and the bird companion, enjoy a rich rose, Lily Gao Jie, exotic flowers and dinner, as well as the charming Magnolia, Cannas brilliant, I will gently say to myself: "life is beautiful." I sincerely feel around with the enthusiasm of enjoying the riotous with colour, brilliant purples and reds. I involuntarily emit from my heart, "I belong to nature!"

上海龙凤1314  More, I will head into the sea of books, books that breathe in bookstores, libraries peculiar smell, feel the joy of walking books. Into the history of the ocean, I will move the emperor Fenshukengru and anger, and tears for Farewell to My Concubine miserable, Zhu Geliang DOA sadly sigh; walk the halls of literature, I gradually realized that her helpless, her talent, experience Maries stubborn, Colins frail, appreciate Yu Qiuyu "early morning rain listening", Qian Zhongshus "fortress besieged"......

上海龙凤1314  My summer life is a poem, a green leaf, a song...



上海龙凤1314  更多地,我会一头扎进书的海洋,呼吸着书店、图书馆特有的那种书香的气味,感受漫步书海的乐趣。钻进历史的海洋,我会为秦始皇焚书坑儒的举动而激愤,为霸王别姬的悲惨而落泪,为诸葛亮“出师未捷身先死”扼腕叹息;漫步文学的`殿堂,我渐渐体会到宝钗的无奈、黛玉的才华,体会到玛丽的倔强、科林的孱弱,体会到余秋雨的“晨雨初听”、钱钟书的“围城”……


  暑假生活英语作文 篇2

  "Time is like water, life is like a song." Time as fleeting, flood, we bid farewell to the intense learning time, ushered in a happy holiday. Big like birds that want to fly away from the constraints of learning. In this era, the meaning of bitterness and happiness is very vague. Everyday life is like a stream of water rushing through, but I think our life is happy and heaven.

  At the beginning of summer vacation, my father and mother immediately filled up interest classes for me. During the summer vacation, there was not a day without learning. Although I was busy studying every day, I learned happiness in my study. In class, teachers are busy giving us knowledge and let us swim in the ocean of knowledge. Whenever I am praised by my teacher, my heart is always sweet. Dont mention how happy it is. After class, we share the knowledge that the teacher has given together with his classmates and share what he has heard and heard.

  Of course, I am not a student who can only wear clothes to stretch their mouths. During this holiday, I helped my parents do a lot of housework. I like to learn my mother, the first mop with a rag, and then point to wipe, not wipe the sweat of a room. Now I know how hard it is to be a mother. Im tired of getting tired on the sofa for a long time. Kung Fu did not bear the heart of the people, I found that the floor was dragged to the dust, I was very happy. After a good rest, I started my second task - sorting the desk. First, we first classify each book and put together the Chinese and mathematics books in every grade. Put the books on the desk on a shelf, and then throw the waste paper on the desk into the trash can.

  This summer vacation, I had a very full, both learned, also done, work and rest. Look, this is my colorful summer vacation.



上海龙凤1314  当然,我也不是一个只会衣来伸手饭来张口的学生,在这个假期里,我帮爸爸妈妈做了许多家务事。我学着妈妈的样子,先用拖把拖地,然后用抹布一点一点的去抹,还没抹完一个房间就汗流浃背。现在我才知道,做一个妈妈有多么的不容易啊。拖完了地,我也累得趴在沙发上久久不愿起来。功夫不负有心人,我这才发现地板被我拖得一尘不染,我十分的高兴。休息好后,开始我的第二项任务——整理书桌。首先,先把每一本书分类,把每个年级的语文、数学书都整齐地放在一起。把书桌上的课外书统一放在一个架子上,再把书桌上的废纸扔进垃圾桶里。

上海龙凤1314  这个暑假,我过得十分充实,既学了,也做了,劳逸结合。瞧,这就是我丰富多彩的暑假生活。

  暑假生活英语作文 篇3

  I hope the stars look forward to the summer I have been looking forward to. I went out of school and I thought of a bird from the cage, and I felt that everything was so good.

  On the first day, I used to wake up very early. Before, I always hoped that as long as I could see the bright sunshine every morning, I would feel happy and happy. When I get up in the morning, I cant wait to open the curtains, walk into the balcony, breathe fresh air, listen to the birds shouting, smell the fragrance of the grass, feel the cool wind, watch the pedestrians and pedestrians on the road, and feel full of happiness. You can go to school every day, where you can enjoy the fresh air.

  Open the curtains, the branches of the birds to say hello to me, the grass nodded to me. At this time I found out a fire ball in the east side of the sky. The fireball is red and dazzling. The beautiful day was also prelude.

上海龙凤1314  At the beginning of the first few days, I was really happy and free. There must be daily operations constraints, did not go to the office every day called my distress, but not every day to be late the day before dawn. Thats really good.

  Every day I wake up to watch TV, play computer, every day, but the summer vacation just passed more than ten days, I began to look forward to school. This and the previous longing for the holidays are just the opposite, now feel in the school life is interesting, you know, my summer vacation is too bland, dull to like a cup in a glass of white boiling water through the glass, at a glance, there is no point in boiling water, red wine goblet imagination.

  I spent three days and two nights at last to wipe out my 4 assignments. What should I do next?

  I look forward to learning, looking forward to returning to the class and returning to our collective. But then I had to rush to school every day before dawn. I had to live at two or two lines at school and at home. I had to eat breakfast in order to rush to school, and starved all morning. Summer vacation is really a joy and worry.

上海龙凤1314  盼星星盼月亮总算是盼来了我期待已久的暑假。走出学校我就想一只脱笼的小鸟,感觉一切都是那么美好。

上海龙凤1314  第一天,我习惯性的很早就醒了,以前我总向往只要我每天早上一起来就能看见灿烂的阳光,我就会感到快乐幸福。每天早上一起床我就会迫不及待地打开窗帘,走进阳台,呼吸新鲜空气,听着小鸟的欢叫,闻着小草的芳香,感受着凉爽的风,看着马路上来往的行人,心里充满了幸福感。可每天光顾着赶往学校,哪有心情享受着清新的空气。


上海龙凤1314  刚开始几天,我真是快乐自由的不得了。没有每天必须交的作业的约束,也没有天天被叫去办公室挨批的苦恼,更没有每天为了不会迟到天还没亮就起来。那感觉真的很好。



上海龙凤1314  我盼望着开学,盼望着回到课堂,回到我们那个大集体。可是那样我又得开始每天天还没亮就得赶去学校,过着学校、家两点一线的生活;又得为了赶到学校来不及吃早餐,饿一上午。暑假真是令人欢喜令人忧。

  暑假生活英语作文 篇4

上海龙凤1314  八月十三号那天,我和爸爸妈妈一起去江西井冈山革命根据地参观旅游。




上海龙凤1314  我觉得毛主席等许多革命前辈很顽强、很勇敢、很聪明、很勤奋,也最值得我们学习和怀念。

  On the day of August 13, I went to visit the revolutionary base of jinggangshan, jiangxi, with my parents.

  Mount jinggangshan is the place where MAO and many of the revolutionary predecessors have been in the middle of the revolution. There are mountains and mountains, the trees are very luxuriant, the scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh. At longtan falls, I was excited, and reminded me of li bai's poem "flying to the next three thousand feet, the mystery of the Milky Way nine days".

  We also came to the place where chairman MAO lived, the house was very humble, there were two sacred trees behind the house, and the front of the house had the "reading stone" which chairman MAO used to sit and read.

  The next day, we visited the museum of revolutionary base in jinggangshan and the memorial of revolutionary martyrs. I looked carefully at the weapons used by the former revolutionary fighters. It was chairman MAO's "mi plus toys". In the memorial of revolutionary martyrs, I have seen photographs and statues of many revolutionary predecessors, the names of revolutionary martyrs, and the eight walls of the museum exhibition hall, especially memorable.

  I feel that many revolutionary predecessors, such as chairman MAO, are stubborn, brave, intelligent, diligent and most worthy of our study and remembrance.

  暑假生活英语作文 篇5

上海龙凤1314  One day, I and the younger brother to play in miss home.

上海龙凤1314  Accidentally, I play on the ground with the balloon, the balloon fly to the ceiling. I also put out a hand, from the balloon rope way! I jump, stretch out his hand, still can't reach. The young lady say: "grieve you, you are out of reach." All of a sudden, I came up with a way, I stood on the bed, fiercely jump, took hold of the rope of a hand at once, "flop", I had a big front parties, made them laugh. The young lady said: "big lie prone before, on or before, like a big frog." I shake hands balloon said to them: "I grabbed the balloon!"

  Brother also learn to me to catch the balloon. We catch ah, laughing.

  What a happy day!

  暑假生活英语作文 篇6

上海龙凤1314  The summer vacation is long. The summer vacation is rich; Summer vacation is hard, but this summer holiday is happy. This summer holiday, it is to let a person to be in love, is to let a person pass also think once, in what, also can not tire. During this long summer vacation, did you go to some places of interest, go to the countryside, or... Or guess where I went. Yeah, I went to the sand.

  You must be confused. I went to live there. Is it a hotel? No, I have my relatives there. She is my aunt and I live in her house. Their house is near the place in idong square. I can go there any time. The most striking place there is the "martyr tower", which records the sacrifices of many of the country's prosperous and prosperous countries, and buried their ashes. Martyr tower near, there are many trees, heard that where every tree represents a martyr, where the original tree as tall, instructions, they sacrificed, but they will not destroy, and to encourage our every minute, in support of us, let's keep up, not to retreat, to be in the evening, where the music fountain will spray, colorful lights, also singing pop songs, make people dancing. There, watching a movie and watching a fountain, it's a real kill.

  At the moment of departure, I seem to loathe to give up everything down there, I looked up, two birds chattering in the, as if to say: "you are welcome to come again next time." I left without leaving.

  暑假生活英语作文 篇7

上海龙凤1314  Open the memory window, curtain is spent in summer vacation happy fun emerge in sight: it was a Sunday, my grandmother said aunt short-handed at the noodle shop, call me to help, also pay 10 yuan a day, I figure of fun, so he agreed.

  We got up at five o 'clock in the morning and tried to sprint. Once we got to the noodle shop, we all began to work. I was in charge of the bowl, so I picked up the bowl and went to the guest in the room. The first bowl succeeded, then the second, the third, the fourth... "Ah!" My hands were hot, "there are a few bowls inside." Ah, still have? Isn't that adding to the fire? Well, for that 10 yuan, I went out of my way, so I went on. First the end of the bowl, then the "holy grail" of washing the dishes when we arrived at the hotel, so I washed the dozen dishes, but at last the dishes were washed out. But I have not yet caught my breath, and the "decree" has arrived, and the emperor is not too thin for me. I cut the green onion again, "ouch", the hand was cut, and there was nothing serious about it.

  Alas, the thing is finally done, that "emperor" also rewarded me "100,000 two gold"! I don't always have a white day.

上海龙凤1314  Through this happy and hard day, I learned the truth that only hard work can get what you deserve.


上海龙凤1314  我们早上五点多钟就起床,想面馆冲刺。一到面馆,我们大家就开始干起活来。我负责端碗,于是我拿起碗就往里面的那位客人走去,第一碗成功了,接着第二碗,第三碗,第四碗……“啊!”手都给我烫麻了,“里面还有几碗。”啊,还有?这不是火上浇油吗?唉,为了那10元钱我豁出去了,于是我接着干。先是端碗,到了酒店多钟时,洗碗的“圣旨”来了,于是我又把那十几个碗给洗了,碗可是终于洗完了。可是我还没有喘上半口气,“圣旨”又到了,那“皇上”可真是对我这个“忠臣”不薄呀!我又去切葱,“哎哟”,把手给切到了,还好没有什么大碍。


上海龙凤1314  通过这快乐而又辛苦的一天,我懂得了一个道理:只有辛苦的劳动才能得到自己该得的东西。

  暑假生活英语作文 篇8

上海龙凤1314  I took part in a few meaningful activities during the summer vacation. Through this activity, let me experience the hard work of making money and not easy!

上海龙凤1314  I buy a newspaper on the first day: "I got up early, with the fastest speed to reconcile my things packed, I will happily out of the door, called TaoYaNi also, we with the feelings of a is full of joy to Simon in the paper, on the way we are very happy. When we put the newspapers apart, begin to set the papers, we have earnestly brightly colored paper sets together, after we put the newspapers set, found on the ground, there are two or three zhang section TaoYaNi immediately and I hurry up, we have apart just set good paper, each carefully again to turn over again, the results of a no more and no less, only one person is missing one or two newspapers, it can put us under can be anxious that bad, I said, 'or we'll sell motionless... we are talking about."

  After a while, we finally proposed the same thing, but at this time it was half past seven and we hurried out of the door, and we were fighting for business... It was almost nine o 'clock when I finally sold the newspaper.

上海龙凤1314  We counted the money you earn, the in the mind very happy, because this is the first time that oneself earn money, although very hard, hot with smelly sweat, but we are still very happy, happy. Because only oneself know, the money that oneself make is very good!

  暑假生活英语作文 篇9

  Today, the teacher took us to touch the clams, we are not so happy.

  We went all the way to the happy river, and we were in front of us with a wide open sky, and we rushed down to the shore. "Ha! Ha! Ha! There was laughter. I fixed my eyes, ah! It turned out that zhang zhipeng was sliding into the water. I went down to the water and the students helped each other. Afraid like zhang zhipeng. Everyone was looking for it, but I couldn't find one. Ah, finally find one, I take up to see, the sky, so small! This could be the world's smallest clam! But I also find myself excited about the "world's greatest". Well, don't think about it, just keep looking for it. It's a minute and a half, but I still can't find it, you know, don't laugh at me. It is a pity to see others' buckets of their own "spoils" and look at my pail. I have no confidence at all, ah, I have found one again, this clam is full and big! Oh, great! I finally have my own battle fruit, my heart don't say how happy! Then my faith resumed, and I continued to find it. At the end of the day, I also had a big harvest -- eight clams.

  Finally, at the urging of the teacher, the students were reluctant to leave the happy river, but I think the laughter still reverberated in the stream.

  暑假生活英语作文 篇10

上海龙凤1314  Summer vacation, I and my mother, my father to travel. The fourth day we went to the seaside tourism.

  The vast sea, the reflection in the blue sky is very blue. Waves waves flapping the bank start splashing a little water, seemed to leap to welcome us. I walk barefoot on the beach. Thin sand under your feet, squashy walk to blame. Look at the distance to the waves, and it is day even water, water, vast. I bent down to hold the blue sea water have been random. A wave dozen come over, I couldn't, sea water splash into my mouth. A: wow! And bitter and salty and bitter, I threw up several mouth, suddenly, I accidentally found that the sand shells much like the stars of heaven, flash, sparkling. Those shells under the sunlight to shine on, a dazzling light. It is a variety of shapes, beautiful.

上海龙凤1314  I walk a few steps, for washing your face with water, but looked up and look around at everything, afraid to break a beautiful painting.

  暑假生活英语作文 篇11

  That day, because the hot weather, so my father took me to the river to play, also brought a bottle of fish. Came to the river, dad sat under the tree enjoys the cool air, for me, I just play the water in the river, catch fish.

上海龙凤1314  Suddenly, I saw a shrimp, thought it was fish, is eager to hold it up, I didn't think it is run. I chased again and had a difficult time to surround it with the hand, fell into the bottle, careful see, ah, the original is a shrimp. At this time, I like a frustrated the ball, all of a sudden the soft. I thought, very not easy to catch it, or to keep it up! Then, I catch a few fish on the bottle again, and shrimp company.

  I carried the bottle satisfiedly go forward, accidentally stepped on a piece of moss on the stone. Just listen to "dong", I like a drowned rat, were full of water. And a bottle of fish and shrimp also take this opportunity to run away, leaving an empty bottle bubble in the water. I picked up the bottle gloomily, headed for the shore. Is "not stealing chickens and lose the rice". The results I so wet to go home.

上海龙凤1314  Every time I think about it, my face will be red into ears.

  暑假生活英语作文 篇12

  The summer vacation this year is both easy and enjoyable, and meaningful, my own summer vacation. You see:

上海龙凤1314  Just have a holiday, my father took me to the hengdian studios, we visited the south of the lower reaches of the yangze river, the Ming and qing dynasties today, qingming scroll attractions, I also put on small space space took photos of the dress here has a flavor of rural breath and mountain city, swim studio, I truly realized the motherland the magnificence of the good things. On July 13 solstice 15, I went to "the brave summer camp", the summer camp let me increase of knowledge, not only exercise the courage, but also let I learned to take care of themselves, know how to get along well with your classmates, cooperate with the tacit understanding. In the middle of August, I visited the forest park of the four mingshan mountain and saw the green mountains and green water, enjoying the cool autumn.

  My summer vacation is a wonderful addition to my summer vacation, and my summer vacation is filled with joy and energy. I go to Cambridge children's English training class every Sunday morning so that I can cultivate my interest in learning English and improve my English. I also insist on practicing the electronic piano every day. I am glad that I passed the test on the 4th of August. Really "no pain, no gain"! On July 17, I took part in the swimming training, and I learned the "I exercise, I am happy" in swimming. In order to strengthen my body, every day after dinner, my father or I play badminton or go to the gym. During the summer vacation, the harvest of study and exercise is not small!

上海龙凤1314  This is my life this year summer vacation, a colorful and meaningful summer vacation, but I more hope I can this summer and winter vacation, let's primary school students really fell after the "burden".

  暑假生活英语作文 篇13

  My summer vacation is from July 3 to August 13. I have experienced all kinds of sweet and bitter life. Let me use two examples to sum up the various kinds of life in more than one month.

上海龙凤1314  Remember that half day, that is the afternoon of August 12, when my father came back from work and finished the meal, he said he would bring my grandma and brother. Sister and I go to the xingqing park around a circle, I'm very glad we came to the xingqing park by bus 242 road (east), after we entered the park, from the east gate around to the front door, see a lot of fun. That was my happiest day.

  Work the morning shift one day, my mother and my mother is lying to me that the early middle shift, I believe what my mother said, I eat meal at noon to go out to play, from 14 points to 17 a.m. I thought my mother hasn't come back, then jump to go home, but my mother caught red-handed, give me a "belt of stew" it was a sad day happy afternoon at noon.

上海龙凤1314  The life of the summer vacation cannot be summed up in these two examples, but in both cases I have tasted sweet and bitter. That's a huge benefit. Isn't it?





  暑假生活英语作文 篇14

  The grandmother lived in the remote gansu province. This summer, my mother said to me, "Chen jiayang, my grandmother called to say let's go to her house." When I heard this, I jumped up. "that's great! That's great!

  The next day, we set out on a bus. Two days later, when I finally arrived in gansu, I was standing tall mountains in front of my eyes. Mother said, "grandma's house is behind the mountain. Let's go to uncle's car." I said, "I'd love to climb a mountain, can I?" Mother is a little uneasy: "I go with you to climb!" I jumped again with excitement.

  My mother helped me to walk on the steep mountain path, not so close to the ground, but to stand up and make people shudder, but to realize my wish, go ahead!

上海龙凤1314  I was out of a tenth of the way, and I was out of breath. Mother said: "we go to school as a child to climb over two mountains, so the body will be so great, like your body, the wind a run, don't take exercise!" But I can't stay. On the bus, I thought: I must climb over a mountain! When I arrived at my grandmother's house, I had a good time. The aunt say: "go to my house play, want to climb over a mountain!" And I said, "why don't you have a car?" "We're going to run, and what car!" "Alas!" I shook my head in despair. Go, see brother is picking an orange little thing to eat, I very curious, walk past to taste, really delicious! Because it was sour and sweet and looked like a plum, so I called it "wild plum." As we walked, we picked it and ate it, and soon we arrived at my aunt's house. I was surprised and said, "here we are." "Yes." "Not a bit tired! Good near! I have finally turned over a mountain!"

上海龙凤1314  The "wild plum" on the mountain is delicious! If you're free, I'll pick some for you!

  暑假生活英语作文 篇15

上海龙凤1314  During the summer vacation, my parents and I went to the north sea. This is the first time I have gone out with my parents. I am very happy. I was also impressed by the beautiful scenery of the north sea.

上海龙凤1314  On the first morning, we visited the sea window. Here I see the clown fish. The clown fish is really ugly, not only small but also the whole body is black, no wonder he took the name for it. We also saw the turtle in a pool. The turtle's body is fat and small, and its back is like the shell of my uncle's turtle. There were a lot of people watching from the pool, and I saw people buying white cabbage leaves to feed the turtles. See his white leaves in the water, the turtle just bit to white leaves, so the man took up white leaves, can't see turtles eat white leaves and head into the water. My father told me that the turtle is the longest living animal in the world.

  In the afternoon, we came to silver beach in the north sea. The sand in the bank of silver was white like silver, and just as we were on the beach we were very much in our eyes. The sand is soft under my feet, very comfortable. The beach is crowded with people. We chose a place to put things down and my mother took care of things, so I went swimming in a bathing suit with my dad. I took my father's hand and walked gingerly toward the water, which barely passed my knee, and I slowly crouched down. Suddenly, a wave came, my mouth full of sea water, salty death me! I tore my father's hand and said, "I'm not swimming!" Then I ran to the shore and picked up the shells. We spent an afternoon in bank of silver, and I was sunburnt. "It's all right," mom said. "it's good for your health."

上海龙凤1314  What a funny day in the north sea!

  暑假生活英语作文 篇16

  Read the glorious banner of substance, let I touched of one thing, the reading of the classic the ego summer sun finally got out of the head half of life, so big, so red, who like being pushed on, then suddenly jumped out, turned into pure gold. The first stars of my summer vacation flashed up in the dark blue sky. It was so large, so bright, that there was only one of its visible radiance, like a lamp hanging in the sky, in the wide desert.

  The green body of the frog was covered with dark green spots, and the white and white belly seemed to be filled with air and a drum. It was raining, and the rain was pounding on the Windows. The Windows on the other side of the court immediately gathered up countless little drops of water. My brother drives a tractor in our village. He is tall! Body is very big, there are pieces of red and black face scar, whenever I looked up and saw the scars, mind will emerge out of a tractor driver and moving story described to me... I am thankful for my parents, the people I admire most, and the whole city is like a burnt brick kiln, which makes people breathless. The dog lay on the ground and spit out the bright red tongue, and the mules' nostrils were very large. My father had thick eyebrows, and a pair of bright, bright eyes always looked stern. Perhaps because of the long term mental work, the deep furrows of the forehead match the age of his forties. On a bitter winter night, the naked stars were so pitiful that they could hardly hear their teeth.

  暑假生活英语作文 篇17

  Although the colorful summer vacation is over, I still stay in that happy time.

  Books make me happy. Because mom and dad are busy at work, I don't have time to take me to travel. I had to indulge in the beautiful words in my home, from the sixth grade tutorials, I saw the naughty sowbrook, the beautiful mountain rain... I was totally absorbed in it. Here, I learned to be a man. Books make me not lonely in summer vacation.

上海龙凤1314  Housework makes me happy. One day, when my father and mother were walking, I saw a dirty and messy home, and I thought of a good idea. Let me clear up the table and brush up the bowl. Then remove the dust from the furniture. Again it is sweeping the floor, after sweeping the ground, I picked up a rag to wipe to again, this brush is also have tips: 1 the brushing is to have the order, a brick a brick to brush, so as not to have wiped. After you wipe it before you wipe it, you won't step on your own. Sometimes, some things are hard to erase. This is my method. Put your hand on the bottom of your chest, then push the back of your front leg and push it forward. I am no longer the delicate little princess. Today, I feel the joy of labor.

  How happy this summer vacation is!

  暑假生活英语作文 篇18

  The summer vacation is over, and I have many wonderful and memorable stories in my summer vacation.

  During the summer vacation, my father and I visited the detian falls and the dragon tiger mountain. We went to the dragon tiger mountain and saw many monkeys on the mountain. The monkeys there are smart, you put food in your pocket, and they know. If you open your hand and say no, they will go away.

  The Monkey King there is blind in his eyes. Some of the monkeys there also swim. After swimming the dragon tiger mountain, we went to detian falls.

  We went to the detian waterfall, where the sound is very big, the waterfall droped down from the mountain, like a white bead curtain, we go for a long time to go to, we also bought a lot of things there. I'm very happy!

上海龙凤1314  欢乐的暑假结束了,在暑假的生活中,我有着许许多多精彩和具有回忆性的故事。

上海龙凤1314  暑假里,我和爸爸、妈妈去了德天瀑布和龙虎山游玩。我们先到龙虎山,看到山上有许许多多的猴子。那里的猴子很聪明,你把吃的东西放在口袋里,它们也知道。如果你伸开手说没有,它们就会走开。



  暑假生活英语作文 篇19

上海龙凤1314  The happy summer vacation came, and I went downstairs every afternoon to get the newspaper downstairs. One opens the mailbox, the inside of the advertisement paper "run" come out, some introduction work, some sell product...... I look down, ah! All the land was advertising paper. I frowned and thought: if I throw away the paper, it's too wasteful. Don't throw? It's a difficult situation to destroy the environment.

上海龙凤1314  When I was puzzling, two junior partner to run to my side, a brainwave, suggested that "we put these advertising paper folding into a trash can! We eat melon seeds is shell thrown in the garbage can, not just kill two birds with one stone? Side can recycling, one side can also protect the environment!" "That's a good idea, we'll do it!" So, my friends and I took the AD paper to my home and started to act.

  We put a piece of paper folded in half vertically and horizontally folded in half, and them up along the midline vertex, every line pressure level, form a sharp triangle, then fold Angle along the center line and the four, in a short time, the work finished, below the tip on it, like a house, open it, like a colorful hat again, again opened, is a boxy cardboard boxes Our trash can. After a while, the mother came running up and she asked, "baby, what are you doing with these advertising paper?" We handed her the masterpiece, and our mother looked at us and said happily, "oh, baby, your brains are very clever." We made one after another, and each of us went home to...

  During the summer vacation, each of us should do a meaningful thing so that we can feel that this summer holiday is having a great time!

  暑假生活英语作文 篇20

上海龙凤1314  I'm looking forward to the end of my final exam, my favorite summer vacation.

上海龙凤1314  Although the summer vacation is just beginning, I have felt this will be a busy and happy holiday. I need to finish a lot of summer homework, study and practice playing guitar, and study English, ao and microcomputer. Besides, I will also attend 10 days of microcomputer summer camp, follow the parents "south for the north" - to travel. This is the only time I have to spend less time in my life, and that is the only regret.

上海龙凤1314  Say my summer vacation plans, first of all, is to finish my homework, in order to have enough time to "fighting", of course, but also guarantee the quality of work. And then, I'm going to practice my guitar a lot, and I'm going to bring up some beautiful pieces of music to listen to, and I'm going to use the guitar to pretend to be handsome (haha!). It is. It's better to have more guitar lessons. I also have to teach myself English and Olympic Numbers at home. Improve the level of two subjects through textbooks and extracurricular tutorials. What is the most important subject of Chinese? I must read more books, read more classics, and improve my "national literacy". And the microcomputer, how can my "play" not practice?

  Of course not always study, otherwise it becomes a nerd! So I have to "entertain". The biggest entertainment, of course, is to go out with your parents, both to relax and to broaden your horizons. I'm also going to take part in some sports during the summer vacation. You might say, "oh, it's so hot, you're not getting any hotter?" No, because the sports I'm going to participate in are swimming. By the way, I can't help thinking about safety when it comes to swimming. Although summer recreational activities are good, but safety first, we must not go to unsafe places to swim or do other activities.

  I have an important plan not to say, what do you guess? That's my summer diary. Called him "diary", actually also is not a diary, but with some articles, my summer vacation, together, also is the so-called "summer diary" I will put the summer vacation the interesting thing for me, all down, and share my colorful life of summer vacation.










