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  看电影的初中英语作文 篇1

上海龙凤1314  As movies are prevailing, more and moreliterature works are adapted to movies. Most people will choose to watch amovie to get the knowledge a story or our history. Some people, however, preferto read books to obtain knowledge. For me, I think that watch a movie will bemy priority for I can get easily what I want by watching a movie.


上海龙凤1314  First of all, watch a movie can betime-saving. If you read a book, you may need several days to read through if you see a movie, then you just need less than 2 hours to know what havehappened.


上海龙凤1314  Second, see a movie can be moreinteresting. In a movie, we can see not only celebrities we love, but also canenjoy the fun of wonderful scene and sound effect.

上海龙凤1314  其次,看电影会更有乐趣。我们不仅可以再电影中看到我们喜欢的名人,而且我们也能享受视觉和听觉带给我们的乐趣。

上海龙凤1314  Besides, we are impressed deeply by seeinga movie. You may forget what have happened after a short period throughreading. However, you can remember deeply by seeing a movie because scenes anddialog are so easier to keep in mind.

上海龙凤1314  另外,看电影能让我们印象深刻。通过阅读,你可能在很短的时间之后就忘记到底发什么了什么事情。但是从电影中得到的信息却印象深刻。因为电影能让我们很容易地就记住那些场景以及对白。

  All in all, I think watching a movie wouldbe the fast way to know what have happened. And also, it is interesting forpeople to see a movie rather than read a book. Moreover, movie will impress usdeeply.

上海龙凤1314  总之,我认为看电影能让我们快速知道到底发生了什么事情。而且,看电影也比读书更有乐趣。最后,电影能让我们印象深刻。

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇2

  Nowadays, people like to go to the cinema to watch movies. They think.the big screen and the incredible sound is a treat. Somehow, I think go to the theater to watch films has a lot of disadvantages. Sometimes, these shortcomings even overwhelm the pleasure of watching movies.

上海龙凤1314  First, when you on your way to the cinema, you may stick in traffic jam and cannot arrive on time. If you make it, you may have problem of finding a parking spot. As you know, not every cinema has enough places for you to park. The time you have wasted on the road can do different kinds of things. If you choose to stay at home to watch movies, you don’t need to worry about these problems. You’re not only saving your precious time but also parking fees and gas.Second, you may have to stand in line for hours just to buy yourself a ticket. It is annoying. If the tickets have sold out, you will wait another day. Sometimes you succeed in buying a ticket, but it was not the best seat. You might seat just in front of the screen or in the last row. When you’re watching the movie uncomfortably, you will be regret that you have made the wrong choice. Maybe you should seat in your own sofa to watch.Last, the atmosphere of the theater is not always as good as you think. People around you allow eating anything they want, which means they will make a lot of noise while they’re chewing. What’s worse, you may seat next to the person who talks on the phone while you try really hard to listen to what the actress says, or a young couple who seat behind you happily discuss about how the movie will end. This is annoying, isn’t it?Due to these reasons, I think people should reconsider whether it worth to go outside to watch a movie, while we have the condition to watch at home. The problems and the hazards can be avoided if we choose to stay at home. Thus, it’s more convenient and comfortable to stay at home to watch movies.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇3

上海龙凤1314  New year is the great moment for people, and many families choose to go to the cinema and enjoy the hour. But recently, the news reported an unhappy incident that a woman was talking loudly while watching movie and an audience beat her for anger. The public CRIticized the woman’s impolite behavior, though the audience was rude.


上海龙凤1314  The impolite behavior in the cinema happens all the time. When watching the movie, I really hate people talk, or the kids share opinions with adults. They are disturbing the audience. Some people don’t talk, but they play smart phone, showing a light in the dark, it is very uncomfortable. Everybody goes to the movie to take relax, the one who doesn’t control their behavior will disturb others.


上海龙凤1314  It is everybody’s duty to self-behave. Parents need to educate their children, or set the good example to them. Foreigners always complain about the rude behavior on Chinese people. We have to admit our rude act, only in this way can we get improved.

上海龙凤1314  自我约束是每个人的责任。父母需要教育孩子,树立良好的榜样。外国人总是抱怨中国人粗鲁的行为,我们必须承认我们不足,只有这样我们才能得到提高。

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇4

  I went to a movie last night, and it was an unpleasant experience. A lot of people had arrived before me, so I couldn't even get a ticket. Fortunately, when the movie was about to begin, I met a friend who happened to have two tickets. A friend of hers was supposed to see the movie with her; but as her friend did not show up, she let me have one of the tickets.

  When we entered the theater, the movie had already begun for a few minutes. And as bad luck would have it, no sooner had we settled into our chairs than the movie stopped. The audience shouted and booed, but there was still no movie. I was very angry and my friend was upset too. We were in no mood to wait, so we left. After saying goodbye to my friend, I took a bus home. What a terrible Saturday night!

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇5

上海龙凤1314  A large number of Chinese students consider that Learning English is a boring and even painful process. However, there is an interesting and effective way of Learning English – watching movies in English.


上海龙凤1314  Nowadays, with the help of internet and advanced science and technology, receiving information has been easier than ever before. We can get a lot of English movies through internet and use advanced devices to play them, such as laptop and mobile phone, anywhere and anytime. Watching movies is not only a kind of entertainment, but also an effective way of Learning English.


  Why watching movies can help improve our English? First, by watching movies, we can understand better how the natives speak English and learn their pronunciation and grammar usage, and correct ours. Second, it is also a good way to realize the thinking pattern of English-speakers. Recognizing the differences between Chinese and foreigners’ thinking patterns can help us speak and write correct pure English. Thirdly, watching movies in English also practice our listening. Instead of reading English words, we listen to what the speakers say and the tone they use. After a period of time, we will find that our listening has improved. Finally, another benefit of watching movies in English is that we can know more and more customs and manners of foreigner countries, which are good for our communication with foreigners.

上海龙凤1314  为什么看电影可以帮助提高我们的英语水平?首先,通过看电影,我们可以更好地了解当地人是怎么讲英语的,学习他们的发音,语法使用习惯,并改正我们的。第二,这也是认识说英语人的思维模式的好方法。认识到中国人与外国人思维模式之间的区别可以帮助我们说和写出地道的英语。第三,看英语电影也锻炼了我们的听力。除了看英语,我们还可以听到他们说以及他们所用的语调。一段时间后,我们会发现我们的听力有所改善。最后,看英语电影的另一个好处是,我们可以知道更多外国的风俗习惯,这有助于我们与外国人交流。

上海龙凤1314  To sum up, watching English movies can help improve our English in various aspects.


  看电影的初中英语作文 篇6

  Have you ever learned English by watching English DVD movies? Is that an effective English learning method for you? Why?


上海龙凤1314  Watching English DVD movies is a very effective method of learning English.As a result of insufficient English speaking environment, my speaking and listening abilities were not developed satisfactorily, although my reading and writing abilities were quite all right.


  I remember my experience during a summer vacation when I made plans to watch 10 original English movies including the classic Casablanca, Rebecca, A Tale of Two Cities, and Little Women. I persistently carried out my plan. Each of the films I watched a dozen times until I could recite most of the dialogues. At the end of that summer vacation, I found I became nearly as fluent as a native English speaker.


  看电影的初中英语作文 篇7

  I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful love story between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward and Bella. They can’t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has lived hundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They are classmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still chooses to love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choice to protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.

  我非常喜欢看电影。我最喜欢的电影是暮光之城之暮色。讲的是吸血鬼和人类之间的唯美的爱情故事。主角是爱德华和贝拉。他们无可救药的爱上对方。爱德华是一 个活了数百年的吸血鬼,而贝拉只是一个普通的'高中生。他们是同学。当贝拉知道爱德华是吸血鬼时,她还是顶着方方面面的压力选择爱他。而爱德华也选择不惜一 切代价来保护贝拉。这就是他们爱情的开始。

上海龙凤1314  I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.

上海龙凤1314  我非常喜欢这部电影,所以我看了四遍了。我觉得那里面的电影明星非常漂亮,英俊。其次,它的情节很有吸引力,让我很兴奋。风景也很漂亮。总之,第一次看到它时,我就是喜欢它了。

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇8

  In Taipei there are many theatres showing a wide variety of movies such as love stories, westerns, spy stories, adventure ones, science fiction ones, and Kung-fu ones.

  I like to go to the English movies to enjoy the special effects and good music as well as to learn the language.

上海龙凤1314  Some movies I have seen before still interest me, and I enjoy watching it again. Usually it is more fun to go to the movies in a group on holidays.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇9

上海龙凤1314  With the rapid development of technique, there are many ways for people to watch movies. Some people choose to watch movie in cinema, some choose to watch at home. Different people have different choices. As for me, I prefer to watch movie in cinema, because there are so many benefits.

上海龙凤1314  Firstly, watching movie in cinema makes people feel comfortable. Especially when you finish your all day work, it’s a perfect choice to watch movie in cinema. As we all know, cinema is a huge space, people can relax in theater. Also, you can focus on movie because the screen is enough huge and the sound is enough clear. What’s more, theater is always clean, it make people feel like watching movies at home.

  Secondly, theater is a good choice for couples. Most young people like to go to theater to watch movies, because they think it’s better to cultivate relationship in big theater. The atmosphere of the cinema is more suitable for lovers. People's state of mind will change with the ups and downs of film. So, most young people will choose to watch love story in cinema.

上海龙凤1314  Thirdly, it’s very easy to get a ticket. We don’t need to waste much time for waiting in line. Nowadays, we have many ways to buy cinema tickets. The most typical way is to buy on the internet. Everything can be completed on the computer; all we need to do is to click the mouse. Science and technology make our life become very convenient. Besides, a movie ticket is not expensive, many people are affordable. Sacrifice a little money to buy comfortable experience, why not does it? The fast pace of life need to unzip the agent, and the cinema is good way to relax.

上海龙凤1314  In conclusion, there’re so many benefits when we choose to go to the theater to watch movies. In today, life is wonderful, so we should find a more funny way to live. Let our life full of fun.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇10

上海龙凤1314  I think movie critics who are berating this film are biased for that reason, and ignoring the quality of the movie, which is a pleasant comedy from start to finish with some heartwarming and profound scenes.

上海龙凤1314  Just Like Heaven is just about the best movie so far this year, and I've seen about fifity of them. As a comedy it's funnier than Bewitched or The Man, not quite as funny as The Wedding Crashers but far more refined. In addition to comedy it's got heart and spirit.

  Reese Witherspoon plays a busy doctor who gets into a tragic car accident early in the film, and then the story follows Mark Ruffalo, who rents her apartment. Before long he sees her ghost, who can't remember who she is, and after a rocky start helps her to find out. Where the story goes from there is more important, but I don't want to give away any more of the plot.

上海龙凤1314  It remains a pleasant comedy even through the profound life-and-death parts of the story; for only the second time this year Hollywood's made a film that addresses a current issue without preaching their liberal agenda (the other was The Island, which showed immoral consequences of cloning). I think movie critics who are berating this film are biased for that reason, and ignoring the quality of the movie, which is a pleasant comedy from start to finish with some heartwarming and profound scenes. Though it's a comedy, this is at least the second or third most important film I've seen this year next to The Great Raid, which was a true story, and perhaps The Island.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇11

  Nowadays, there are more and more moviesbase on the literary masterpiece appeared, especially the popular fiction, werefilmed as TV series and welcomed by audiences. For many pop novels, the TVproducers are set to re-shoot the plays. Reading the original version simplydoes not seem as popular as it once was. As far as i concern, i prefer theoriginal one.

上海龙凤1314  现在,有越来越多的根据原著翻拍的电影面世,特别是流行小说,被拍成电视剧且受观众欢迎。对于许多流行小说,电视制作人还想翻拍其他版本。读原著已经不想以前那么受欢迎了。就我而言,我还是喜欢原著。

上海龙凤1314  Onthe one hand, the movie scenes are not comparable to the charm of words. Movieis limited by many factors, such as the story historical background, thedescription of the senses, which is the biggest problem to movie producer. Itis almost impossible to create similar scenes to the original one hundredpercent. Besides, the actor’s performance can not be ignored. Some charactershave a special personality charm; it is a big challenge for actors to recreateit on the screen.

上海龙凤1314  一方面,电影场景无法与文字的魅力相比较。电影受许多因素限制,例如故事历史背景,感官的描述,这对于电影制作人来说是最大的问题。要百分之百地把原著搬上荧屏几乎是不可能的。除此之外,演员的表演也不可忽视。有些角色有着独特的人格魅力,演员要把角色重现于荧屏也是一个巨大的挑战。

上海龙凤1314  Onthe other hand, movie deprived the pleasure of reading. When we are reading abook, we could create a scene base on the words in our mind, we could imaginethe looks of leading role whatever we like. It is fascinating that the world inthe book reappears in our head. However,the movie is too much intuitive and specific, we could see exactlywhat is on the screen, which is not good for our imagination.

上海龙凤1314  另一方面,电影剥夺了阅读的乐趣。当我们在读书的时候,我们会根据字里行间在脑中重建场景,我们能够自行想象主角的样子。书里的场景重现于脑海中是非常吸引人的。然而,电影太过于直观和具体化,我们能在屏幕上看所有展示出来的东西,这不利于我们的想象力。

  Inmy point of view, i prefer the original ones rather than the movie. I enjoy thepleasure of reading, which the film cannot be compared.

上海龙凤1314  在我看来,我喜欢原著多过电影,我享受阅读的乐趣,这是电影无法比拟的。

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇12

  I was very happy that the school had a film class. Because there are so many people in these movies, I have to find a way to deal with anything in my daily life. Among them, I like "Snow White and the seven dwarfs" most.

  The queen in the film was very jealous of Snow White's beauty. The queen thought of three ways to frame Snow White. The first method was to let the servant take her into the forest and kill her. But the servant took pity on her and let her go. The second method was to kill her with a poisonous comb, and she was found by the seven dwarfs and helped her to pull the comb out, and Snow White rose again. In the third way, the queen made a poisoned apple, tricked Snow White into eating poison apple and poisoned her. None of the seven dwarfs could save her. The prince of the neighboring country saved Snow White. They were married, and the queen was angry.

上海龙凤1314  The Snow White in the movie is very kind and beautiful, but it is easy to believe in the stranger, but also very greedy, casually taking other people's things, she also casually eats the stranger's things. Finally, I hurt myself. I can't trust people as easily as she does, and I won't be hurt when I'm not greedy and cheap.

上海龙凤1314  This movie is very good. I like it very much.



上海龙凤1314  电影里的白雪公主虽然很善良和美丽,但很容易相信陌生人,还很贪心,随便拿别人的东西,她还随便吃陌生人的东西。最后害了自己。我不能像她那样随便相信别人,不贪小便宜,就不会受到伤害。

上海龙凤1314  这部电影非常好看。我非常喜欢。

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇13

  My favorite movie is "leaf asked." it in the description of the year when the war gone with China, leaf asked is a pure passion for martial arts, the pursuit of the freedom of wu chi, full of hatred and the great age of tragedy is not in his vision, he only focused on the dedication and passion for martial arts. However, for the love of nation and the spirit of martial arts obtain, leaf asked step by step out of the limitations of wu chi, than ask of yourself in a big fast dripping wet, shoulder the revitalization of the Chinese flag.

上海龙凤1314  The film made me understand that no matter what to do, all want to stick to it, even if only a glimmer of hope, also cannot shoes tied knot - refers to fall by the wayside, don't lost. The leaf asked, in the movie is my favorite person, because he can in order to carry forward the Chinese martial arts, even if be compelled to desperate, will struggle with the western people in the end, his persistence and determination, let me forget.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇14

  My favorite movie is "the Wolf's son rain and the snow", which is an animated film, a mother and son story full of kinship.

  The main story of the film is that the protagonist "flower" and the werewolf fall in love and give birth to a pair of siblings named "snow" and "rain". The snow is active and active, curious about the world around them, the rain is cowardly and timid, alert and weak, they inherit their father's Wolf constitution, and can become wolves as they wish. The flowers and family kept the secret, quietly living a happy life in the corner of the noisy city.

  Until one day, the news broke down. His father was killed by death, and he was determined to be brought up in the future, no matter what kind of identity (human or Wolf) he chose. To this end, she took her children away from the bustling but suffocating metropolis and moved to the beautiful, natural countryside. In the hinterland of the local mountains, the flowers have been selected for a centuries-old old folk house, and the snow immediately fell in love with the new home, while the shy rain was slow to adapt. Happily, the most inaccessible mountains give the children a great deal of freedom, the sister and the brother in that is full of snow mountain running wild, free transform the posture of the people and Wolf, feel the unprecedented happiness.

上海龙凤1314  But the current situation of life has to be frowned on. The husband saved less and less, trying to be self-sufficient in order to save money. She borrows books from the library to study farming.

上海龙凤1314  Gradually snow and rain grew and went to school. The snow has been longing for people's life since then, but the rain is yearning for the life of the Wolf in the mountain, which makes the flowers very unhappy. Finally, the flowers followed the children's choice, let the rain back to the mountain forest, oneself and snow together lead the life of the person.

上海龙凤1314  The flowers are in the gap between the man and the Wolf, shaking the two siblings, and the mother who is watching, guarding the brother and sister and trying to raise them.

  After watching this movie, I learned that all the love in the world is the purpose of polymerization. Only the love of parents is the purpose of separation.


上海龙凤1314  这部影片主要讲的是,主人公“花”与狼人相爱后生下了一对姐弟,取名“雪”和“雨”。雪活泼好动,对周遭世界充满好奇,雨则怯懦胆小,警觉纤弱,他们继承了父亲的狼人体质,可以随心所欲化身为狼。花和家人们严守着这个秘密,在喧嚣都市的一隅静悄悄地过着幸福的生活。


上海龙凤1314  但是生活的现状不得不令花眉头紧蹙。丈夫当初所留下的存款越来越少,为了节约开支,花尝试着自给自足。她从图书馆借来园艺农耕方面的书籍,学习农作。



上海龙凤1314  看完这部电影后我明白了,世上所有的爱都是以聚合为目的,唯有父母的爱是以分离为目的。

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇15

  At one o'clock on Sunday afternoon, my father and I went to the movies. After we went to the Art Palace, we first bought tickets, then went to buy a bucket of popcorn with Dad, and then went in and found a place to sit down and wait for the opening of the film.

  Soon the movie started, and I was happy to watch it while eating crisp popcorn. The first film is Fire and Self-help. I learned to cover my mouth and nose with a wet towel when a fire is coming. If there is a fire in the carriage and the door is locked, you can use a hammer to knock on the window to escape. The second one is Superman Mobilization, which is very beautiful: there are aliens and humans acting together.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇16

  My favorite movie is Love Me Once More,Mom.

上海龙凤1314  This is a moving story about a mother and her son.The son was lost one day and the mother was so worried that she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn't find him.

上海龙凤1314  She was very sad and almost went mad.In the end,the son found his mother .But they don't know each other.

  I cried when I saw the movie.All people say it is so moving.The mother is so good and the son is so lovely.I like th e little boy.He makes me strong.I like it very much.It is my favorite.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇17

上海龙凤1314  Movie is my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free.Since I like English very much, so the English movie is my favorite, too.Among so many films I have watched, the one I like best is High School Musical.

  This film tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl.

  Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical.In this process, a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great success and Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other.

  It’s totally a happy ending.I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorful and amazing, which I admire so much.Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇18

  Puss in Boots is a talking cat named for his wearing boots and is a fugitive on the run from the law, looking to restore his lost honor. He learns that the outlaw couple Jack and Jill has the magic beans he's been looking for most of his life and tries to steal them from the outlaws' room, female cat Kitty Southpaws interrupts, and they both fail. .Kitty is allied with Humpty Dumpty, a talking egg and Puss' long-estranged childhood friend. Puss tells Kitty his youthful misadventure when Humpty tricked Puss into helping commit a bank robbery; Puss has been on the run since. At first they steal the beans and plant them in the desert. While celebrating their victory, the group is ambushed by Jack and Jill, who knock Puss unconscious.

  When Puss wakes up, he tracks the couple to his old hometown where he learns the entire heist is a plot by Humpty to lure him home to be captured. They are involved in the con. After pleas from his adoptive mother, Puss turns himself in to the guards while Humpty donates many golden eggs to the town and becomes a hero.

  While in prison, Puss meets the original Jack who warns him that the Great Terror is in fact the Goose's mother, and

  it will stop at nothing to get its child back. A repentant Kitty helps Puss in time and tells him she loves him. Puss tracks down Humpty, who wants the Great Terror to demolish the town. . Then Puss convinces Humpty to help him fight off the Great Terror。Using the Goose as bait, Puss and Humpty lure the Great Terror out of the town, but Humpty and the Goose are knocked off a bridge with Puss holding onto them. In order to save the Goose and the town, Humpty sacrifices himself,. Humpty's shell cracks open to reveal he is a golden egg on the inside. The Great Terror then takes the Goose and Humpty back to the giant's castle.

上海龙凤1314  Finally Puss' efforts make him a hero among the townspeople. In the epilogue, Jack and Jill are recovering from their injuries after being crushed by the Great Terror, Humpty is shown once again in his regular egg form, wearing a golden egg suit, as he rides the Great Terror into the clouds, and Puss and Kitty finally kiss.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇19

上海龙凤1314  ET is Steven Spielberg’s classic for both children and adults. It is about a story that a creature, ET, is mistakenly left behind on the earth and wants to go back to his home. A boy called Elliott, acted by Henry Thomas, hides him in his house to protect ET from the cold world of grown-ups. They become good friends and are so close that they share sorrows and happiness. At last, Elliott and his friends decide to go on an adventure trying to help ET find the way back to his planet.

  The film is beautiful and moving. It shows us that friendship and love are the most important things in life.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇20

  After finishing the movie 2012, a character left a deep impression on me. The character is Yuri, the Russian billionaire. Although he is not the leading role in the movie, the character is portrayed very real in my opinion. According to the dialogues in the movie, we can know a lot of him.

  He was an excellent boxer in the past, so he has a strong body. He also works with a good brain, so he can own great wealth. Now we can say Yuri is a successful man in business.

上海龙凤1314  When disaster comes, a man true self is showed out obviously. In the whole process of escape, he is always very resolute. After getting the message that the No.3 boat is without hope, he strikes managers down and leads all the people running to the No.4 boat. At that time, he shows his good judgment. So in terms of ability, Yuri is an excellent man.

上海龙凤1314  Many people describe him with selfishness and greed. Maybe it’s true. But I think he isn’t without a single redeeming feature. On the air, he looks the picture with his wife and children, and he calls his valentine “girl friend”, never “lover”. Obviously he loves his wife and children deeply. For leaving his valentine behind, I consider there is no mistake because they have no love all along. As a father, he takes good care of his two sons; especially at last he

  sacrifices himself for pushing his son to the boat. At least Yuri is a great father and good men loving his families deeply.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇21

  My favorite movie is 《The Pursuit of Happiness》, which is played by Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith. This movie has no pretty actors, no touching music, but good enough story, plain but not mediocre! It touched my mind deeply.

  A single father (Will Smith plays) , lost his job and his wife chose to leave him. His life was very bad and difficult, but he never gave up and worked hard and took care of his son very well. Through his effort, at last he succeeded. His life changed better and better.

上海龙凤1314  I like the movie, which is made me thinking a lot. What is happinessHow can we get happinessIn my eyes, the most important is the family. As long as the family together, no matter where, no matter what time, we are happy. Secondly, if we work hard enough today, happiness will come tomorrow. In addition, happiness depends on oneself. No matter other people think of you, as long as you do happy.

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇22

  Today,I saw large areas of the United St ates "Home Alone" with deep feeling.Th e main character is a little boy.Christma s is fast approaching,the little boy was always getting into trouble.As a result,t hey go to a holiday in Paris,but forget th e little boy at home.

上海龙凤1314  There are two thiev es,after a long period of the study,whic h determined that no one at home.Unex pectedly,there is a little devil at home it!The little boy with a lot of smart and witt y way,to finally seize the thief.

  His pare nts,Christmas is the day to come back,and the boy's mother hugged tightly.Si nce then,the boy became everybody's f avorite target.

  I would like to tell you that the smart mo ney is not unusual in some small inexpe nsive.But in the coming danger,to prot ect their own!

  看电影的初中英语作文 篇23

  Today, I read "home alone" with deep feeling. The main is about a little boy. Christmas is coming soon, the little boy is always making trouble. Therefore, his parents go to Paris on vacation, but forget the little boy at home.

  Two thieves found that adults do not have at home, like took the opportunity to steal things.

  But the little boy is very clever, through a lot of props and finally caught the thief. His parents came back hugged their children. From then on, the boy became all learning goals.

上海龙凤1314  After learning he danger can protect themselves etc.!









