

时间:2022-02-02 14:54:24 高考英语作文 我要投稿


  Nowadays, people more and more busy, rarely have time to meet, every day to see the neighbour's parents and children are all rush to, and meet up to nod to say hello, seldom have time to sit down and a talking and chatting, let alone have a chance to meet some new friends. I basically every day is two point one line, not to go out to go to school is to come home from school, the occasional twice a week of after-class learning, parents also is standard office worker, used to see when they communicate with others also is to make a call. With the rapid development of information society, a lot of application in the communication network technology widely applied, as Internet telephony, network video, blogs, twitter, and these technologies are used phones, we can manage information anytime and anywhere.


  Recently, with the microblogging is the most popular, most type 140 words, with a brief blog content published to the Internet. Weibo has formed a new Internet society, on the weibo social can at any time to post the latest news, news, reviews, feeling, can use the form of text, images, and voice, people can share to know, don't know, can become oneself to like people's fans. In this world, there is no high and low in the normal exchanges, anyone may become a popular star here, as long as sincere communication, not met can also set up a communication relationship, and as long as you like. Weibo society, enhance the transparency and communication degree in today's society, also can be in here to any knowledge of people learn something different, people more closely. I also have their own weibo, here, not because of my age hinders the communication with you.

  Weibo has been integrated into all aspects of society, weibo is changing the way we know the world, change our lives.

上海龙凤1314   如今,人们越来越越忙,很少有时间见面,每天看到邻居的家长和小朋友们都是急冲冲地擦身而过,最多见面点头问好,难得有时间坐下来一块说话和闲聊,更别说有机会能够认识上一些新朋友了。每天我基本上都是两点一线,不是出门上学就是放学回家,偶尔有每周一两次的课外学习,爸爸妈妈们也是标准的上班族,以前见到他们和别人沟通的时候也就是打打电话。随着信息社会的快速发展,很多应用于沟通的网络技术手段得到了普遍应用,像网络电话、网络视频、博客、微博,而且这些技术都用到了手机上,使大家可以随时随地进行信息。


上海龙凤1314   微博已经融入了社会的方方面面,微博正在改变我们认识世界的方法,改变我们的生活。









on teamwork英语作文带翻译12-05
