

时间:2022-01-30 18:19:29 英语演讲稿 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314  My name is Zhen Wenjing. I am ten years old. I am a lovely little girl who is diligent and eager to help others and care for the collective.


  In the short winter vacation, I was worried about my knowledge. In order to expand my knowledge, I was diligent in reading and hard work. After two weeks, my knowledge had indeed improved. My mother praised me for my diligence. My heart was as sweet as honey.

上海龙凤1314  在学校,我是个勤奋好学的小学生,因为脑子不太聪明,上课总有些地方弄不懂,下课后,我就会主动去问同学,遇到不懂得接着问,就是这种学习态度,我在班上的`成绩都是数一数二的,但是我从不骄傲,所以每次考试我都能稳定的发挥。

  In school, I was a studious pupil, because the brain is not too clever, some places do not understand in class, after class, I will take the initiative to ask the students, don't understand then ask, is this kind of learning attitude, my grades in class is one of the best, but I never so proud. Every time I can stable play.


  Another time I saw a little student fall down, I would help him up and see that the blanket on the playground was crooked, I would straighten it up, sometimes I had fewer papers, so I would give up the examination to anyone who needed a book to copy it at home.

上海龙凤1314  有时候放学要去奶奶家,要坐公交出去,我坐在座位上看到有年迈的老人上来时,我就会主动的然位子给那位老爷爷,车上的售货员阿姨还夸我呢!

  Sometimes I go to my grandmother's home after school, and I want to go out by bus. When I sit in my seat, I see an old man coming up, and I will take the initiative to make a praise to the old grandpa, the salesman and the aunt on the bus.


上海龙凤1314  When it rains, if someone doesn't bring an umbrella, I'll share the umbrella with him and send him home. After his mother saw me, he said, "you are really a warmhearted person."


  I, a diligent, eager to help others, care for the collective lovely little girl, I hope you will be friends with me!


上海龙凤1314  乌黑的头发,会放电的眼神,手带卡通表,身穿运动装~这就是我,帅气冲天的我!

  Black hair, the eyes will discharge, and cartoon table, dressed in sportswear ~ this is me, my handsome cupola!

上海龙凤1314  哦,忘告诉你的名字了,我叫郑志!我的卡通偶像有柯南。蜘蛛侠……真人偶像有许嵩。魏晨~为什么喜欢他们的,因为他们和我一样帅嘛……现读六年级,还是班长~

  Oh, forget to tell your name, my name is Zheng Zhi! My cartoon icon has Conan. Spiderman... The real idol has Xu Song. Why did Wei Chen like them, because they are as handsome as I do... I'm reading grade six, or the monitor.


上海龙凤1314  I am not only handsome but also humorous. Quick emergency. Clever, maybe see Conan see it!

  一天,我和班里两个姓王的聊天。他们说他们姓王的有许多名人:诗人王维 王安石 书法家王羲之 什么什么的……说得无语 我只好说一句:姓郑的有位郑和!他们笑我就这么一位:“哈哈哈哈哈哈!!!”气的我~忽然,我灵机一动,说:“你们姓王的还有位名震四海的人~”“谁啊 说啊!”“那就是名震四海的哈哈哈哈哈!”他们无语了!

  One day, I was chatting with two Wang in my class. They say they have a lot of celebrities whose surname is Wang: the poet Wang Wei Wang Anshi calligrapher Wang Xizhi and what... I have to say that there is a sentence of Zheng He, the name of Zheng. They laughed at me, "ha ha ha ha ha ha!!" All of a sudden, I was angry. I said, "you have the name of the king and the people of the four seas." "who says ah!" "That is the haha ha ha!" They have no words!

上海龙凤1314  记得有一天,妈妈买的饮料接连消失,我们都不明白是谁的'干的,我想起一招:我又去超市买了一些吃的 喝的 看看能抓住那个“贼”不!我回到家 故意大声喊:我买来一些零食!忽然,我觉得有人看着我,我故意离开回房,暗中观察着,“贼”出现了 是弟弟!我把他抓到妈妈面前,妈妈哈哈大笑:一想就是你小子!

上海龙凤1314  I remember that one day, the drinks that mom bought was gone. We didn't know who did it. I remembered a trick: I went to the supermarket to buy some food and drink to see if I could catch the thief. I came home and cried out: I bought some snacks! All of a sudden, I thought someone looked at me. I left my house on purpose. I watched in the dark. "The thief" was my brother! I caught him in front of her mother, mother laughed: think of your boy!

上海龙凤1314  我——帅气 聪明 幽默!一定要记住我哦!

  I - smart, smart and humorous! Be sure to remember me!










