

时间:2022-03-26 11:35:37 幸福 我要投稿


上海龙凤1314  在平平淡淡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么,怎么去写作文呢?下面是小编为大家整理的我很幸福英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。


上海龙凤1314  面对这么多的幸福,我已经知足了,现在我一定不会让幸福溜走,我一定好好订紧它,珍惜它,让幸福永远在我的身边,这样,我的人生会有许多的快乐,许多的幸福!其实,我很幸福,只是它在跟我玩捉迷藏,它发现了我,我却没有发现它……

  In the face of so much happiness, I have been satisfied, now I will not let happiness slip away, I will make it tight, cherish it, let happiness always be around me, so that my life will have a lot of happiness, a lot of happiness! In fact, I am very happy, but it is playing hide and seek with me, it found me, but I did not find it


上海龙凤1314  -- inscription


  "Mom, I want to eat lollipops!" "Eating sugar will grow insect teeth, and you are changing your teeth, no way!" "I hate it, mom!" People's children are eating lollipops, and I can only drool beside At that time, I felt that I was the most unlucky and unhappy person in the world


  Now I think back that I'm really naive. I feel unhappy when I don't eat lollipops. Now I understand that happiness is not measured by material. Now, do others ask me happiness? I will be happy to say: I am the happiest person in the world, I have a family, a complete and happy family, I love my parents and grandparents, I live in a happy family, I am happy, I am in a good school, healthy life learning, I am happy! I have so many good friends, good teachers, I do not feel lonely, lonely, I am very happy! In the face of so much happiness, I have been satisfied, now I will not let happiness slip away, I will make it tight, cherish it, let happiness always be around me, so that my life will have a lot of happiness, a lot of happiness!

上海龙凤1314  但我想,人生不会是永远的逆境,也不会是永远的顺境,我的幸福终究是会离开的,本来说好会陪我一生的幸福,骗了我,外公得了病,对我最好的外公得了病,心脏病,听到这个消息我快疯了,小时候,外公经常给我讲故事,讲道理,我听不懂,他总会说:“你以后就会明白的……”但我总缠着外公不放,要他讲,他也会耐心的讲,可现在,外公闭上了眼睛,在病床上躺着,他动了手术,心脏上装了一个心脏起搏器”,看到他苍白的脸,我心都碎了!幸福,是它骗了我,还是我没有珍惜幸福?它又开始和我玩游戏了,这次,无论如何,我也要找到你。过了不久,外公出院了,在家静养……

  But I don't think life will always be adversity or prosperity. My happiness will leave after all. It was said that I would accompany my happiness all my life. I cheated me. My grandfather got sick. My best grandfather got sick and had heart disease. I was going crazy when I heard this news. When I was a child, my grandfather often told me stories and reasons. I couldn't understand it. He always said: "you I will understand later... " But I always pester grandpa to tell me, and he will tell me patiently. Now, grandpa has closed his eyes and lies on the hospital bed. He has an operation and a pacemaker is installed on his heart. "Seeing his pale face, my heart is broken! Happiness, is it deceived me, or I did not cherish happiness? It's playing games with me again. This time, anyway, I want to find you. After a while, grandpa left the hospital and took a rest at home


  Not happiness deceived me, but I did not cherish happiness, happiness has been with me, only I have to turn around to find it! In fact, I have been very happy!










