

时间:2022-03-26 11:58:56 文明 我要投稿





上海龙凤1314  One afternoon, Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong were walking happily on their way to school.


上海龙凤1314  Walking, the two little playmates suddenly found a lot of black things not far in front of them. The curious Xiao Ming felt his head and asked, "what is that? How ugly the pile is! " "Let's go and have a look!" Xiao Hong said simply. I ran to see that it was a garbage can, and there was a lot of garbage beside it. Xiaohong asked in surprise, "what's the matter? How did all the rubbish come out?" "It must be that people are too lazy to go further and throw the garbage into the dustbin. Let's clean it up! " Xiaoming replied without hesitation. Xiaohong stares at the rubbish and says, "OK!" They can do as they say. Xiaohong takes the garbage into the dustbin with her hands. She says, "Xiaoming, why don't you do it? What are you doing there?" Xiaoming thought to one side: This is not enough. I want to let people know that littering is uncivilized. Xiaoming immediately took out the paper and brush from his schoolbag and wrote on the paper "only one step away from civilization". Then glue the paper to the dustbin. Xiaohong saw it and held out her thumb to boast of his cleverness.

上海龙凤1314  小明说:“嗯这个办法有没有用呢?”小红说:“那我们躲到对面的树丛里,看看效果吧!”小明利索地回答:“OK!”他们躲到了树丛里,目不转睛地盯着垃圾桶。不一会儿,就有一位大叔走了过来。他观察了四周无人,正准备随手一丢,可是看到了小明的标语后,便自觉地把垃圾扔进了垃圾箱。

上海龙凤1314  Xiaoming said, "well, does this method work?" Xiaohong said, "let's hide in the opposite trees and see the effect!" Xiaoming replied quickly, "OK!" They hid in the trees and stared at the garbage can. Soon, an uncle came. He observed that there was no one around him and was about to throw it away. But when he saw Xiaoming's slogan, he consciously threw the garbage into the dustbin.


  Xiaohong and Xiaoming both contribute to environmental protection, so let's take care of her for our beautiful home and better tomorrow!










