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食物英语作文 篇1

  When I was small, I like to eat a lot of food, but I have a habit, I will not eat up all the food, I just like to taste all of it. When my mother saw this, she felt bad for me, she told me that all the food was the farmers’ hard work, I should not waste it. Thinking about this, I felt so shameful about my bad behavior, I decided to eat up the food. Wasting the food should be condemned, especially in the cities, people like to waste the food, they want to keep thin and only eat small portion. Now, the government advocates people clean the plate, this movement is welcomed by the public, more and more people have the idea not to waste the food.

上海龙凤1314  在我小的时候,我喜欢吃很多东西,但是我有一个习惯,我不会把东西吃完,我喜欢浪费食物。当我的妈妈看到这些,她对我感觉不好,她告诉我所有的食物都是农民辛勤劳作的,我不应该浪费食物。想到这些,我对自己的坏习惯感到惭愧,我决定吃完所有的食物。浪费食物应该受到谴责,特别是在大城市,人们喜欢浪费食物,他们想要保持苗条,只吃小部分。现在,政府提倡人们光盘,这个做法得到了大众的肯定,越来越多的人意识到不能浪费食物。

食物英语作文 篇2

  In the ancient agricultural society, about the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, housewives would be busy for the New Year's food. Because of the longer time needed to preserve the laba, it is necessary to prepare for it as soon as possible. Many provinces in China have the custom of preserving the flavor, which is the most famous in guangdong province.

  The circle of tangyuan has the meaning of "circle round", the people of southern China will eat tangyuan every family during the Spring Festival.

  Because of the "year high" and the variety of flavors, it is almost a must-have food. The style of rice cake has square yellow, white rice cake, symbolizing gold, silver, the meaning that the New Year is rich. The taste of rice cakes varies from place to place. Beijing people like to eat the rice cake, the rice cake, the rice cake and the white rice cake. Hebei people like to add dates, little red beans and mung beans and so on. In the north of Shanxi Province, in places like Inner Mongolia, Chinese New Year is customary to eat rice cakes Fried rice cakes, some of which are stuffed with bean paste, jujube paste and other fillings, and shandong people use the rice cakes with yellow rice and red dates. In the north, the cake is mainly sweet, or steamed or Fried. The rice cakes in the south are sweet and salty, such as the rice cakes of suzhou and ningbo, which are made of japonica rice and have a light flavor. Besides steaming and frying, you can also slice and fry or boil soup. Sweet rice cakes are made with glutinous rice flour, white sugar, lard, rose, osmanthus, mint, plain, and other ingredients, which can be steamed or dipped in egg white.

  Reunion the night before New Year is called real night, wandering away from home to miles miles to get home, the whole family will sit together to make dumplings for the holiday, dumpling is first and make the wrappers, with a leather bag filling, filling content is multifarious, all kinds of meat, eggs, seafood, such as seasonal vegetables can be into the stuffing, orthodox dumplings how to eat, is the clear water, after scooping up with vinegar, garlic, sesame oil, soy sauce for seasoning clings to eat. There are Fried dumplings, Fried dumplings, and other ways of eating. Because the word and the word are the same as the word "and"; Jiaozi "dumpling" and "jiao" homophony, "close" and "cross" have a reunion, so the dumpling symbolizes reunion; It is very auspicious to take the meaning of a younger man. In addition, dumplings are shaped like yuan bao, eating dumplings during the Spring Festival, and also carry the auspicious meaning of "making money". A small family of dumplings, a new spring, its music.

  Chinese New Year's eve dinner

上海龙凤1314  On New Year's eve, all the dishes are featured. In old days, Beijing and tianjin used to cook rice dry rice, braised pork, beef and mutton, stewed chicken, and a few stir-fried dishes. Shaanxi family banquet generally is four broad market, eight big bowl, four broad market is fry vegetables and cold dish, eight big bowls to serve as a stew dish, cooking main. The only meat dishes in southern anhui are red meat, tiger skin, meat, pork, pork, pork, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, pork belly, etc. The eastern part of hubei province is "three steam", "three cakes" and "three pills". Steamed whole fish, steamed whole duck, steamed whole chicken; "Three cakes" is the fish cake, meat cake and lamb cake; The "three pills" are fish balls, meatballs and lotus root pills. In Harbin, the average household stirs up eight, 10 or 12 or 16 dishes. The main ingredient is chicken and duck fish and vegetables. Gannan's annual dinner is usually twelve courses. Some places in zhejiang are usually "ten bowls", which are called "ten blessings" and are mainly used for chicken and duck fish and vegetables. Jiangxi nanchang region is generally more than 10 courses, dainty four cold, four hot, eight dishes, two soup.

  On New Year's eve, there is a kind of or a few essential dishes, which often have some auspicious meaning. For example, in suzhou, there will be green vegetables (anle), yellow bean sprouts (ruyi) and celery (good work). There must be a carp in the south-central part of hunan province, which is called "the annual fish", and there will be a pig elbow of about 3 kilograms, which is called "the elbow of the regiment". In anhui, there were two fish on the table in the south of anhui, a complete carp, can only see would not allow them to eat, promotions and said more than year after year, the other one is silver carp, can eat, even the child even Samson, prosperous. The first bowl of the qimen family dinner is "neutralization", which is made from tofu, shiitake mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots, dried shrimp, and fresh meat, meaning "peace and wealth". Hefei's dining table has a bowl of "chickpeas", which means "get rich and get rich". The family will eat a chicken leg, called "claw the claw," which means to make a fortune next year. Anqing's family wants to eat a bowl of noodles before the meal, called "money string". Nanchang area will eat rice cakes, stewed fish, Fried rice noodles, rice pudding, cook paste soup, its meaning is in turn rose year after year, year after year have fish, rice, rice harvest the string, sweet into wealth, rich every year.

上海龙凤1314  在古代的农业社会里,大约自腊月初八以后,家庭主妇们就要忙着张罗过年的食品了。因为腌制腊味所需的时间较长,所以必须尽早准备,我国许多省份都有腌腊味的习俗,其中又以广东省的腊味最为著名。


上海龙凤1314  年糕因为谐音“年高”,再加上有着变化多端的口味,几乎成了家家必备的应景食品。年糕的式样有方块状的黄、白年糕,象征着黄金、白银,寄寓新年发财的意思。年糕的口味因地而异。北京人喜食江米或黄米制成的红枣年糕、百果年糕和白年糕。河北人则喜欢在年糕中加入大枣、小红豆及绿豆等一起蒸食。山西北部在内蒙古等地,过年时习惯吃黄米粉油炸年糕,有的还包上豆沙、枣泥等馅,山东人则用黄米、红枣蒸年糕。北方的年糕以甜为主,或蒸或炸,也有人干脆沾糖吃。南方的年糕则甜咸兼具,例如苏州及宁波的年糕,以粳米制作,味道清淡。除了蒸、炸以外,还可以切片炒食或是煮汤。甜味的年糕以糯米粉加白糖、猪油、玫瑰、桂花、薄荷、素蓉等配料,做工精细,可以直接蒸食或是沾上蛋清油炸。



上海龙凤1314  除夕的家宴菜肴各地都有自己的特色。旧时北京、天津一般人家做大米干饭,炖猪肉、牛羊肉、炖鸡,再做几个炒菜。陕西家宴一般为四大盘、八大碗,四大盘为炒菜和凉菜,八大碗以烩菜、烧菜为主。安徽南部仅肉类菜肴就有红烧肉、虎皮肉、肉圆子、木须肉、粉蒸肉、炖肉及猪肝、猪心、猪肚制品,另外还有各种炒肉片、炒肉丝等。湖北东部地区为“三蒸”、“三糕、“三丸”。“三蒸”为蒸全鱼、蒸全鸭、蒸全鸡;“三糕”是鱼糕、肉糕、羊糕;“三丸”是鱼丸、肉丸、藕丸。哈尔滨一带一般人家炒8个、10个或12、16个菜不等,其主料无非是鸡鸭鱼肉和蔬菜。赣南的年夜饭一般为十二道菜。浙江有些地方一般为“十大碗”,讨“十全十福”之彩,以鸡鸭鱼肉及各种蔬菜为主。江西南昌地区一般十多道菜,讲究四冷、四热、八大菜、两个汤。


食物英语作文 篇3

  Why do you think people who live in some hot countries eat very spicy(辛辣的)food? Is it because the spices make the food taste better? Is it just because their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents liked hot food,or is there some connection between spices and healthy food? Researchers from Cornell University think that it is because spice plants have some important chemicals. These chemicals can kill bacteria(细菌)which spoil food.

上海龙凤1314  “Most common spices can kill 75 to 100 percent of the bacteria in food,”explains one of the scientists.The bacteria grow more easily and spoil(变质)food more quickly at higher temperatures.For this reason,it is more difficult to keep food from spoiling in hot climates,

  Do you like your food spicy? Your answer probably tells something about the country you come from.If you like spicy food,it is possible that hundreds of years ago,when there were no fridges,people in your country started using spices to keep the food from spoiling.The traditional spicy dishes helped those people to live longer,healthier lives.Today,in a time of fridges,the spices just make the food taste good.

食物英语作文 篇4

上海龙凤1314  美味的食物(Delicious food)

上海龙凤1314  I like to eat different kinds of delicious food , however, my favorite food is dumplings. In my spare time , I like to make dumplings with my mother . I think home-made dumplings are more delicious than those in supermarket .My mother knows I love to eat them ,so she makes dumplings at every weekend . I prefer eating dumplings . How about you ?


上海龙凤1314  我喜欢吃各种各样的美味的食物,但是,我最喜欢的食物是饺子。在我的业余时间,我喜欢和我妈妈包饺子。我认为自制的饺子比超市更美味。我妈妈知道我爱吃,所以她在每个周末做饺子。我喜欢吃饺子。你呢?

食物英语作文 篇5

  Food is life, it gives some energy. We can’t live without food. But all food is good? The answer is no. We can eat some meat, bread, fruit and vegetables everyday. If we eat meat too much, we will get fat and ill. We must eat all kinds of food. Don’t eat one simple food. That is bad for our health. As a student, we must eat fruit, vegetable, meat and other food. It’s good for us.

食物英语作文 篇6

上海龙凤1314  我爱吃的食物 My favorite food

  I like to eat meat that comes from any poultry, chicken, duck, geese as well as dairy meat. beef tastes really good. Not only are they delicious and fattening, they are full of nutrition. Also, meat can come in an almost infinite array of varieties, because they come from a whole range of animals and each can be prepared in many ways. There are many exotic types of meats around the world, hopefully, i will have the chance to sample my favourite food in many different ways.


食物英语作文 篇7

上海龙凤1314  Chinese food is very famous around the world, if you ask a foreign people about his opinion on Chinese food, he will speak highly of it. When we see the movie, Chinese food is praised by the people. Recently, there is a famous movie called A Bite of China, the movie is popular, it introduces Chinese food from different places. The audience is attracted by the delicious food, they never thought Chinese food would be so various. Now the second part of the movie has been made out, more and more Chinese traditional food has been introduced. After appreciating the movie, I begin to learn more about Chinese food, I want to have taste of them. I am so proud of our food, when we talk about it to foreign friends, we can feel their favor of our food. The food is part of our culture, they should be inherited.

上海龙凤1314  中国的食物在全世界都很有名,如果你问一名外国人怎么看待中国的食品,他会给予高度的评价。当我们看到电影时,中国的食物广泛受到人们的赞扬。最近,有一部很出名的电影叫《舌尖上的中国》,电影很受欢迎,介绍了来自中国不同地方的食物。观众受到了这些美味的食物吸引,他们从来没想到中国的食物可以有这么多的种类。现在电影的第二部分也已经上映,介绍了越来越多的中国传统美食。欣赏了电影以后,我开始学着了解更多中国的美食,我想要尝一尝。我为我们国家的食物感到自豪,当我们和外国朋友讨论中国食物时,我们能感觉到他们对我们食物的喜爱。这些食物是我们文化的一部分,应该要传承下来。

食物英语作文 篇8

  In our country, there are plenty of delicious foods. They are popular among Chinese people. I like eating very much. There are many food I like, such as chicken, fish, beef, tofu, noodle and so on. Among them, fish and tofu are the food I like most. Fish is delicious as well asrich in nutrition. It's good to our health. There are various cooking methods and I think the simplest way is the best one. Tofu is my favorite as well. It can be cooked with many other dishes. Different tastes combine with each other to make the food more delicious.

上海龙凤1314  我的家乡有很多好吃的食物。中国人都很喜欢吃这些食物。我也很喜欢吃。我喜欢的食物有很多,比如鸡肉,鱼肉,牛肉,豆腐,面条等等。鱼肉好吃并且含有丰富的营养,对我们的健康很有好处。有很多种烹饪方式,我认为最简单的方式就是最好的方式。豆腐也是我喜欢的食物。它可以和很多其他种类的菜一起烹饪。不同口味相互结合能够使食物更美味。










