

时间:2021-08-08 10:42:39 季节类英语作文 我要投稿






  Connect quietly came to our side. She used red, the sun; With green, the grass; With color and dyed out of the vast beautiful flowers...

  The wind, gently blowing, blowing green willow, blow back to swallow, blowing open the freezing, blowing up the hibernating animals.

  Rain, mingled with the underground, as the saying goes: "spring rain your such as oil", but will give it to usher in the today. Look, those lovely flowers were greedily drinking rain water, drink a full show their graceful posture. Road, pedestrians in different umbrella, constitutes the world of colorful umbrella. A little spring rain moistens everything, to bring their thriving vitality. I can not help but sigh: how beautiful spring rain!

上海龙凤1314   The rain has stopped, the weather is fine, a rainbow in the sky, colorful, beautiful. Look at the flowers in the garden, there are red, yellow, white, pink... Red like fire, yellow like gold, white as snow, powder such as chardonnay, through the baptism of the rain, coupled with the sunshine, and presents a scene of vitality.

上海龙凤1314   The children freely on the grass with colorful kites. Look, there's "Monkey King" the Monkey King, it fly in the air, walking, how spectacular!

  Is such a beautiful spring, connect with marker dye, is also deeply loves the life of people dress up, more of a spell is innocent and lovely children.

上海龙凤1314   春姑娘悄悄地来到了我们的身边。她用红色,画出了太阳;用绿色,画出了小草;用彩色,染出了大片大片美丽的花朵……


上海龙凤1314   雨,淅淅沥沥地下着,俗话说:“春雨贵如油”,可今天终究把它给迎来了。看,那些可爱的花儿们贪婪地喝着雨水,喝饱了便展示它们优美的身姿。路上,行人打着不同的雨伞,构成了五颜六色的伞的世界。小小的春雨滋润着万物,给它们带来蓬勃的生机。我不禁感叹到:好美的春雨呀!


上海龙凤1314   孩子们在草地上自由自在地放着五颜六色的风筝。瞧,还有“齐天大圣”孙悟空呢,它飞在云端,腾云驾雾,多么壮观呀!



上海龙凤1314   Spring is coming, everywhere filled with spring in the air, that is how a breath!

  The day before yesterday night, the little spring rain began to fall, gently, can't hear the sound of the rain, like a wet smoke, gently moistens the earth. The rain stopped in the morning, the sun came out, and a fine. The whole world like a freshly washed zao, especially relaxed, the air was fresh, breath, my sweetie, like drink the honey. Oh, this is the breath of spring, it is very sweet.

上海龙凤1314   Walk on the road home, I suddenly realized that the road wet soil, several strains of flowers are just come up to a week star who also didn't aware of the tender small bud! They strut his belly and delicate body, swing gently with the wind of spring, it's so cute! They were, after a spring rain, wash clean, emitting a kind of unique flowers fresh fragrance! Oh, this is the breath of spring, it is pure and fresh.

上海龙凤1314   Beside the house, the first batch of small unknown flowers open. Myriads of crowded together, eyeful is the colour of them. Some flowers from the branches, show tender bud; Some flowers have a lot of time; Some flowers in bud, it seems that is about to burst. So many flower, a flower with a gesture. Look at this flower, very beautiful; Look at that one, also is very beautiful. A breeze blowing, the primrose, little flower emitting fragrance of the breath, in to the sight at once. Ah, this is the breath of spring, is fragrant.

上海龙凤1314   In the air, everywhere filled with the smell of spring! It is very sweet, pure and fresh, fragrant breath!



上海龙凤1314   走在回家的道路上,我突然发现路边湿润的泥土中,几株小花正刚刚冒出一星星儿谁也没觉察到的嫩嫩的小芽!它们昂首挺胸地挺着自己娇嫩的身体,随着春天的风儿轻轻摆动,真是太可爱了!一场春雨过后,它们被洗刷得干干净净,散发出一种花儿特有的清新的芳香!哦,这就是春天的气息,是清新的。

上海龙凤1314   家旁边,第一批小小的不知名的小花开了。它们密密麻麻地挤在一起,满眼都是它们的色彩。有的花从枝丫中抽出,露出柔弱的花蕊来;有的花却已经开放不少时间了;有的花含苞欲放,看起来马上要胀破似的。这么多的小花,一朵有一朵的姿势。看看这一朵,很美;看看那一朵,也很美。一阵微风吹来,迎春花那小小的花蕊里散发出的芬芳的气息,立刻扑鼻而来。啊,这就是春天的气息,是芬芳的。




描写春天的英语作文带翻译 spring03-04






