

时间:2022-03-26 11:31:11 [第一单元]脚踏一方土 我要投稿


上海龙凤1314  在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。你知道作文怎样才能写的好吗?以下是小编为大家整理的脚踏一方土英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。


上海龙凤1314  小时候常常做一个梦,在一大串彩色的气球下有一只方形的篮子,我和我的猫就那只篮子里,随风飘荡,海角天涯。

上海龙凤1314  When I was a child, I often had a dream that there was a square basket under a large string of colored balloons. My cat and I were in that basket, drifting with the wind, far and wide.

上海龙凤1314  梦醒的时候,总发现自己还稳稳当当的地躺在柔软的被窝里,而我的猫在床前“喵喵”地朝我叫,似乎是心电感应。

  When I wake up, I always find that I am still lying in a soft quilt, and my cat meows to me in front of the bed, which seems to be telepathic.


上海龙凤1314  There is a small sapling in front of the door, planted by my father in the month of my birth, which is said to be healthier than the long child. But I always don't understand why I have a good meal every day, but it doesn't grow fast. The young saplings grow up with the nutrition of the earth. When summer comes, it has a strong shade, which is my paradise.

上海龙凤1314  童年比较独立。爸爸长年在外函授,妈妈独自经营着一个小卖部,哥哥每天很早起床步行到很远的地方去上学。通常,妈妈会把我放在门口的一个大盆子里,然后丢一堆玩具在里面,陪伴我一天又一天。没有被大人常常抱在怀里的待遇,不能感受到俯瞰大地的滋味,我坐在我的大盆子里面翘着脑袋好奇地打量着这个世界,喜欢每一张经过的.笑脸,他们也是跟我一样脚踏大地的人,享受不到俯瞰大地的待遇。

上海龙凤1314  Childhood is more independent. My father has been teaching by correspondence for many years. My mother runs a small department by himself. My brother gets up early every day and walks to a far away place to go to school. Usually, my mother will put me in a big basin at the door, and then throw a pile of toys in it, accompany me day after day. I can't feel the taste of overlooking the earth without the treatment that adults often hold in their arms. I sit in my big basin and look at the world curiously with my head raised. I like every smiling face passing by. They are also people who step on the earth like me and can't enjoy the treatment of overlooking the earth.


  The dream of flying into the sky by balloon never stops. I often fantasize in my big basket. Turning around, I saw that the small sapling was growing up with the nutrition of the earth, "cencen Cen". I waved my round arm and laughed and repeated my daydream.

上海龙凤1314  蹒跚学步的时候正值冬天,家里生意很火,妈妈给我里三件外三件地穿得象一台笨重机械,我欣喜地在雪地里撇着小脚歪歪扭扭地前进,摔倒后再慢慢爬起,不哭也不闹,如果看见有微笑的姐姐走过便睁大眼睛向她笑,姐姐自然会抱我起来。也是在这样不断地跌倒中,在与大地的零距离接触中,能够稳妥的走路。

  When I was a toddler, it was winter. My business was very hot at home. My mother dressed me like a heavy machine in three of the three. I was glad to walk in the snow with my little feet askew. After falling down, I slowly climbed up without crying or making any noise. If I saw a smiling sister passing by, I would open my eyes and smile at her. My sister would naturally hold me up. It is also in such a continuous fall, in zero distance contact with the earth, to be able to walk safely.


  At the age of 9, I was tickling when I saw the bicycle outside the gate. So I pushed my bike down from the small landslide at the gate of the school. I was never afraid when I saw the kind cement, so I didn't fall very much. One day, I suddenly found that I could ride a bike. The next morning, I hurried to practice. The wheel "chirped" and turned, just like my dream.


  I have moved home several times in my growing up. The big pots and small saplings of my childhood have disappeared, and the scars on my knees and arms have faded. Not long ago, when I saw the movie of Juner Iwai, the heroine shouted to Dashan, "how are you?" Then I gently fell into the snow, a white, a melancholy, at that moment my dream seemed to start burning again, like fireworks, bright and dazzling.


  Lean down to smell the fragrance of the earth, the pain will continue, the injury will not stop, but in a close contact with the earth has slowly learned to be indifferent and smile.

上海龙凤1314  脚踏一方大地,我会努力撑起一方蓝天。

  Step on one side of the earth, I will try to support one side of the blue sky.










