

时间:2022-11-17 11:49:56 高三年级英语作文 我要投稿




  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇1

上海龙凤1314  Nowadays,we can see some boys and girls who live in a small world of their own.They bury themselves among books and are proud of themselves.They think that it will make them lose their face if they do housework for they often think themselves very noble.

  These young people are wrong.In my opinion every student should have a knowledge of housework.After all,they will have a family of their own,and they should do their part in keeping a good home.Boys should also learn to do housework,for what will they do if they remain single?Though not all boys remain single,yet they will be very helpful in the family if they know some housework.Anyhow they will not lose anything,but,on the contrary,they will gain something useful.

上海龙凤1314  For what I said above,we can find some examples of our fellow-students studying abroad.All young men do housework as girls do.Someone would argue that we can employ servants.This is true.However,what shall we do if the servant leaves us and all things are left to ourselves?We just cannot leave our clothes as they are and let worms and ants eat them up.And what can we do it we go and study in a foreign country where servants are out our means to employ?

  We must work for ourselves.Why not start to learn to do housework now or else it will be too late?Everyone should learn to do housework.What do you think about my idea?

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇2

  This afternoon,after finishing the homework,I thought,mom's holiday is coming,I want to give my mother a surprise,I left thinking,I think,what can I help my mother do?Oh,by the way,do the dishes?No,what if I broke it?Sweep the floor?Good idea.Just do it.

  First,I picked up the broom and began sweeping the floor.I cleaned the three bedrooms first,and then cleaned the living room under the table and under the sofa.When I finished,my back was sore and sore.Ah,my mother has always been so hard.

  After a while,mom came back and saw the clean ground,and the mother said with surprise,"who is pulling the land?Is that you?Good girl! "Yes,"I said proudly.My mother smiled on her face and took me in my arms and kissed me on the cheek."my baby is grown up!"

上海龙凤1314  After listening to my mother,I felt like drinking honey,because I was praised by my mother again.

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇3

  Today is mother's day.Happy mother's day.

  My mother works very hard every day,making breakfast and sending me to school in the morning.In the evening,I have to pick me up from school,do dinner,wash dishes and other housework.

  I've been busy all day long.I'm very sorry for my mother.I decided to help her do some housework everyday to reduce her workload.Give mom a little more time off.

  After finishing my homework,I decided to help my mother sweep the floor,draw curtains,lay quilts and pick up tables.Father and mother work hard every day to make money for us.

  I have to form a good life habit since I was a child,which is helpful for my future life.

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇4

  I like doing housework.Because it not only can make my mother a little relaxed but also can keep me healthy.I often do housework such as setting tables,washing clothes,washing dishes,sweeping the floor and so on.

  I always remember that I first did housework when I was six.It is a sunny day.My father and mother were not at home.Only my brother and I were in our house.I wanted to give my parents a surprise.So I had a good idea—to clean our house.Then I showered much water everywhere.Badly,I din’t make the floor dry before they came back home.I thought I made a big mess.my mother asked me why I did it.I said that I only wanted to help them.Then my mother smiled at me and said that I was a good girl.

  Sometimes when I do housework,my mother praises me.I think doing housework is a happy thing and a good way to keep me healthy.The most important is that the more housework I do,the more relaxed my parents are.

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇5

  Today,I have been doing housework all day,so tired! For example: washing clothes,watering flowers,cleaning the room Water the flowers: if you dont need heart watering,the leaves will be yellow in a few days.When the guests come to your house,they dont water the flowers well,they will laugh at you.

  Clean up the room: its so tired to clean up the room! If I didnt litter,I wouldnt be so tired today.

上海龙凤1314  After a days housework,I finally feel the tired of being a mother.She has to go to work,cook and help me with my study every day.She is very tired.

  We should study hard,grow up to be a scientist,develop a housework robot,work for the family,and not let every mother work hard every day.

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇6

  Near the Spring Festival,my mother came back to work and began to clean up again.I decided to help my mother share some of the housework,so I began to prepare to mop the floor.

上海龙凤1314  "What can I do?No one at home,to whom?My mind flashed on my mother's usual mop.Mother always has to use the hand to twist the mop to dry,it is said that the effect is good.I quickly learned my mother's face and tried to wring the water out of the mop.Ha,I didn't think it was really cleaned! Just like that,I wipe a piece of ground and then go to clean mop,after a few minutes the ground of the home is brand-new!

上海龙凤1314  In fact,every little thing in life,we just have to do it,and we will find out some tricks.Doing some housework for mom and dad can not only reduce the burden of parents,but also improve our life skills and experience the joy of labor.

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇7

  Mother is always the greatest person in the family,because she takes care of everything,she does all the housework,though she is a housewife,what she is so heavy and great.

  I nearly help my mother to do the housework,when I go home after school,I always go out to play with my friend and then until the dinner,I will come back.

  Now as I grow up,I start to realize that I need to help my mother,I should share some housework,so that I can reduce her burden.

上海龙凤1314  Since I help my mother with the housework,she looks so happy,she will praise me in front of her friends.

  I feel proud of myself.

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇8

  Do the housework today who are not at home, mom and dad all overtime, only I a person, I thought: "my mother every day to go home to do housework, who today is not in, I'll baby wash bowl.

上海龙凤1314  I looked at the table a pile of children bowl, made to stay for a while and decided to help his mother wash the dishes, I put the bowl to hold oil pool, and then put detergent in the pot, pour water stir up small bubbles, you can now put the bowl in the baby bubble bath, wash for a moment I gave the baby wash bowl a bowl of water bath, the baby clean like smiling at me!

上海龙凤1314  Looking at your work, I was so happy!

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇9

上海龙凤1314  This Thursday,March 8,is a festival for working women all over the world.Our teacher took half a day off,and we took half a day off.When I was bored at home,I thought,if I mop up the land at home,I can help my mother to do the work,and I can get the praise from my mother.

  At first,I took a big bucket of water,took the mop and plunged it into the water.The water splashed all over me.I grabbed a towel from the towel bar and dried my water.Then I picked up the mop again,put it carefully into the water,and saw that the mop was clean,and I took it out and wrung it out with all the strength of the milk.

  When I dragged the living room,I took off my shoes,afraid that the shoes would be dirty.However,still encounter difficulty,the place that drag is very slippery,the foot is a step,can slip,not fall a "dog chew mud",or fall a "four feet to the sky".Finally,the living room was finally cleared,and then the kitchen and toilet were towed.

上海龙凤1314  I'm exhausted,but I still have to finish what I do.I have to clean the mop.I poured the used water,then took a bucket of clean water,cleaned the mop,and hung it in the corner of the toilet.

  Later,my mother came back,and my mother praised me when she saw that the ground was very clean.

上海龙凤1314  Today,although I am very tired,but help my mother do things,I feel very happy.

上海龙凤1314  It's nice to help my mom.

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇10

上海龙凤1314  Mother's day is coming.I wish mom a happy holiday and I am determined to do a housework for my mother.

  On May 8,is Sunday,mom just up in the morning,I also break the routine,follow quietly get out of bed,at this moment,I saw my mother is preparing to mop the floor,I hurriedly ran to,from the hand of the mother took the mop,can't wait to say: "mom,today is mother's day,wish your festival happiness,you today have a rest,let me help you sweep the floor!"The mother replied happily,"forget it! You'd better do your homework! Without thinking,I said,"no! No! I'll do it! When my mother saw that I was so determined,she let me do it.

  I picked up the mop,said dry,followed the floor,my mother sat aside,watching me work,slightly laughing.I dragged it over and over,and for about half an hour I finally finished.At this time I was already full of sweat,I feel deeply,mopping the ground is really not easy ah,mother really too hard.At this time,my mother wiped the sweat on my head with a towel,and said to me with concern,"maoyuan,today is a good day,growing up."

  It looks easy to mop the floor.It's hard and tiring to do.I can't help but remind me of "the line in the hands of the mother,the clothes on the body.I am afraid that I will be late.Who said inch grass heart,reported three chunhui "this poem,I secretly made up my mind,in the future must be filial to parents,more for parents to share worries!

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇11

  Today,I saw my mom mopping the floor,and I was very excited about it.I often saw my mother mop the floor,I thought it was easy and easy.I grabbed the mop and dragged my mother to the ground.

  I didn't expect it to be as easy as I thought it would be,and it was very naughty to mop up a bit in my hands.It was not easy to mop up a piece of land in front of me.I had not moved a few steps forward,but the place was dirty again.I was scratching my head.I didn't know what to do.She began to call her mother loudly.Mom came over a look,sigh said: "I really don't know what did you do in the school is on duty,you sweep the floor in the right way,should be a mop,behind the back the drag,so as not to appear that situation just now."Well,it's easier to see things than to do them!

上海龙凤1314  It was after my mother's explanation that I suddenly realized.Later,I did it according to my mother's method,although it was not very good,but it was much better than the beginning.My mother is still full of praise.I was happy to hear it.

  After my hard work,I felt my arm sore and my legs tired.But mom is busy all day.In the future,I will help my mother to do some work I can to help my mother share some housework.

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇12

  Mopping the floor is a common chore,but it's not easy to do well.During the winter vacation,I literally dragged my feet and felt the "great"work of housework.

  After nearly twenty minutes,the whole living room was finally finished.The sweat from my head dribbled out,and a part of the synthesis came out.I gasped and said to my mother,"mom,how can my arms and waist be like vinegar?"Mom saw me tired,and said with a smile: "how?Take a rest when you're tired! I said to my mother with great reverence,"you have been done with a single breath.I look at simplicity,and now it is difficult to do,but I will finish the plan."So I firmly took the mop and went into the bedroom.The sweat dried up.I didn't know how long it had been,and I was too tired to be out of breath.I was like a stone on my waist,and I couldn't get up,and the quality of the project was not good enough.By the time I finish dragging the kitchen,I really want to sit on the ground and have a good rest.The work is too tiring!

上海龙凤1314  Through this matter,I learned: to do everything must have perseverance,learning is the same,overcome various difficulties,do not be afraid of tired.We also know that persistence is the principle of victory,and we should stick to it to the end.

  高三英语作文:学生是否应该做家务 篇13

上海龙凤1314  Today,I'm going to help my mother with it.I took the mop,put it in the red bowl,and stirred it vigorously,and then shook it hard.Haha,"it's all right with you,"I finally got the mop dry.

  I pulled the living room first,and after a while,I took a rest,and sighed,"oh,my mother,half done!".So I got up again and pulled hard,and there was a lot of little sweat on my forehead,and I couldn't help it.In a moment,you see: I have already dragged the living room.But when I looked carefully,the big living room was pulled by me into a big flower cat! It seemed very angry to say to me: little master,look at my miserable sample,you will not be able to bear it later! I ignored it.I took another clean mop and pulled it over again,and it was happy!

上海龙凤1314  I turn over the mop again and hang it on the balcony.Then "goo,goo"drank a bottle of mineral water in one gulp,I turn on the electric fan to cool down,feel the small belly of the swelling,I say to oneself: originally mop ground also so not easy! It seems like a simple thing to do,to do it well requires some energy!

  Mom came home and said,"wow,it's really clean today.It's even cleaner than me!"Thumbs up praise me,"hui hui,really able,can help mother do housework".I smiled easily,"mom,you do housework every day.You must be very tired,and I will do more housework for my mother later."

  My mother will smile: my family's hui hui,really grow up!









