

时间:2022-09-27 21:37:17 感动 我要投稿
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上海龙凤1314  在日常的学习、工作、生活中,许多人都写过作文吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的作文呢?下面是小编精心整理的带着感动出发英语作文,欢迎大家分享。


上海龙凤1314  岁月浸染红尘,时间风化记忆。

上海龙凤1314  The years are soaked in the world of mortals, and the time is weathered and remembered.

上海龙凤1314  你们的身影依旧立于高高的精神山冈上。

上海龙凤1314  Your figure still stands on the high spiritual mountain.


上海龙凤1314  Now, please allow me.

上海龙凤1314  带着出发,为你们,怆然涕下。

  Take off, for you, pathetic tears.

  -- inscription

上海龙凤1314  翻开史书,我常常会被那些垂青史册的历史人物所感动。他们用自己的一生诠释着感动,为自己的行为写下浓墨重彩的一章。(于是今夕,不如挂一盏明心灯,流一脉思古情,驾一叶之扁舟,带着感动出发,寻找那些感动于心的人们。)

  When I open the historical books, I am often moved by the historical figures who are interested in them. They use their lives to interpret the moving, for their actions to write a strong chapter. (so tonight, it's better to hang a bright heart lamp, think about the past, drive a boat with a leaf, and set out with emotion to find those people who are moved by the heart. )


  Heart follows Su Wu


上海龙凤1314  (let's set out from the Bank of Baikal Lake with emotion. )

上海龙凤1314  胡茄幽怨,如泣如诉,似九霄鹤唳,若高野鸿哀。随苏武同去的节杖已经光秃。寒风再寒,也吹不冷苏武这个汉家男儿的热血。我们怎能不感动?当同伴卫律、李陵已成叛徒之时,只有苏武断然拒绝匈奴的威逼利诱,站在坚贞与铭记之间,他选择与孤冢相伴,与牧羊为群。十九年啊!一个只能靠吃毡毛和雪的汉子,倘若没有心中对大汉的坚守,怎能笑看风雪,赏高山雪莲?

  The bitterness of hugao is like crying, like the crane in the sky, like the goose in the wild. The staff that went with Su Wu was bare. No matter how cold the wind is, it can't cool the blood of Su Wu, a Han man. How can we not be moved? When his companions Wei Lu and Li Ling had become traitors, only Su Wu resolutely refused the Hun's coercion and inducement. Standing between perseverance and remembering, he chose to accompany the tomb and herd with sheep. Nineteen years! A man who can only eat felt hair and snow, how can he laugh at the wind and snow and appreciate the snow lotus in the mountains if he doesn't hold fast to the big man in his heart?


  (Su Wu, you wrote a moving song with the blood of the Han family man. But I, will carry this to move to set out, follows the historical origin. )


  Wind chasing Sima

上海龙凤1314  (让我们带着感动从西汉大牢里出发。)

  (let's start from the prison of the Western Han Dynasty with emotion. )


  The cold moon shines on the cold ground quietly through the bars of the windows in the cell. Sima Qian curled up in the corner, shouting in his heart, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty, how can you use the imperial punishment because of my direct advice? The moon is like water, comforting Sima Qian's injured heart. Yes, maybe everyone will never recover from the double oppression of body and mind. However, it is touching that Sima Qian did not give up. It is better to lay down the case and splash ink than to be depressed and despondent; it is better to inherit the will of the father than to live in mediocrity; therefore, people see the firm back of the historian after his unique performance.


  (Sima Qian, you have compiled a sheep's hair with setbacks and expressed your moving heart. And I, will carry this moving set out, across the long river of history. )


上海龙凤1314  God bless China

上海龙凤1314  (让我们带着感动从5月12日后的中国每一处出发。)

  (let's start from every part of China after May 12 with emotion. )

上海龙凤1314  20xx年5月12日,一个灾难性的时间牵动着每一个中国人的心。且不说社会各界踊跃捐款捐物,且不说献血者的积极,且不说武装奔赴四川,就说全国哀悼日的三天,令死者安息,令生者敬畏。当人们聚集在天安门广场上高呼“中国加油!四川雄起!”时,我早已泪眼婆娑。没有什么比灾难更痛,而它却也让中华民族凝聚成一座长城,坚不可摧!

上海龙凤1314  On May 12, 20xx, a disastrous time affected the hearts of every Chinese. Not to mention the active donations from all walks of life, not to mention the active blood donors, not to mention the armed rush to Sichuan, it is said that the three days of national mourning will rest the dead and awe the living. When people gathered in Tian'anmen Square and shouted "come on China! Sichuan's rise! " By then, I was already in tears. There is nothing more painful than disaster, but it also makes the Chinese nation unite into a great wall, indestructible!


  We, in the face of the sudden disaster, hand in hand, heart to heart, together to describe a picture called "touched" Chinese painting!

上海龙凤1314  (让我们怀着对古人的追忆,对死者的哀悼,将感动种植于心,时时刻刻带着感动出发!)

上海龙凤1314  (let's remember the ancients, mourn the dead, plant the emotion in our hearts, and start with the emotion all the time! )


  [point loss warning]


  This article is divided into two types of volumes: 10 points (content) + 17 points (expression) + 15 points (Development). From the two aspects of expression and development, the article is worth mentioning: the language expression is hearty, there is no empty and gorgeous, but there is a poetic overflow between the lines; the elegance of material selection and modern contrast, the elegant "heart follows suwu" and "wind chases Sima", from the textbooks; the modern "earthquake resistance and disaster resistance" are moving fragments. But what's the problem? The point is vague, so that the article is separated from the eyes and soul of "starting with moving". The composition in the examination room must be pointed out. If it's not pointed out, it's likely to be off the topic. If it's not pointed out, it's likely to have prepared similar articles and copied them during the examination. If it's natural to place the questions, it means that the article doesn't run blindly without breaking away from the restriction. It means that the article is closely related to the title, so it should be. If we can repeat the questions properly in the article, we can make the clue of the article clear and the structure rigorous, and the content of each part can also strengthen the contact organically. The bracketed text in each part of the above article is added after upgrading, so that the three parts are "unified" to better represent the theme. Here, I would like to emphasize that the point of composition in the examination room is eye-catching. Point to understand the problem eye, "starting with moving" should be "starting", "moving with moving" belongs to the moving object structure, modifying "starting", so the end of the article is "moving", the point is "starting", in fact, the word "starting" can be expanded: "starting" for what? What is the meaning of "departure"? How to "start"? What is the belief of "starting"? And so on these all depend on the examinee's understanding and the extension. (Liu Dehai)









