

时间:2020-12-31 10:01:54 励志成功 我要投稿






上海龙凤1314  My dear teachers and mates.

上海龙凤1314  Good morning,

上海龙凤1314  Today, my topic is “ The Spirit of Fighting”

上海龙凤1314  仰望国旗在天空中飘扬,侧听铜钟在秋风里激荡。我们怀揣着进取之心,以奋勇之势在运动场上英姿勃发。在呐喊声与汗水淋漓中我校第六十二届校运会于上周完美落幕。秋天是收获的季节,在这次运动会中你又收获了什么呢?是运动竞技水平的提高,还是精诚团结的凝聚力,抑或是朝气蓬勃的面貌?这些无一不彰显着铜中学子的拼搏精神。

  Seeing the flag wave on the air and hearing the bell ring with the wind of fall. We own a heart of chasing, fight with bravery on the sports ground. The 62th sports meeting of our campus was finished with our student’s passion and efforts. Autumn, as we know, symbolizes the meaning of harvest, so, my mates, what kind of harvest have you received during this sports meeting? Well, that must be the promotion of competing, the reunited spirit or our vernal appearance. All of these express the fighting spirit of our students.

上海龙凤1314  拼搏是一种过程,历经拼搏便不会因结果的好坏,而欣喜若狂或心情沮丧;拼搏是一种资本,它助我们在运动中发挥自己的最大潜能,像海燕一样在惊涛骇浪中体会搏击长空的快感;拼搏是一种境界,它有的是冲击终点的挑战自我,是直面人生的引吭高歌.

  Fighting is process, which gives us the words that, no matter how the result is, during this process, it will give us a hand to show our potentials during the competition, just like the sea swallow enjoys its fighting against the waves and storm. Fighting is an atmosphere, which possesses a final spot in order to challenge ourselves and facing with our fate bravely.


上海龙凤1314  “Efforts, experience and struggle can make you reach to the top.” Our study, however, also needs this spirit to help us overcome any difficulties.

上海龙凤1314  没有翻阅过难以计数的书籍,又怎会有丰厚的文字底蕴,又怎能写出脍炙人口的篇章?艺术家与运动健儿们若没有踏踏实实的勤奋练习,又怎能在各自领域取得骄人的'成绩。

上海龙凤1314  You abundant literacy comes from your endlessly reading. The same as those athletes and artists who never create his fate and fame without any hard-working.

上海龙凤1314  正如李大钊所言“不驰于空想,不骛于虚声”,而唯有以求真的态度作踏实的功夫,以此态度求学,则真理可明;以此态度办事,则功业可就。

上海龙凤1314  Just as Li Dazhao has told,”Never over your dream and complacent with your fame.” Only in this way can we find out the truth and keep learning without any extra thoughts.

上海龙凤1314  司马迁18年著《史记》,李时珍30年才写下了《本草纲日》,歌德著《洋士德》则用了60年之久。反观当今社会的我们,无一不是浮躁之气,倘若能真正沉潜下来,以谦卑之心蓄以拼搏之力,何愁无人为万世开太平?

上海龙凤1314  A great masterpiece must consists of the writer’s effort. On the contrary, majority of people in the modern world are out of their mind. If we keeps those spirit in mind, we will possess a bright future.

  转眼之间,学期又已过半,而你又是否还充满激情,不忘初心呢? 考试只是检测我们学习成果的一个手段,但拼搏的确我们不可或缺的远方。远方未远,就在当下。拼搏吧少年!


上海龙凤1314  How time flies, half of our semester has passed, are you still have the passion

  to follow your dreams? Test may just be a method to check our efforts, but the fighting spirit will accompany with us in the future, so , why not fighting for yourself?

  Thank you.









