

时间:2021-04-09 10:06:11 教学计划 我要投稿





  我班有学生44人,男生24人,女生20人。刚进入学校的孩子活泼好动 ,天真烂漫,大多数学生思维活跃,学习数学的兴趣较浓,有着良好的家庭教育和学习爱好。通过入学测试全部达到了入学要求。

  虽然他们有着强烈的好奇心和求知欲。但是 ,他们不懂得怎样去学习 ,也不会学习;有些同学学习能力差,注意力容易分散,所以教师要有层次、有耐心得进行引导,教给学生们学习的方法,培养他们养成爱好学习的习惯,使每个学生都能够顺利地完成本学期的学习任务。






上海龙凤1314  实践与综合应用领域。全册安排了两次实践活动:结合认识物体安排了《有趣的拼搭》,结合10以内数的认识和计算安排了《美丽的田园》。旨在结合上述三个领域内容的学习,让学生在活动中加深对有关教学内容的体验,联系现实情境发现问题、提出问题并应用所学知识加以解决,培养学生应用所学知识解决简单实际问题的能力。





上海龙凤1314  经历从实际情境中抽象出数的过程,认识20以内的数,并学会读写;初步理解20以内数的组成,认识符号<、=、>的含义,会用符号或语言描述20以内加减法的估算。结合具体的情境,初步了解加法和减法的含义;经历探索一位数加法和相应减法的口算方法的过程,能熟练地口算一位数加一位数和相应的减法;初步学会20以内加减法的估算。认识钟面及钟面上的整时和大约几时。结合具体的情境认识上、下、前、后、左、右,初步具有方位观念。通过具体物体认识长方体、正方体、圆柱和球,认识这些形体相应的图形,通过实践活动体会这些形体的一些特征,能正确识别这些形体。感受并会比较一些物体的长短、大小和轻重。认识象形统计图和简易统计表,通过实践初步学会简单的分类,经历和体验数据的收集和统计的过程,并完成相应的图表。根据统计的数据回答简单的问题,能和同伴交流自己的想法。




上海龙凤1314  在教师的指导下,从日常生活和现实情境中发现并提出简单的数学问题,并能应用已有的知识、经验和方法解决问题;能对简单的几何体进行简单的分类,能联系情境描述一些物体的相对位置;能在教师的组织下收集有效信息并进行分类、整理,用简单的统计方法表示问题解决的结果等。体验与同桌合作解决问题的过程,能和同伴交流自己的想法。




上海龙凤1314  〔一〕、培养学生数学学习的兴趣和良好习惯


上海龙凤1314  学生良好学习习惯的养成,不能简单地理解为只是要求学生上课坐好、举手发言等外在的形式,更重要的是要逐步引导学生学会独立思考、敢于提问、认真倾听他人的意见、乐于表达自己的想法等内在品质。

上海龙凤1314  〔二〕、让学生在生动具体的情境中学习数学







  教材只是提供了学生数学活动的基本线索。教学中,教师要根据本班同学的特点和实际情况,创造性地使用教材,设计教学过程 。教师还应适时记录下自己的教学设计和教学反思,以不断改进自己的教学观念与教学方法。


  周次 时间 教学内容 备注

上海龙凤1314  1 8.26~8.31 老师备课

上海龙凤1314  2 9.1~9.5 1、可爱的校园;2、快乐的家园

  3 9.6~9.12 3、玩具;4、小猫钓鱼

  4 9.13~9.19 5、文具;6、动物乐园7、高矮

上海龙凤1314  5 9.20~9.26 8、轻重;9、有几枝铅笔

  6 9.27~10.3 10、有几辆车;11、摘果子

  7 10.4~10.10 国庆放假

  8 10.11~10.17 12、小猫吃鱼;练习一;

上海龙凤1314  13、猜数游戏

上海龙凤1314  9 10.18~10.24 14、跳绳;15、可爱的企鹅;

上海龙凤1314  10 10.25~10.31 练习二;16、分苹果;

上海龙凤1314  11 11.1~10.7 17、操场上;18、乘车;练习三

  12 11.8~10.14 19、整理房间;20、整理书包

  13 11.15~10.21 21、前后;22、上下;23、左右

上海龙凤1314  14 11.22~10.28 24、教室;25物体分类

  15 11.29~12.5 26、你说我摆;27、捆小棒

  16 12.6~12.12 28搭积木;29、有几瓶牛奶


  17 12.13~12.19 练习四;31、买铅笔;


  18 12.20~12.26 练习五;33、美丽的田园;


上海龙凤1314  19 12.27~1.2 34、小明的一天


  20 1.3~1.9 36、最喜欢的水果;37、迎新年

  21 1.10~1.16 总复习

  22 1.17~1.23 总复习

上海龙凤1314  23 1.24~1.30 期末考试

上海龙凤1314  24 1.30~2.5 发放通知书







上海龙凤1314  2.能够比较熟练地计算20以内的退位减法,会计算100以内两位数加、减一位数和整数,经历与他人交流各自算法的过程,会用加、减法计算知识解决一些简单的实际问题。



上海龙凤1314  5.认识人民币单位元、角、分,知道1元=10角,1角=10分;知道爱护人民币。



上海龙凤1314  8.初步体验数据的收集、整理、描述、分析的过程,会用简单的方法收集、整理数据,初步认识条形统计图和统计表,能根据统计图表中的数据提出并回答简单的问题。

上海龙凤1314  9.体会学习数学的乐趣,提高学习数学的兴趣,建立学好数学的信心。


上海龙凤1314  11.通过实践活动体验数学与日常生活的密切联系。



上海龙凤1314  这册教材的重点教学内容是:100以内数的认识,20以内的退位减法和100以内的加减法口算。在学生掌握了20以内各数的基础上,这册教材把认数的范围扩大到100,使学生初步理解数位的概念,学会100以内数的读法和写法,弄清100以内数的组成和大小,会用这些数来表达和交流,形成初步的数感。

上海龙凤1314  100以内的加、减法,分为口算和笔算两部分。这册教材出现的是口算部分,即两位数加、减一位数和整十数口算。这些口算在日常生活中有广泛的应用,又是进一步学习计算的基础,因此,应该让学生结合计算教学,应用所学计算知识解决问题的内容,让学生了解所学知识的实际应用,学习解决现实生活中相关的计算问题,培养学生用数学解决问题的能力。

上海龙凤1314  在学生初步认识了常见几何图形的基础上,本册教材安排了关于位置与拼组图形的教学内容,设计了丰富多样的探索性操作活动,让学生体验空间方位和所学图形之间的关系,发展学生的空间观念。在量的计量方面,本册教材除了安排人民币单位元、角、分的认识外,还安排了学习具体时刻几时几分的读、写方法。

上海龙凤1314  “找规律”和“统计”是两部分新的教学内容。“找规律”引导学生探索一些图形或数字的简单排列规律,初步培养学生探索数学问题的兴趣和发现、欣赏数学美的意识。统计是正式教学统计初步知识的开始,让学生学习收集和整理数据的简单方法,认识最简单的统计图表,经历用统计方法解决问题的过程。

上海龙凤1314  教材根据学生所学习的数学知识和生活经验,安排了两个数学实践活动,让学生通过小组合作的探究活动或有现实背景的活动,运用所学知识解决问题,体会探索的乐趣和数学的实际应用,感受用数学的愉悦,培养学生的数学意识和实践能力。



上海龙凤1314  2、重视基本口算和笔算的训练,培养和逐步提高学生的计算能力。

上海龙凤1314  3、 重视分析应用题的数量关系,培养学生解答应用题的能力。

上海龙凤1314  4、结合教学内容,重视培养学生的数学能力。

上海龙凤1314  5、注意教学的开放性,重视培养学生的创新能力。

上海龙凤1314  6、结合教学内容,对学生进行思想品德教育。

上海龙凤1314  I. basic analysis of students

  Students after a semester of learning mathematics, basically have the basic knowledge and skills to achieve the goal of learning, mathematics has some interest in learning, willing to take part in learning activities. In particular, some hands-on and collaborative learning content are more interesting.

上海龙凤1314  Through the study of this period of time, I found the students consciousness is poorer, the class has a small number of students do not pay attention to listening, oral is careless, when after class can't finish the homework in time, but the students' learning enthusiasm is very high, a small number of student performance is poorer, to be in the future teaching, standardized classroom routine, senders in time, make the whole teaching can go smoothly. Therefore, the teaching of this semester has yet to be further improved.

上海龙凤1314  Ii. Teaching objectives

上海龙凤1314  The teaching objective of this textbook is to make students:

  1. Know the counting unit "a" and "ten", a preliminary understanding of number of bits, 10 said significance, able to skillfully number less than 100, can read and write 100 number, within the grasp within 100 number is made up of several ten and several, master 100 less than the number of order, will be the number of less than 100 size. The number of things in daily life will be expressed in 100, and simple estimation and communication will be carried out.

上海龙凤1314  2. Able to skillfully within 20 abdication subtraction calculation, will also have a double-digit addition and subtraction within 100 single digits and integer, experiencing the process of interacting with others their algorithm with addition, subtraction calculation knowledge to solve some simple practical problems.

上海龙凤1314  3. Experience the close relationship between mathematics and daily life and experience the role of mathematics in daily life through the process of discovering and asking questions and solving problems from life.

  4. Describe the relative position of the object using, below, front, back, left and right; Use your own language to describe the characteristics of the rectangle and the sides of the square.

上海龙凤1314  5. Know RMB unit, Angle and score, know that 1 yuan =10 jiao, 1 jiao =10 points; Know to love RMB.

  6. You will read and write a few minutes, knowing that 1 is equal to 60, and know to cherish the time.

  7. It will explore the simple laws of the arrangement of a given figure or number, and preliminarily form the consciousness of discovering and appreciating mathematical beauty.

  8. A preliminary experience data collecting, sorting, description, analysis process, can collect, sort out the data in a simple way, preliminary understanding a bar chart and statistical tables, can according to the statistical data on the chart and answer simple questions.

  9. Learn the fun of mathematics, improve the interest in mathematics, and build confidence to learn mathematics well.

  Develop a good habit of working hard and writing clean.

  11. To experience the close relationship between mathematics and daily life through practical activities.

  3. Textbook analysis

  This some contents of textbooks including the following: location, within 20 abdication subtraction, graphical spell group, the number of less than 100, know the yuan, addition and subtraction within 100 (a), know the time, find law, statistics, mathematics practice.

上海龙凤1314  The main teaching contents of this textbook are: within 100, within 20 years of the subtraction subtraction and the addition and subtraction of 100. Within the students master the 20, on the basis of the number, the number of the of textbooks to recognize expanded to 100, make the students understand the concept of digital institute 100 less than the number of reading and writing, composition and size, find out the number of less than 100 will use these Numbers to express and communicate, form the preliminary number sense.

  The addition and subtraction of 100 are divided into two parts: oral and written. The textbook appears in the mouth section, which is the double digit plus, minus one digit and the whole number of counts. These oral has widely used in our daily life, it is calculated on the basis of further study, therefore, should let the students to combine teaching, applied computing knowledge to solve the problem of content, let students understand the knowledge in practical application, learning to solve related computational problems in real life, cultivate students' ability of using mathematical problem solving.

  The students know the common geometric shapes, on the basis of this teaching material arrangement about the position and the puzzle of graphics teaching content, design the rich variety of exploratory operation activities, let students experience the spatial orientation and learning pattern, the relationship between the development of the students' space concept. In terms of measurement of quantity, in addition to the understanding of yuan, jiao, and points, the textbook also arranges how to read and write in a few minutes.

  "Finding the rules" and "statistics" are two parts of the new teaching content. "Find the rules" to guide students to explore the simple arrangement law of some figures or figures, and preliminarily train students to explore the interest and discovery of mathematical problems and appreciate the consciousness of mathematical beauty. Statistics is the beginning of the formal teaching statistics preliminary knowledge, let the student to study the methods of collecting and sorting data, know the simplest statistical charts, through the process of using statistical methods to solve the problem.

  Teaching according to students study of mathematics knowledge and life experience, was scheduled for two mathematical practice, let the student through group cooperation study of activities or have a real background, use knowledge to solve the problem, experience the fun of exploring and practical application of mathematics, feel with mathematics, to cultivate the students' mathematics consciousness and practice ability.

  Iv. Teaching measures

上海龙凤1314  1, in the teaching should not only consider the characteristics of mathematics itself, but also to follow the rules of students learning mathematics psychological, pay attention to each student in the emotion attitude, the progress and development of thinking ability, etc.

  2. Pay attention to the training of basic oral arithmetic and written calculation, and develop and gradually improve students' computing ability.

上海龙凤1314  3. Attention should be given to the quantitative relationship between the application questions and the ability of students to solve the problem.

上海龙凤1314  4. Combining the teaching content and emphasizing the cultivation of students' mathematical ability.

  5. Pay attention to the openness of teaching and emphasize the cultivation of students' innovative ability.

  6. Combine the teaching contents, and carry out the ideological and moral qualities of the students.










