

时间:2022-11-26 08:26:36 欢迎词 我要投稿


上海龙凤1314  在充满活力,日益开放的今天,在很多情况下我们需要用到欢迎词,欢迎词在写作上具有一定的格式要求。那么你有了解过欢迎词吗?以下是小编整理的英语欢迎词,欢迎阅读与收藏。



上海龙凤1314  尊敬的领导、来宾朋友,女士们,先生们:



上海龙凤1314  无锡xx集团自成立以来,一直受到无锡各界朋友的关爱和支持,在这里,我们特别要感谢新区管委会领导的悉心指导和政策扶持。正是有了社会各界的鼎力相助和全心扶持,xx才从无到有,不断发展壮大,并取得了不错的业绩。在这里,我先代表集团全体同仁向所有关心和支持我们的朋友表示最诚挚的谢意!



上海龙凤1314  我真诚的希望,在新的纪元里,社会各界的朋友们,特别是xx区的各位领导,能一如既往的关心和支持xx,扶持和帮助xx大酒店不断发展和成长。同时,也诚挚的渴望,各位业界同仁能够和xx互相交流、提携发展,联手共创无锡新区辉煌的未来!

上海龙凤1314  最后,我预祝xx大酒店开业庆典圆满成功,也衷心的祝愿xx大酒店能够拥有一个灿烂的明天!

上海龙凤1314  谢谢大家!


上海龙凤1314  Ladies and gentlemen,

上海龙凤1314  First of all , please allow me to expre a warm welcome to you on behalf of our School of Civil Engineering & Architecture of hainan have been looking forward to seeing you for a long is a very nice day on the Island of Hainan, Hainan University is the only comprehensive university in this in the capital city of Haikou in Hainan Province, Hainan University is bounded by Qiongzhou Strait to the north and Nandu Jiang River to the campus is characterized by its tropical marine shoreline with coconut-scented breeze and undulating expanse of sea and lake waters rippling in the University covers 150 hectares of land, offering an ideal surrounding for learning and growing in a domain of School is relatively small between all school of our it is one of the most popular

  Since we are already here, let"s make ourselves at you very

上海龙凤1314  Ladies and Gentlemen, The time has come for BULANG profeor to ’s a pity that you can not stay in Hainan university any me, on behalf of our School of Civil Engineering & Architecture, then, to take this opportunity to say something by way of a of all, I wish to thank you all for the speech you have given us in the past have kept good time on all occasions, which made things a lot easier .Also, you have been kind enough to offer us suggestions on how to do better in the area of Academic ’d like to add that you are the best friends we’ve ever been again, thank you for your speech and your voyage!


  Welcome speech Ladies and gentlemen:

上海龙凤1314  It’s my honor to be here to give our hearty welcome to all of the new comers, on behalf of the college of civil engineering and

  architecture in Hainan , welcome all of you!

上海龙凤1314  First of all, I want to say you are the new blood of our university which is wellspring the spirit of adventure and abundant energy in is to say, All of you should take the responsibility to spare no effort to show your talent and skills when you try to seek the true meaning of the campus

  Then, let’s come to the point of the current state of our Our university is the only one included in the National Key Subject Program in Hainan you step in it, don’t doubt about your genius and hold your head ’s more, our campus is located in special economic zone the place that plenty of chance is waiting for , Of course, we have plenty of weakne compare with the prestigious is the fact we cannot whether your mood is Excited or depreed, it’s or not is depended on all of that, what we should do is standing on the reality and trying your the end, I hope all of you will enjoy your meaningful campus ’s give our brother and sister our sincere welcome again!










