
高考复习一人教版高二unit 7语言点(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-4-9 编辑:互联网 手机版

Unit 7

1 via prep. 经由,途经

to travel from Beijing to Shanghai via Tianjin 由北京经由天津去上海


I sent a message to Mary via her brother. 我托玛丽的兄弟把信带给她。

上海龙凤13142 persuade:主要用作及物动词。主要有两个义项:说服;使相信。主要搭配形式为:persuade sb. to do sth.;

Eg. She tried to persuade him to change his mind.她试图劝他改变主意。

persuade sb. into doing sth.;persuade sb. out of doing sth.;

Eg. Can you persuade her into/out of wearing that dress?你能劝她穿(不穿)那件衣服吗?

persuade sb. that-clause。(常与of, that连用)使相信

上海龙凤1314Eg. I couldn’t persuade him that she was a thief.我无法使他相信她是个小偷。

How can I persuade you of my sincerity?我怎样才能使你相信我的诚意呢?

We worked hard to persuade them that we were genuinely interested in the project.


注意:persuade sb. to do sth.意为“说服某人做某事”,强调结果;而advise sb. to do sth.和try to persuade sb. to do sth.意为“劝某人做某事”,强调动作。

3 lack:可用作动词(vi.&vt.)和名词。主要义项有:缺乏,不足;不足之物,欠缺之物。


上海龙凤1314Eg. We have no lack of food. 我们不缺乏食物。

It was lack of current capital that defeated their business. "因为缺少流动资本,他们的企业才告失败。"

Owing to lack of time, we cannot do more than what we have done.


vt. 缺乏;不足;没有

He lacks courage. 他缺乏勇气。

上海龙凤1314Their actions lack consistency; they say one thing and do another.



Something is lacking. 缺少点什么东西。

上海龙凤1314Is she lacking in courage? 她缺乏勇气吗?

They did not lack for money.他们并不缺钱。


For\ by\ from\ through lack of 因缺乏...; 因无...

supply the lack 补缺

上海龙凤1314be lacking in 在...缺少[不足]

上海龙凤1314no lack of 不缺乏, 很多

上海龙凤1314lack (for)…缺乏

4 infect vt.

传染;使感染Be infected with cholera被传染上霍乱

上海龙凤1314One of the boys in the class had a fever and he soon infected other children.


"If your eyes are infected, you must go to an oculist."



上海龙凤1314Mary's high spirits infected all the girls in the class.玛丽振奋的精神感染了班上所有的女孩子。

上海龙凤1314be infected with感染, 沾染上

infector n.传播者, 传染者

infectious adj.有传染性的, 易传染的, 有感染力的

上海龙凤1314"Colds are infectious, and so are some eye diseases.""感冒是传染的,有些眼病也是传染的。"

上海龙凤1314an infectious laugh有感染力的笑声

infectious water带菌水


上海龙凤1314I didn't pay any attention to it because I never infect.

我对这事毫不注意, 因为我从来 未受感染。

5 deadly adj.-lier, -liest


上海龙凤1314Fog is the sailor's deadly enemy.雾是航海者最致命的敌人。

势不两立的, 殊死的

极度的,非常的deadly haste至急

上海龙凤1314死一般的a dead paleness如死人般的苍白


上海龙凤1314deadly dull极为枯燥无味

6 cheer n. 欢呼,喝彩[C]

上海龙凤1314A cheer arose from the crowd when the president appeared.



The doctor spoke words of cheer to the sick child.


上海龙凤1314He's always full of cheer at Christmas.圣诞节他总是兴致勃勃。

vt., vi.欢呼;喝采

The good news of our football team winning the game cheered up everybody who heard it.


上海龙凤1314Cheer up! The news isn't too bad.振作起来吧!消息还不算太坏。


The crowd cheered their favourite team on.观众为自己支持的球队欢呼加油。

Cheer int.干杯

What cheer with you?近况如何? 近来心情好否?

with good cheer高高兴兴地; 欢乐地; 心甘情愿地

cheer up(用话)鼓舞(某人);高兴起来, 振奋起来;打起精神来! 别灰心!

7 discourage vt.-aged, -aging

使丧失勇气;使气馁; 使沮丧

Don't let one failure discourage you, try again.不要因为一次失败就气馁,再试一试看。

上海龙凤1314"If you meet with any difficulty in your study, don't be discouraged."



上海龙凤1314The school teachers discourage smoking.学校老师不赞成吸烟。

His parents discouraged him from joining the airforce.他的父母亲劝他不要参加空军。

Inflation discourages saving.通货膨胀阻碍储蓄的积累。

上海龙凤1314discourage from阻止[妨碍, 不鼓励]做...; 使失信心

encourage vt.鼓励, 激励, 怂恿;赞助, 促进, 助长

上海龙凤1314encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人(做某事)

be encouraged by受...鼓励[鼓舞]

8 identify vt. -fied, -fying


I identified the jacket at once; it was my brother's."我立即认出了那件外套,它是我兄弟的。

identify handwriting鉴定笔迹


He identifies beauty with goodness.他认为美与善是一致的。


That politician is too closely identified with the former government to become a minister in ours."那位政客被认为与上届政府关系过于密切,不能成为本届政府里的部长。"


She identified with foreign workers.她同情并理解外籍工人。

上海龙凤1314identify oneself with支持; 参与; 与....密切结合; 和....打成一片

上海龙凤13149 for the moment:暂时, 目前

Eg. I have nothing to do for the moment. 我目前没事做。

上海龙凤1314Stop the discussion for the moment. 请暂停讨论。

at any moment随时; 在任何时候; 马上

at moments时刻, 常常

上海龙凤1314at the last [critical] moment在最后关头

at the moment此刻; (正当)那时

上海龙凤1314every moment时时刻刻

上海龙凤1314for a moment片刻

in a moment一会儿, 不久; 立即, 马上

上海龙凤1314in one's extreme [last] moment在临终时刻

not [never] for a moment决不; 从来没有

of great moment关系重大的 matter of great moment重大事件

of no moment不重要的, 无足轻重的

the moment立刻, 马上; 刚才

to the (very) moment及时, 准时, 不差片刻

上海龙凤131410 contrary adj.(常与to连用)别扭的;格格不入的;固执的; 相反的;相对的

Mrs. Smith is too contrary to make friends easily.史密斯太太过于固执而不易交朋友。

contrary opinions相反的意见


上海龙凤1314‘You must be tired.’ ‘On the contrary, I feel wide awake.’“你一定很累了。”“相反, 我感觉很清醒。”

Contrary adv.(常与to连用) 相反地;相对地

He passed the examination, contrary to what I expected.他考试及格了,和我预料的情况相反。

Contrary to all advice he gave up his job and left for the south."他不听任何劝告,放弃了工作,去了南方。"

上海龙凤1314be contrary to与...相反

by -ries相反地; 出乎预料地

Many things in our lives go by contraries.在我们的生活当中,许多事情与预期相反。

on the contrary(与此)相反, (不是...)而是, 反之

上海龙凤1314quite the contrary恰恰相反

just the contrary恰恰相反

to the contrary反对地, 与此相反地, 有相反情况

上海龙凤1314He produced no evidence to the contrary.他没有拿出相反的证据。

上海龙凤131411 live with忍受

上海龙凤1314"I don't enjoy the pain, but I can live with it.""我虽然不以疼痛为乐,但还可以忍受。"

上海龙凤1314live adj.活的, 生动的, 精力充沛的, 实况转播的, 点燃的

vi.活着, 生活, 居住

上海龙凤1314vt.过着, 度过, 经历

None of the others have lived my experiences.其他人没有一个经历过我的这些遭遇。


live down悔过自新使人忘掉

He was drunk at school--he'll never live it down."他上学时喝醉过 - 他怎么改,人们也忘不了。"

上海龙凤1314live for为…而活着

上海龙凤1314live up to真正做到,生活得无愧于

上海龙凤1314We will live up to what our parents expect of us.我们决不辜负父母亲对我们的期望。

上海龙凤1314Did the TV play live up to your expectations?这部电视剧有你期望的那样好吗?

(与on, off连用)靠…生活

The minority in the primitive forest used to live on a diet of wild animals.


I live off the money from my first book.我靠我第一本书赚的钱生活。

Unit 8

1 aid n.帮助;援助

first aid急救


An English-Chinese Dictionary is an important aid in learning the English.


Vt\vi .帮助;援助

上海龙凤1314I aided him with money.我资助了他。

They aided in solving the problem.他们帮忙解决这个问题。

上海龙凤1314by the aid of借助于, 通过...的帮助

上海龙凤1314with the aid of借助于, 通过...的帮助

上海龙凤1314come to sb.'s aid前来[去]援助某人

in aid of用以援助...; 作为援助...之用

2 recommend

vt. 推荐;推举

Can you recommend a good dictionary?你能介绍一本好词典吗?

上海龙凤1314劝告;忠告 [O2][+v-ing][+that]

I recommend you to comply with safety regulations.我劝你遵守安全规则。

上海龙凤1314I recommend you to wait.我劝你等一等。


The dying man recommended his soul to God.这垂危病人把灵魂交付上帝。

recommend a child to sb.把小孩子托给某人照管

3 witness cn.(=eyewitness)目击者; (在法庭上经过宣誓的)证人 [(+of/to)]

上海龙凤1314Un [主要用于give witness, bear witness]证据, 证明; 证词+to)]

a witness of the accident事件的目击者

She gave witness on behalf of the accused person.她替被告作证。

上海龙凤1314vt., vi.亲眼看见,目睹

He witnessed the accident.他亲眼看见那个意外事故。

(常与for, againt,to连用)作证;连署

None could witness that he was present.没有人能证明他在场。

上海龙凤1314witness against [for] the accused证明被告有罪[无罪]

He witnessed to the facts.他为事实作证 。


His tears witnessed the shame he felt.他的眼泪说明他感到羞愧。

bear false witness against sb.作对某人不利的伪证

上海龙凤1314bear witness to构成...的证据;为...作证, 证明

call... to witness请...证明; 传...做证人

上海龙凤1314give witness on behalf of sb.为某人作证

in witness of作为...的证明, 为...作证

4 silent, quiet, still, calm, noiseless






Exercises:(1)This is a ______ typewriter.

(2)In order not to lose the job, he kept _____ about the matter.

上海龙凤1314(3)It is a ______ place;I enjoy living here.

(4)Mary is a ______ girl.

上海龙凤1314(5)He remained ______ in face of danger.

上海龙凤1314(6)Stand ______ while I take a photo of you.

上海龙凤1314(7)We visited Beijing in ______ weather.

答案:(1)noiseless (2)silent (3)quiet (4)quiet (5)calm (6)still (7)calm

上海龙凤13145 panic n.恐慌,惊慌[C\U]

Rumours of an imminent earthquake started a panic.谣传即将发生地震引起了一阵恐慌。

feel panic感到惊慌

上海龙凤1314be in a panic在惊慌中

上海龙凤1314be seized with a panic惊慌失措

cause a panic引起恐慌

a.恐慌的;起于恐慌的 a panic fear莫明其妙的恐慌


The idea might panic the investors.这个想法可能会使投资者惶恐不安。

上海龙凤1314The banks were panicked into selling dollars.银行惊恐地抛售美元。


上海龙凤1314"Don't panic, boys; there's no danger.""不要慌,孩子们;没有危险。"

上海龙凤13146 Respond vi.作答,回答[(+to)]

Has she responded to your letter?她有没有回过你的信?


The government has responded to pressure and dropped the proposal.



The patient is responding well to treatment.病人对治疗反应良好。

Response n.回答, 响应, 反应

in response to响应, 反应

make no response不回答

7 slight adj.轻微的, 微小的

I have a slight headache.我有点轻微的头疼。

上海龙凤1314a slight difference微小的区别

vt.轻[蔑]视;玩忽, 怠慢

feel slighted感觉受到轻蔑

上海龙凤1314slight one's work玩忽职守

make slight of轻视

not in the slightest一点不, 完全不

put a slight on [upon] sb.蔑视某人; 慢待[轻视]某人

slight over轻视; 草率从事

8 match vt.\Vi


上海龙凤1314Read will be matched against Stone in the semifinal.里德将在半决赛中与斯通较量。


上海龙凤1314His latest film doesn't match his previous ones.他最新的一部影片比不上他以前的一些影片。

These two are well matched in strength.他们俩势均力敌。


The color of the shirt does not match that of the tie.衬衫的颜色与领带不相配。

The curtains do not match with the decoration.窗帘与室内装璜不相配。


上海龙凤1314Can you match this fabric?你能找一块和这相配的布吗?

上海龙凤1314n.比赛, 竞赛;对手; 相似的人[物], 相配的人[物]

You are no match for him.你不是他的对手。

上海龙凤13149 catch fire:着火

Eg. The house caught fire. 房子着火了。

相关归纳:(1)(be) on fire着火

Eg. When he arrived, he found the house was still on fire.他到的时候,发现那幢房子还在烧。

(2)make a fire生火

上海龙凤1314Eg. They made a fire to keep warm. 他们生火取暖。

上海龙凤1314(3)start/light a fire点火

Eg. They started a fire to be seen by the rescuing team.他们点火好让援救队看见。

(4)put out the fire扑灭大火

Eg. The fire had been put out before the firemen arrived.


(5)set...on fire/set fire to纵火,放火烧

上海龙凤1314Eg. The Japanese set fire to his house.日本人烧了他的家。


play with fire玩火;冒险

上海龙凤1314under fire受到攻击

10 count vt., vi.

上海龙凤1314点数;数;算to count from 1 to 100从1数到100

上海龙凤1314计算;清点;总计达…Count these apples.清点一下这些苹果。


count it an honor (to do sth.)(把做某事)引以为荣

You should count yourself fortunate in having good health.


上海龙凤1314有价值;重要;有用Every second counts.每一秒钟都很重要。

上海龙凤1314In sport what really counts is not the winning but the playing.


count down倒数计时

count on依靠;指望;期待 (= count upon) count out 〈拳击〉宣告失败

上海龙凤131411 free from



12 upside down adv.颠倒, 混乱

上海龙凤131413 roll over(睡时)翻身, 反侧