
模块7 Unit 3 The World Online (Language Points)教学案教师版(译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-2-19 编辑:互联网 手机版

1. analysis: n. 分析,分解 (pl. analyses )

in the last / final ~ 总之

上海龙凤1314analyst: n. 分析家,分解者

make a careful ~ of the problem 仔细分析这个问题

analyse == analyze vt. (analyses, analyzing) 分析

We should ~ the causes of our failure. 我们应该分析失败的原因。


1. We made a careful _________ of the problem.

2. We _______ the causes of our failure.

3. Here are the ________ of the sales figures.

Key: 1. analysis 2. analyzed 3. analyses

2. value: n. 价值,估价,评价,价格

We must clearly know the ~ of good health. 我们必须清楚地认识到健康的重要性。

What is the ~ of your house? 你的房子值多少钱?

Your help has been of great ~ (== very valuable). 你的帮助很有价值。

be of little / some / no ~ 具有很少价值/有些价值/没有价值

vt. 估价,评价,重视

上海龙凤1314He ~d the ring at $ 80. 有估计这戒指值80美元。

上海龙凤1314I ~ our friendship very much. 我非常珍惜我们的友谊。

上海龙凤1314valuable: adj. 有价值的,值钱的

上海龙凤1314Your advice is very ~ watch. 你的建议很有价值。

辨析:value / price / cost

value: 指内在的价值, the ~ of American dollar 美元的内在价值

price: 指商品的价值 at a high ~ 以高价

cost: 指制作成本,at all ~s 不惜一切代价


1. You will find this map of great _____ in helping you to get round London.

A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness

上海龙凤13142. 这本书很有价值。

_____________________________________. / _________________________________.

Key: 1. C 2. The book is of great value. / the book is very valuable.

3. affair: n. [C] 事务,事件,私事,恋爱事件 (pl.) 事态,事物

current ~s 时事 the ~s of state 国家大事 family ~s 家事

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 外交部

上海龙凤1314That is my ~, not yours. 那是我的事,不是你的事。

辨析:affair / business / matter

affair: 含义最广,泛指自己关心或必须做的事。

上海龙凤1314We must try to forget the sad ~. 我们要尽量把这件伤心事忘掉。

上海龙凤1314business: 指任务或责任及商业买卖。 It’s none of your ~. 这不关你的事。

上海龙凤1314matter: 指要考虑或处理的事。

上海龙凤1314I have an important ~ to talk to you about. 我有件重要的事要和你谈谈。


1. The _______ in your essay is good but the style is not proper.

2. He is the manager of three different ________.

上海龙凤13143. I told him to mind his own __________.

Key: 1. matter 2. business 3. affairs

上海龙凤13144. forecast: (forecast, forecast; forecasted, forecasted)v. / n. [C] 先见;预见;预测;预报

上海龙凤1314make ~s about sth. 对……进行预测

上海龙凤1314According to the weather ~, a storm is on its way. 天气预报说有暴风雨来袭。

vt. 预报;预测

He confidently ~ a big increase in sales, and it turned out that he was right.


上海龙凤1314The teacher ~ that only one third of the students would pass the examination.



上海龙凤1314The recent statement of the president _________ a change in the situation.

上海龙凤1314A. announced B. foresee C. ~ D. told Key: C

5. package: n. [C]包裹;包 vt. / vi. 包装;捆扎;塞满

~ ……up 包装;打包

上海龙凤1314He undid the ~. 他解开了那个包裹。

The grain is ~d in plain boxes. 谷类食品用简单的盒子包装。

pack: n. 包裹:(贬)一群;一副;背包;包装

a ~ / packet of cards 一副扑克牌

上海龙凤1314a ~ / packet of 20 cigarettes 一包20根装的香烟

6. acquire: vt. 获得;学到

~ knowledge of 求得……的知识

He ~d a good knowledge of English. 他熟知英语。

上海龙凤1314acquisition: n. [U] 获得 [C] 获得物

He devotes his time to the ~ of knowledge.他将时间都用在求知上。

He is a valuable ~ to the team. 他是该队的一个不可多得的新队员。

上海龙凤1314acquired: adj. 已获得的,已成习惯的,后天通过自己的努力得到的


1. This is the latest ________ to my library.

上海龙凤13142. He has ________ a habit of smoking.

3. Smoking is his recent ________ taste.

上海龙凤1314Key: 1. acquisition 2. acquired 3. acquired

7. downtown: adv. 在市区,往市区

上海龙凤1314He lives ~.他住在闹市区。

I went ~ to do some shopping today. 我今天到商业区购物。



8. sort: n. [C] 种类;类别(常与修饰语连用)某种人

All ~s of lamps are available in that shop. 在那家商店可买到各式各样的灯具。

上海龙凤1314That’s just the ~ of things I want. 那正是我所需要的那种东西。

注意:This ~ of animal is very rare. == Animals of this ~ are very rare. 这种动物很罕见。

v. 把……分类;拣选;

~out 挑选出

上海龙凤1314~ out from 把……从……挑出来

They ~ apples by grade. 他们把苹果按等级分类。

上海龙凤1314Can’t you ~ the good from the bad? 你难道不会区分好坏吗?


上海龙凤13141. 我觉得有点难为情。___________________________________________.

上海龙凤13142. 那男子有点古怪。_____________________________________________.

Key: 1. I felt sort of embarrassed.

上海龙凤13142. The man was sort of peculiar.

上海龙凤13149. skeptical: adj. 怀疑性的,好怀疑的

be ~ of / about…… 对……怀疑

~ly: adv. 怀疑地

上海龙凤1314skeptic: n. 怀疑论者;无神论者



Key: He was ~ of / about the announcement made by the government.

上海龙凤131410. useless: adj. 无用的;无益的;

be ~ to do 对某人没用

It is ~ for sb. to do dth. 某人做……是没用的

uselessly: adv. 无益地;无用地

上海龙凤1314uselessness: n. 无用

上海龙凤1314useful: adj. 有用的;有益的

上海龙凤1314usefully: adv. 有用地;有效地

usefulness: n. 有用,有效性


1. 跟他谈是没有用的。 ____________________________________________.

2. 这些书对我都没有用。___________________________________________.

上海龙凤1314Key: 1. It’s useless to talk with him.

2. These books are useless to me.

11. advance: v. / n. 促进;推动;提高;预付,前进

~ the friendly relations between the two countries 增进两国关系

上海龙凤1314~ the development of education 推进教育发展

The date of the meeting has been ~d from Friday to Wednesday.


in ~ 事先;预付

上海龙凤1314Everything has been fixed in ~. 一切都已事先安排好了。

上海龙凤1314in ~ of 胜过,在前面

He is far in ~ of his class. 他在班上遥遥领先。

~ along 沿着……前进

上海龙凤1314~ to 前进到;到达某地

~ towards 向……前进;推进

上海龙凤1314~d: adj. 先进的,高级的,高等的

an ~ worker 先进工作者

~d maths 高等数学

~ education 高等教育

上海龙凤1314~ experience 先进经验

上海龙凤1314~ class 高级班

~ science 尖端科学


上海龙凤13141. With _____ of old age; he could no longer do the work well.

2. They have _______ two miles.

Key: 1. advance 2. advanced

上海龙凤131412. statistics: n. 统计学,统计表

n. (pl.)统计,统计资料,统计学

上海龙凤1314I happen to have the latest population ~ with me. 我手头正好有最新的人口统计资料。

上海龙凤1314He is a professor of ~. 他教授统计学。


13. tie: n.带子;线;鞋带;不分胜负;关系;领带;领结;平局

上海龙凤1314He wore a blue ~. 他打着蓝色领带。

上海龙凤1314The ~s of friendship between them became stronger. 他们之间的友谊更为巩固。

The game ended in a ~, 3-3. 比赛以3比3 结束。

上海龙凤1314vt. / vi. 系;打结;扎;约束;与……成平局

You should ~ up the parcel with a strong string. 你应该用结实的绳子捆绑那件包裹。

My niece had her hair ~d with a ribbon. 我的侄女用丝带扎头发。

This ribbon is so short that it won’t ~ in a bow. 这丝带过短,没办法打蝴蝶结。

His new job ~s him up al day. 那新工作使他整天忙碌。

上海龙凤1314Three people ~d for first place in the competition. 这项比赛,三人平手,同获头奖。

~ together 连接起来

~ up 系紧,包扎

~ up with 使……合作,使人忙碌


1. 我别的事太忙,无法分身。________________________________________.

2. 他们出赛和客队打成平手。________________________________________.

3. 他把狗拴在栅栏上。 _____________________________________________.

Key: 1. I’m too tied up with other things.

2. They tied with the visiting team in the game.

上海龙凤13143. He tied his dog to the fence.

上海龙凤131414. common: adj. 1. 共同的,公共的,普通的 (commoner, commonest / more ~, most ~)

a ~ cup 公用杯子 the ~ people 老百姓 in ~ 共有 in ~ with 和……一样

have sth. / nothing / little / much in ~


They’re brothers, but they have nothing in ~.他们虽为兄弟,但毫无共同之处。

In ~ with many young people, he prefers folk songs to classic music.


Their views have much in ~ with mine. 他们的观点与我的相同。

They have very little in ~ their taste. 他们的嗜好相同。

上海龙凤13142. 共有,公用

Real friends should have everything in ~. 不分彼此

~ knowledge 大多数人所知道的事(尤其指某一团体内)

上海龙凤1314general knowledge 一般知识;各方面的知识

辨析:common / usual / ordinary / general

上海龙凤1314common: 普通的,共同的,常见的,指经常发生,对众多的人或地方具有普遍意义。

Snow is ~ in cold countries. 在寒冷的国家里下雪是常见的事。

上海龙凤1314This is ~ problem. 这是一个共同的问题。

usual: 平常的,通常的,强调习惯性。

As ~, I slept late that Saturday morning. 和平常一样,那个星期六的早晨我起得很迟。

My ~ chair had been moved from its ~ place. 我平常用的椅子已从老地方移开了。

上海龙凤1314ordinary: 平常的,一般的,普通的,指没有超乎寻常之处。

上海龙凤1314It was a ~ day today. 今天是很平常的一天。

He was an ~ teacher. 他是一个普通老师。

general: 一般的,普通的,指总体上的大部分而言,强调基本情况。

上海龙凤1314I like games in ~, and especially football. 各种运动我一般都喜欢,尤其是足球。

This book is intended for ~ readers, not for specialists.


上海龙凤1314I am glad to find myself in ~ accord with your opinions.



1. After the earthquake, everything returned to __________.

2. Snow is ________ in cold countries.

3. They have nothing in _________.

上海龙凤13144. My ________ chair has been moved from its ________ place.

Key: 1. normal 2. common 3. common 4. usual, usual

15. appearance: n. 出现,露面,外貌,外观

He made a sudden ~. 他突然出现了。

appear: vi. 出现,看来,似乎,公开露面,出版,发表

The stars ~ at night. 星星在晚上出现。

He didn’t ~ until seven. 他直到7点才露面。

上海龙凤1314disappear: vi. 消失(从人的视线中消失) die away: 声音等的消失


1. 每个人看来(好像)作好了充分的准备。_______________________________________.

上海龙凤13142. 他的新书上月出版。 ________________________________________________________.

上海龙凤1314Key: 1. Everybody appears (to be) well prepared.

上海龙凤13142. His new book appeared last month.

16. popularity: n. 普及,流行,声望

上海龙凤1314~ with / among 在……中普及

win / lose ~ 得/失人心

上海龙凤1314enjoy ~ 享有名望

上海龙凤1314popular: adj. 通俗的,流行的,受欢迎的 (more ~, most ~)

That nurse is very ~ with little children. 那位护士非常受小孩的欢迎。

~ culture 通俗文化

~ paper 大众报纸

~ song 流行歌曲


上海龙凤13141. Her popularity ______ teen-agers is just surprising.

2. Chinese food is becoming popular _______ Americans.

Key: 1. with / among 2. among / with

上海龙凤131417. background: n. 背景,后台,(人的)经历,出身

I took a picture of her with the mountain in the ~. 我以那座山为背景替她照了一张相片。

上海龙凤1314A young man with a college ~. 有大学学历的年轻人。

上海龙凤1314~ color 背景颜色

~ music 背景音乐

上海龙凤131418. lifelong: adj. 终身的,毕生的

~ education 终身教育

19. moreover: adv. 而且,此外


The new manager is intelligent and hardworking, and _________ he is very charming. Key:B

20. remain: v. 保持,仍然,剩下,遗留

He ~ed sitting when the teacher came in. 当老师进来时,他依然坐着。

Country music today ~s much the same as before. 今日乡村音乐同过去差不多。

The door ~s closed. 门是关着的。

注意:remain 作“仍然是,一直保持”讲时,为系动词,其后可接形容词、名词、分词短语、介词短语、不定式分别作其表语。

上海龙凤1314She ~ed weak. 她仍很虚弱。

This ~s to be proved. 这仍然有待证实。

辨析:remain / stay

1. remain与stay表示“留下,继续保持某一状态”时,常作连系动词,可以互换,其后接名词,形容词,介词短语等作表语。

He stayed / remained outside while we entered the room. 他留在外面,我们进了屋子。

上海龙凤13142. 当表示“剩下”(即其余的一切都拿走,除去,破坏等),通常只用remain而不用stay。

上海龙凤1314After the earthquake, very little remained of the city of Tang Shan. 地震以后,唐山所剩无几。

上海龙凤13143. 当表示“在某处或在某处住下”时,常用stay而不用remain。

He wants to stay with a friend in the country for a week. 他想在乡下朋友那儿住一个星期。

上海龙凤13144. remains n.(常用复数)所剩下的,遗留下的东西。

The remains of the meal are in the fridge. 剩下的饭菜在冰箱里。


上海龙凤13141. I looked as if time hadn’t had any effect on him: he _________ so health and active.

A. remained B. was remained C. was remaining D. had remained

上海龙凤13142. 有好几个问题尚待解决。________________________________________________.

上海龙凤13143. 这个房间整个夏天保持凉爽。____________________________________________.

Key: 1. A

上海龙凤13142. Several problems remain to be solved.

3. This room remains cool all summer.

上海龙凤131421. address: n. 地址,致辞,演讲(比speech正式的说法,说话的技巧)

上海龙凤1314He gave an ~ over the radio. 他作了一次广播讲演。

上海龙凤1314Let me know if you change your ~. 如果地址有变更,请通知我。

vt. 向……致辞,演说,写姓名地址,从事,忙于

上海龙凤1314~ …… to ~ oneself to 向……致辞

上海龙凤1314He will now ~ the meeting. 现在他向大会讲话。

上海龙凤1314The letter was wrongly ~ed. 信上的地址写错了。


1. This letter _________ you.

上海龙凤1314A. is addressed to B. address to C. is address to D. is addressed with

上海龙凤13142. ________ teaching cause, he spent almost all the weekend at school.

上海龙凤1314A. Addressing B. Addressing to C. Addressed to D. Being addressed

Key: 1. A. 2. C

22. uncontrolled: adj. 自由的,无拘束的,未受控制的

controlled: adj. 受约束的,克制的

control: n. 控制,支配,管理,调节

have no ~ over …… 管不住……

上海龙凤1314get ~ over…… 能控制……

beyond ~ …… 无法掌控,无法控制

in ~ of …… 管理……

上海龙凤1314in the ~ of …… 被……控制

lose ~ of …… 对……控制

out ~ of …… 不受控制

under …… 受控制

take ~ of …… 控制,管理

vt. 控制,支配,操纵

上海龙凤1314~ oneself 克制自己

~ one’s anger 抑制愤怒


1. The enemy plane got ________ and crashed.

2. Who is ________ here.

上海龙凤13143. With the help of the fire fighters, the fire was soon brought _________.

上海龙凤13144. He ________ his temper.

Key: 1. out of ~ 2. in ~ 3. under ~ 4. lost ~ of / ~led

上海龙凤131423. accurate: adj. 正确的,精确的

上海龙凤1314be ~ in / at ……是正确的

He is very ~ in calculation. 他的计算正确无误。

accurate 与exact 两者通用,但作“严格的,严谨的”, 只用exact。



Key: He is accurate in his judgment / at figures.

24. advantage: n. 优势,有利条件,利益

反义词:disadvantage: n.不利,不利条件,损害,损失

上海龙凤1314This school has many ~s. 这所学校有许多的有利条件。

上海龙凤1314have the ~ of 胜过,占优势

上海龙凤1314You have the ~ of me there. 在那一点上你比我强。

to one’s ~ / disadvantage == to the ~ / disadvantage of sb. 对某人有利/不利

take ~ of sth. 利用某事物

上海龙凤1314take ~ of sb. 欺骗/捉弄某人


1. We ______ _______ _________ (利用) the fine weather to go hiking.

2. It’ll ______ _______ _________ (对你有好处) to study abroad.

Key: 1. took advantage of 2. be to your advantage

上海龙凤131425. judge: n. 法官,审判员,裁判员

judgment: n. 判断

上海龙凤1314I’m no ~ of music, but I know what I like. 我不会鉴赏音乐,可我知道我自己喜欢什么。

vt. / vi 审理,鉴定,判断,判决,断定,认为

~ that - clause / ~ sb. (to be)

~ by …… 从……来判断

~ from …… 根据……可以看出

~ for …… 判断,评价

上海龙凤1314Who will ~ the next case? 谁将审理下一个案子?

上海龙凤1314Don’t ~ a man by his looks. 不要以貌取人。


上海龙凤13141. ________ his appearance, he is a teacher.

A. Judging from B. Judged from C. Judge by D. To be judge by

上海龙凤13142. She couldn’t judge _____________________________________. (他是否讲真话)

3. 我认为最好告诉他。__________________________________.

Key: 1. A 2. whether he was telling the truth 3. I judged it (to be ) better to tell him.

26. false: adj.错误的,虚伪的,假的,无心无义的,伪造的,人工的,不老实的

上海龙凤1314~ news 错误的报道 a ~ friend 不忠实的朋友 a ~ teeth 假牙

上海龙凤131427. troublesome: adj. 麻烦的,讨厌的,棘手的

上海龙凤1314a ~ boy 一个棘手的男孩

上海龙凤1314trouble n. 烦恼,麻烦,动乱,纠纷,疾病,故障,问题

上海龙凤1314ask / look for ~ 自找麻烦

上海龙凤1314be in ~ 处于困境中

上海龙凤1314get into ~ 陷入困境

make ~ 惹事

上海龙凤1314put a person to ~ 给(某人)增添麻烦

take the ~ to do sth. 不辞劳苦地去做

vt. 使烦恼,费神

上海龙凤1314~ oneself to do sth. 费神做

~ oneself about sth. 为……烦恼


1. That student sometimes troubles the teacher _________ hard questions.

上海龙凤13142. He is a great trouble _______ his parents.

上海龙凤13143. She is ________ great trouble, so she needs your advice.

4. The boy put his parents _________ trouble.

Key: 1. with 2. to 3. in 4. to

28. paper: n. [ U]纸 [C] 报纸,文件,证件,论文,考卷

Can you spare some ~ for me? 你能匀出一些纸给我吗?

What news is there in the ~s this morning? 今天早上报纸里有点什么新闻?

papery: adj. 纸状的纸制的

上海龙凤1314paperwork: n.日常文书工作

上海龙凤1314paper mill 造纸厂

29. occur: vi. 发生,出现 occurred / occurred / occurring

上海龙凤1314That kind of things often ~ed during the hard times in 1930’s.


上海龙凤1314sth. ~ to sb. / come to sb. 突然被想到

上海龙凤1314An excellent idea ~ed to me. 我突然想到一个主意。

上海龙凤1314It ~s to sb. that - clause == It ~s to sb. to do sth. ……的念头浮显于某人的脑海里

上海龙凤1314It ~ed to me that I would travel to Europe. 我忽然想去欧洲旅游。

上海龙凤1314It never ~ed to me to phone you. 我根本没想到要大电话给你。


1. 我突然想去看看20年未见过的老同学。______________________________________.

2. 今早起床时,我突然想到一个很棒的点子。___________________________________.

Key: 1. It occurred to me that I would go to see my old classmate who / whom / that I hadn’t seen for twenty years.

2. An excellent idea occurred to me when I woke up this morning.

上海龙凤131430. private: adj. 私人的,私有的,私营的,秘密的

That’s my ~ view. 那是我个人的观点。

I wish to have a ~ talk with you. 我希望私下和你谈谈。

If you go to a ~ hospital, you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。

上海龙凤1314~ account 私人帐户

~ school 私立学校

in ~ 私下

He is very rude in ~, though in public he is polite. 他私下里很粗鲁,但在公共场合很有礼貌。


上海龙凤1314You shouldn’t read other’s _________ without ___________.

上海龙凤1314A. letters of thanks; being permitted B. ~ letters; permission

上海龙凤1314C. letters of thanks; permitting D. ~ letters; permitting Key: B

31. gain: vt. / vi 得到,增进,赚到

上海龙凤1314~ by / from …… (钟,表)走快 (反义词:lose)

上海龙凤1314I gained a lot by / from my former experiences. 我从以前的经验中学到很多东西。

He quickly ~ed experience. 他很快就有了经验了。

上海龙凤1314The clock ~s a minutes a day. 这个钟每天快一分钟。

n. [U, C] 利益,(复数)收益,获益

a ~ of $10000 一万美元的利益

He did it for financial ~. 他是为经济利益而做此事的。

No ~s without pains.不劳而获


上海龙凤1314have a ~ in weight 体重增加


1. He ~ed wealth _______ foreign trade.

2. He gained a lot ________ staying at the homestay. Key: 1. through 2. by / from

32. course: n. 课程,过程,进程,一道菜,

a ~ in French == a French ~ 一门法语课程

a dinner of five ~s == a five-course dinner 一顿五道菜的饭

of ~ 当然,

上海龙凤1314a matter of ~ 当然的事

上海龙凤1314in ~ of正在……中

上海龙凤1314in the ~ of 在……的过程中,在……期间

in the ~ of discussion 在讨论过程中



上海龙凤1314Key: We learned a lot in the course of experiments.

上海龙凤131433. handle: vt. / vi触摸,运用,买卖,处理,操作

上海龙凤1314Wash your hand before you ~ the food. 请先洗手再弄食物。

上海龙凤1314~ the glassware with care. 玻璃制品请小心轻放。

上海龙凤1314A clerk must know how to ~ difficult customers. 店员一定要知道如何应付麻烦的顾客。

Your car ~s easily. 你的车容易开。




上海龙凤1314Key: Who can best ~ the problem?

34. present: vt.介绍,引见,给,赠送,上演,提出,呈现

上海龙凤1314sb. ~ sth. to sb. else == sb. ~ sb. else with sth. 送某人……

He ~ed a book to Mr. White. === He ~ed Mr. White with a book. 他送给怀特一本书。

上海龙凤1314She ~ed the cakes to each guest. 她给每位客人发糕点。

上海龙凤1314注意:present 表示“赠给,给予”时,不能接双宾语,只能用sb. ~ sth. to sb. else == sb. ~ sb. else with sth. 送某人……

n. [C] 赠品,礼物 [U]现在

at ~ == at the ~ time == presently adv. 目前,现在

for the ~ 眼前,暂时

live in the ~顺应当前形式,只顾眼前

上海龙凤1314up to / until ~ 直到现在

be ~ at 出席

At ~, he is on holiday.目前,他在渡假。

上海龙凤1314辨析:present / gift

present 与 gift 在以实物作“礼物”, 两者可互换,但gift 作“礼物”解时除可以表示实物外,还可以表示金钱,而present 则不可。

上海龙凤1314作定语时,前置定语表“现在的,目前的”,后置定语表“出席的,到场的”,the ~ government leaders,现政府的领导人; the government leaders ~. 在场的政府领导人

上海龙凤1314presentation: n. 介绍,陈述,赠送,表达


上海龙凤13141. I’m busy ________________________. (目前)

2. I can’t remember it ________________. (眼前) Key: 1. at ~ 2. for the ~

35. dynamic: adj. 动力的,动力学的,动态的 dynamics: n. 动力学

上海龙凤131436. evident: adj. 明显的,显然的 == obvious

~ly: 显然地,无论怎么看(似乎)像……

His invention was not ~ to me. 我看 不出他的意图为何。

evidence: n. [C / U] 明显,显著,明白,迹象,根据

give ~ 作证 the ~ for / of sth. 某事的证据

In ~ 明显的,显而易见的


1. 很显然他错了。___________________________________________________________.

上海龙凤13142. 没有证据证明他无罪。_____________________________________________________.

Key: 1. It is evident (to all) that he is wrong.

2. There is no evidence that he is guilty. / There is no evidence of his being guilty.

上海龙凤131437. alarm n. [C]警报,警告器 [U] 惊慌

上海龙凤1314give / raise / sound the ~ 发警报

上海龙凤1314Please set the ~ for six o’clock. 请把闹钟定在6点上。

He jumped in ~. 他惊慌地跳了起来。

上海龙凤1314vt. 恐吓,警告

They got ~ed at the news. 这一消息使他们惊恐不安。


Everybody present showed ______ expression at the _________ news.

A. alarmed; alarmed B. alarming; alarming C. alarmed; alarming D. alarming; alarmed Key: C

38. relevant: adj. 有关的,相应的

~ to 有关的,切题的,恰当的,有意义的,关系重大的

上海龙凤1314His nationality isn’t ~ to whether he is good lawyer. 他的国籍跟他是不是一个好律师不相关。

上海龙凤1314辨析:related / relevant

上海龙凤1314related / relevant 都有“相关”的意思。但relevant 着重强调和目前正在处理或正在考虑的事或问题有关。而related一般用于be related to, 表示:与……有血缘关系。

上海龙凤131439. dull: adj.

a ~ book 枯燥无味的书 a ~ knife 钝的小刀 a ~ child 笨小孩 a ~ color 暗淡的颜色

40 appreciation: n. 感谢,感激,正确评价,欣赏,增值

appreciate: vt. 感谢,感激,欣赏

~ sth.

~ sb.’s doing sth.

~ that-clause


上海龙凤1314He doesn’t ~ good wine. 他不会欣赏好酒。

I really ~ your calling me this morning.我非常感激你今天上午电话给我。

上海龙凤1314I ~ that this is not an easy decision for you to make. 我理解你做出这个决定是很不容易的。

41. a variety == various == varieties of 各种各样的


1. Everyone arrived late at the party for ___________ reasons.

A. variety of B. a varieties of C. various of D. varieties of

2. There are _______ flowers shown in the park and _________ people go to have a look.

上海龙凤1314A. varieties of; various B. a plenty of; many C. various; many a D. quite a few; a little

上海龙凤1314Key: 1. D 2. A

42. in need of == in want of 需要

in great need of == badly in need of 非常需要


上海龙凤1314Henry went out with the boys so often that he found himself __________ in need of cash.

上海龙凤1314A. very B. much C. badly D. hardly Key: C.

43. communicate

~ with与……交流

~ sth. to sth. 把某事传达给某人;传递/传播某事物

上海龙凤1314communication: n.

communicative: adj.

The police ~ with each other by radio. 警察通过无线电互相联络。

The officer ~d his orders to the man by radio. 军官用无线电向士兵下达命令。

communicate disease 传播疾病


All of us like the teacher because he _______ his ideas ________ us clearly.

上海龙凤1314A. communicate about; with B. communicates; to

上海龙凤1314C. communicate; to D. communicates about; with Key: B.

44. involve 涉及,包括,卷入

be / become / get ~d in 与……有关联,参与

上海龙凤1314be ~d with sb. 与某人有密切关系

He was ~d in a heated discussion. 他参与了一场激烈的争论。


上海龙凤1314Several days ago, a man whom I know very well _______ an accident near the entrance to the park.

A. was met with B. was involved in C. was run into D. was knocked down Key: B

45. hand:

~ in 上交,提交

~ sth. in to sb. 把……交给某人

~ sth. down to sb. 把某物往下传

~ sth. on to sb. 把某物送交或转交给他人

~ sth. out to sb. 分发/ 配某物

上海龙凤1314~ sth. over to sb. 将(权位/力)移交给某人


1. 请把试卷交上来。___________________________________________________.

2. 她递交了辞呈。_____________________________________________________.

Key: 1. Hand in your examination paper now, please.

2. She handed in her resignation.

上海龙凤131446. be / become / get addicted to (doing) sth. 沉迷与(做)某事


1. As students, we mustn’t be _______ surfing the Internet.

上海龙凤1314A. addicting to B. addicted to C. addicting in D. addicted in

2. His son is addicted _________ detective novels.

A. to reading B. to read C. in read D. in reading Key: 1. B. 2. A

47. drop out (从活动,竞赛中)退出,中途退学,辍学

上海龙凤1314Since his defeat he’s dropped out of politics

She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out a year latter.


1. Joe Jones, the eldest of the eight children, had to _______ out of high school at the age of 16 to

help his father on the farm.

A. leave B. drop C. fall D. go

上海龙凤13142. We should make every effort _______ the children __________.

A. to not let; dropping out B. not to let; dropping out

上海龙凤1314C. not to let; drop out D. to not let; drop out

上海龙凤131448. turn to 1). 求助于,向……寻求帮助

Don’t hesitate to turn to us if you are in trouble. 你有困难,尽管来找我好了。

2). 变成

上海龙凤1314The ice turned to water. 冰变成了水。


Now let’s turn to the linguistic points. 现在让我们谈谈语言方面的问题。

4). 致力于

上海龙凤1314He turned to the study and practice of medicine at twenty.

上海龙凤1314他从20 岁起就致力于医学方面的研究和应用。

上海龙凤13145). 开始工作积极行动

They turned to t once. 他们立即干了起来。

turn to sb. for help 向某人求助


When you come across a new word while reading; don’t always _____________.

A. look it up in the dictionary B. turn it to the dictionary

上海龙凤1314C. refer to it in the dictionary D. look up the dictionary

上海龙凤131449. be accustomed to 习惯于

I’m ~ to getting up early. 我习惯于早起。

上海龙凤1314accustom; vt. 使习惯

~ oneself to 使某人自己习惯于

He had to ~ himself to such weather. 他必须使自己适应这样的气候。


________ getting up early, he woke up early every day.

上海龙凤1314A. Accustomed to B. Accustoming to C. Being used to D. Using to Key: A

上海龙凤131450. be worn up 筋疲力尽

I am worn out by the hard work. 辛苦工作使我筋疲力尽。

His patience is worn out. 他的忍耐已到头。