
模块8 Unit 3 Words and expressions(新课标版高二英语选修八教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-7-4 编辑:互联网 手机版

上海龙凤1314patent n./adj/.v.

The patent runs out in three years’ time. 这项专利为期三年。

Try some of this new patent medicine. 试试这种专利药品吧。

If you don’t patent your invention, someone else will steal the idea. 如果你不为这个发明申请专利,别人可能会剽窃其构思的。

call up =ring up 打电话给…/ bring back回忆/ 征召入伍

I called you up yeasterday but noone answered the phone.

上海龙凤1314I was called up three months after the war broke out.战争爆发三年后我被征召入伍。

上海龙凤1314The music called up my memory of the childhood. 音乐引起我对童年的回忆。


上海龙凤1314call for 需要,要求 去接某人或取某物 call on 号召,拜访 call in 收回 call off 取消

call at 拜访某地 call sb’s name 叫某人的名字 call sb names骂某人 call out 大叫

ex. The football match was called off because of the bad weather.

I called on Mr. Green this morning.

上海龙凤1314The president called on the whole nation to work hard to make the country stronger.

上海龙凤1314Let’s go to the meeting together and I wil call for you. 我们一起去开会,倒是我来接你。

This problem calls for careful thinking.

now and then = at times/ sometimes/ from time to time/ once in a while/ occasionally 有时,偶尔

I wrote to him now and then but not often. 我时不时给他写信,但不经常。

distinguish vi./vt. 显示…区别、使…不同

Speech distinguishes man from the animals. 语言使人区别于动物。

上海龙凤1314A person with good eyesight can distinguish distant objects. 视力好的人可以看清远处的物体。

上海龙凤1314You should be able to distinguish between right and wrong. 你应该能够明辨是非。

上海龙凤1314Lang Lang has already distinguished himself as a pianist.作为钢琴家,郎朗已享有盛名。

distinguish A from B. 使…有别于….

distinguish between A and B 分辨….的不同

上海龙凤1314distinguish oneself as 使…与众不同

distinguished adj. 出名的,与众不同的

上海龙凤1314be distinguished for…=be famous for…

merciful---mercy n. 仁慈、怜悯、慈悲

beg for mercy乞求怜悯、宽恕 have/show mercy on…对….表示同情

上海龙凤1314at the mercy of… 任…摆布 without mercy 毫不留情地


Sympathy 指同情心或恻隐之心,强调共同分担,或引起共鸣等

上海龙凤1314Mercy 仁慈或怜悯,含主动帮助别人脱离困难

It is a pity that such a talented man should be killed by the car.

He was moved with sympathy.

The criminal pleaded with the jury for mercy.

product-production n.---produce v./n. ---producer n.

set about (doing sth) 开始、着手 = set out to do sth

set down 记下,放下 set down to sth 开始做某事

set up 成立 set off (for) 出发 (=set out 出发); 引爆

set aside 放在一边、节省 set fire to 点火

上海龙凤1314convenient-convenience---inconvenience n.方便,便捷

(be) convenient for sth 对某事方便

It/sth. is convenient to/ for sb. 对某人方便

It is convenient for sb to do sth.某人做某事方便


This is a convenient tool for hair-cutting.这是一种便利的理发工具。

上海龙凤1314Come and see me whenever it is convenient to you. 方便的话就来看我。

上海龙凤1314Our home is convenient to the shop. 在…附近

上海龙凤1314The shop is at a convenient distance from our home.

expectation n. 期待,期望;所希望的东西;前程;希望

上海龙凤1314in the expectation that… 预料着,指望着

上海龙凤1314in expectation of 预料着,指望着 beyong one’s expectation

against / contrary to all expectations 与预料相反

上海龙凤1314meet/live up to/come up to the expectation 不负众望

上海龙凤1314expect v. expect sth/ to do sth

上海龙凤1314seize v. 抓住、抢夺

seize sb by the arm 抓住某人的手臂 seize power/ cotrol 夺取权利或控制权

seize the chance/ opportunity

上海龙凤1314be seizde with 受(疾病、情绪等)侵袭或困扰

上海龙凤1314注意:seize 不用suddenly修饰也不用再加by force

file v./n. 文件、文件夹/ 提交,归档

file letters/ an application/ complaint

bear-bore-borne/ born 忍受,负担;生育

bear a heavy burden / a loss 负重荷、承担损失

bear a person/ hardship/ pain 忍受某人/忍受艰难困苦/痛苦

bear love for …/deep feelings 怀有爱慕之情/怀有深厚感情

bear a boy/ fruit

上海龙凤1314bear the sign/ an expression of….具有标记/ 带着…的表情


上海龙凤1314过去分词borne 可以表示生育,且多用于完成体的主动态;born主要用于形容词,作表语或定语,解释为“出生”;“天生的”

上海龙凤1314He is born in 1790/ into a poor family/ of French parents/with a good memory


She has borne 6 children.

All the costs of the repairs will be borne by our company. 我们公司负担所有修理费。

jam n./ v.

上海龙凤1314get out of the jam 摆脱困境

be in/ get into a jam 陷入困境

jam in/ into/ with 挤进/ 使…挤满 I jammed my clothes into a small suitcase.

jam up 把事情搞糟、搞乱 The accident jammed up the traffic for half an hour.