
<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 16

发布时间:2016-7-9 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 61

1. Beautiful day, isn’t it? = It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it ? 天气真美呀! Pity we live so far from the sea. = It’s a pity that we live so far from the sea. 真遗憾我们住得离大海太远了. Sounds like a good idea. = It / That sounds like a good idea. 听起来是个好主意. Ellipsis: 省略句. 例如: Very cold, isn’t it? 天气真冷呀! Fine day, isn’t it? 天气真美呀! Blowing hard, isn’t it? 风刮得真大呀! Raining heavily, isn’t it? 雨下得真大呀!

2. I wish we could go to the seaside today. 但愿今天能去海边就好了. I wish (that) …表示 “愿望” 的交际用语. 它表示很难实现的愿望. 译成 “但愿….. 就好了.” (虚拟语气) 表示现在不可能实现的愿望, 宾语从句用一般过去时, be动词用were; 表示过去不可能实现的愿望, 宾语从句用过去完成时; 表示将来不可能实现的愿望, 宾语从句用would / could / + 动词原形; 例如: I wish I could fly to the moon. 但愿我(现在)能飞上月球就好了. I wish I know the answer. 真希望我现在知道答案. We wish we had arrived there two hours earlier. 真希望我们早到两个小时就好了.

上海龙凤13143. We spent all our days on the beach. 那些天我们一直都在海滩上. beach, 平缓, 适合游泳的海滩, 河滩, (小); seaside, 适于游泳, 疗养的海滨地区, (大); coast, 海岸线 (长, 辽阔) 例如: Children were running about on the beach. We are thinking of going to the seaside for the summer. 我们正在考虑去海滨地区避署. There are many islands off the northwest coast of Scotland . 苏格兰西北方的海中有许多岛屿.

4. We also played games on the sand. 我们还在沙滩上做游戏. sand沙子, 沙粒 (不可数); 做 “沙地, 沙滩.” 讲时多用sands. 例如: Children like to play on the sands. 孩子们喜欢在沙滩上玩.

5. Are you going to be a sailor when you leave school? 中学毕业后你打算当海员吗? leave school = finish school = graduate from school. 毕业. 例如: He left / finished / graduated from school in 1973. 他一九七三年中学毕业.

6. I haven’t make up one’s mind yet. 我还没有下定决心. make up one’s mind to do sth. 下决心干某事. 例如: He has made up his mind to go to college. 他已经下决心一定要上大学. 认定; 例如: He has made up his mind that the boy should work harder. 他认定这孩子应该更加用功. Have you made up your mind what to do ? 你决定要做什么了没有?

7. bathe vi. 洗澡 Bath n. 洗澡 have a bath. 洗澡 Did you bathe yourself in the sea today? 你今天洗海水澡了吗? I’ll have a hot bath and go to bed. 我先洗个澡然后睡觉.

8. Take a deep breath and I’ll time you 你深深地吸一口气, 我来给你记时. have / take a deep breath. 深深地吸一口气; take breath. 歇一歇; 喘口气. 例如: The doctor asked me to take a deep breath. Half – way up the hill we stopped to take breath. 登山的途中, 我们停下来喘了口气. hold one’s breath 屏住哦吸; time vt. 为……记录时间. 例如: To time a race is to see how long it takes. 赛跑计时就是要看看跑完全程要花多长时间. Time how long it take me to work out these 60 maths problems. 给我记时看看我做完这60道数学题要花多长时间. You’ve timed your holiday cleverly – the weather is at its best. 你真会选择度假时间--正是天气最好的时候. His remark was badly timed. 他说的话不合时宜.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 16

Lesson 62

1. Seen from space, the earth looks blue. 从太空上望去, 地球是蓝色的. seen from space过去分词短语做条件状语 = If it is seen from space by you.

2. …two thirds of the earth surface is made up of vast oceans. 地球的三分之二是由广阔的海洋构成的. make up form 编制, 构成, 组成 例如: All bodies are made up of atoms. 一切物质都由原子组成. There are 11 other minerals that make up the salt water of the oceans. 此外还有11种矿物质组成了海洋的盐水. The coat and trousers made up a suit. 上衣和裤子组成了套装. The boy made up a story, it is not true. 这个故事不是真的, 是那个男孩编造出来的. He had to make up the English exam. 他得补考英语. They hurried on to make up for the lost time. 他们加速以弥补失去的时间.

上海龙凤13143. That is 3.5% by weight. 按重量计就是3.5%. by weight 按重量计算 by 按照 例如: These workers are paid by the day, but we are paid by the month. 这些工人按天发工资; 我们按月发放工资. The package is charged by weight. 包裹是按重量收费的.

上海龙凤13144. The answer is that seaweeds produce various chemicals that help keep the sea water clean. 答案是海藻生产出各种各样的化学物质, 这些化学物质有助于使海水保持清洁. various adj. 各种各样的 various views 各种观点, for various reasons 因种种原因, the people of various countries 各国人民; a variety of 各种, 种种; variety n. 变化, 种类 例如: The shopping centre sells a variety of goods. 购物中心卖各种各样的商品. At school we learn a variety of things. 在学校里我们学习各种各种的知识.

5. the Atlantic 大西洋. the Mediterranean 地中海. ***江, 河, 湖, 山等名词前一般要用定冠词the . 但做定语时, 不用定冠词. 例如: Atlantic water 大西洋水

上海龙凤13146. Coral are found in water with a depth of less than 60 meters. 珊瑚常可在水深不超过60米的水里找到.

上海龙凤13147. Water that is cloudy or dirty will kill the coral. 污浊的水会使珊瑚死亡. cloudy adj. 多云的, 浑浊的, 模糊不清的. 例如: The oil looks cloudy. 这油看起来很浑浊. The speaker’s idea seems cloudy to me. 演讲者的意思我听起来似懂非懂的.

8. The minerials are partly supplied by hundreds of natural springs. 这些矿物质部分来自于众多的流入死海的天然泉水. supply sb. with sth. = supply sth. to / for sb. 例如:They supplied him with food. = They supplied food to /for him. 他们给他提供食物. spring n. 春天, 泉水, 弹簧, 发条; v. 跳跃. 例如: The toy is worked by a spring. 那玩具用发条启动. There used to be a spring here. 这儿过去有一个喷泉.

9. There is very little rain here, merely 60 mm in a year on average. 这儿雨水极少, 平均每年只有60毫米. merely only, 只不过, 仅仅.(做状语) 例如: It is merely a matter of time. 这仅仅是时间问题. He said it merely as a joke. 他只不过把它当成笑料说说而已. on average 平均起来, 一般说来(状语) 例如: On average she receives 3 letters every day. 她平均每天收到三封信. The age of the students in Senior II is 17 on average. 高中二年级的学生的平均年龄是十七岁. average 也可用着形容词. 例如: The average temperature in Kuitun during August can reach 35℃. 奎屯八月份的平均温度可达摄氏35度.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 16

Lesson 63

上海龙凤13141. Fish can live in these temperatures only because their blood contains a particular chemical. 鱼之所以能够在这样的温度中生存, 只是因为他们的血液中含有一种特殊的化学物质. particular 与 special 这两个词都可表示 “特别的”; “特殊的”. particular 强调 sth 有与众不同的独特之处; special 口语化的用词, 表示为了某一特殊目的而专门怎么样. 请对比: There is a particular comedy which I have decided to do. 我已决定要导演一部特别的喜剧. There is a special grammar programme for explaining difficult grammar points. 有一个专门讲解语法难点的特别语法节目.

上海龙凤13142. In these oceans live huge numbers of a small fish just 5 cm long. 在这些海洋中生活着大群大群的身长只有5厘米的小鱼. huge number of a small fish 大群大群的小鱼 huge 巨大的(超常地大); big 大(规模, 范围, 面积); large 大(体积, 容积, 数量). 请比较: a huge elephant 一头大象 This hall is very large. 这个礼堂很大.

3. These fish provide the main food for whales. 这些小鱼成了鲸鱼的主要食物. provide vt. = supply 供给, 提供. 句式有二: 1). provide sth for sb. = supply sth for sb. 2). provide sb. with sth. = supply sb. with sth. 例如: He also persuaded other people to provide money or give help. 他还动员其他人或者出钱, 或者给予帮助. His parents provide him with everything. 他的父母亲供给他的一切开支费用.

4. A whale may eat a ton of them at a time, and may enjoy four meals a day. 一头鲸鱼一次就可以吞食一吨这样的小鱼, 一天可能要吃四餐. at a time 每次; 一次. 例如: Don’t pass me all the books at once, one at a time. 不要把书一次性全递给我, 每次递一本. The worker carries two bags of rice at a time. 那位工人每次搬运两袋大米.

5. It can grow to a length of 15 meters. 它可以长到15米长. a length of 15 meters 十五米长; 注意下列形容词与名词的转换: long length; (长度) strong strength; (强度) deep depth; (深度) high height; (高度) wide width. (宽度)

上海龙凤13146. When it dives, its heart slows to half its normal speed. 当它潜水时, 它的心跳速度就能减慢到正常心跳的一半. slow vt. go slower 使……缓慢下来; 例如: His illness slowed him at school. 他的病情使他的学习进展缓慢下来. The icy road slowed our progress. 结冰的路面使我们前进的速度减慢了. 形容词转化为动词. cool 使…凉快/冷却; dry 使…干燥; warm 使…温暖; calm 使…平静下来; The tea is too hot to drink. Let it cool a little. 茶太烫, 让它凉一凉. Please warm the dishes. 请把这些菜端去热一热.

上海龙凤13147. The sperm whale therefore has to look for the squid using sound waves. 因而, 巨头鲸就只好利用声波来寻找鱿鱼. therefore 因而 最正式的用语, 用在句首时常有逗号与后面内容分开; so 是口语化的用词. 请比较: Therefore, if the tobacco companies want to remain in business, they have to encourage more young people to start smoking. 因而, 如果烟草公司想要继续营业的话, 他们就得鼓励更多的年轻人开始吸烟. The day was fine and so we set out . using sound waves现在分词短语做方式状语, 相当于by the way of using sound waves 再如: They crossed the river using small boats. 他们用小船渡过了河. They had to work slowly using old type loughs. 他们只好用老式犁慢慢地犁地.


上海龙凤1314<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 16

Lesson 64

1. What body changes occur when the sperm whale dives? 当巨头鲸下潜时会发生什么身体变化? occur vi. (表示预料, 按计划)发生; 存在; 生存. (与to 联用) 想起; 想到. 例如: The accident occurred at 5 o’clock p.m. 那件事故出在下午5点钟. Such plants don’t occur here. 这样的植物这儿不生长. An idea occurred to me. 我想到了一个主意. happen 普通用词. 表示具体事情发生, 可与occur 通用, 但常带有偶然性.

2. Squids take in water and then force it out of holes in their bodies in order to move in the opposite direction. direction n方向; 趋向; 方面; 动向; 指南; 说明书; 操作说明; (信件包裹的) 姓名地址. 例如: Tom went off in one direction and Harry in another. 汤姆朝一个方向走, 而亨利朝另一个方向走了. The signpost(路标) points in a west direction. 路标指向西方. This is the present direction of government thinking. 这就是当今政府考虑问题的取向. The parcel was returned to the sender because the directions were incorrect. 包裹因姓名地址有误而退回寄件人.

上海龙凤13143. One type of thin narrow fish lays its eggs in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. 一种瘦小体窄的鱼在大西洋中央产卵. lay vt. 放; 置; 摆放; 产卵/下(蛋). 例句: Lay it on the table. 把它搁在桌子上吧. Please lay the table. 请摆放好桌子. The hen laid three eggs yesterday. 那只老母鸡昨天下了三只蛋.

上海龙凤13144. Ellipsis: 为了避免重复, 使句子简洁, 句中某些成分往往加以省略, 特别是在口语中, 这种情况更为常见. 一般有以下规律:

上海龙凤13141). 词语意思很明显, 常予以省略. 例如:

(I) Thank you. I’m fifteen (years old). It’s just twelve (o’clock).

2). 前后句中重复出现的词, 可省略后面的. 例如:

The sun shines in the daytime, and the moon (shines) at night.

3). 定语从句中的关系代词如做宾语, 可以省略. 例如:

Do you know the person (whom) Mr. Smith is speaking to?

4). 关系代词why所说明的先行词the reason常常省略. 例如:

This is (the reason) why she didn’t pass the English examination.

上海龙凤13145). 祈使句中的主语you应予省略. 例如: (You) Get up at once.

上海龙凤13146). 宾语从句中的连词that常可以省略.

7). 状语从句中的主语如与主句主语相同或者从句主语是it/they, 且从句的助动词是be,

上海龙凤1314则从句中的主语和助动词可同时省略. 例如: Though (he is) young, he was much

上海龙凤1314experience. He wrote this novel while (he was) in the country.

上海龙凤13148). 所有格名词或人接house, shop, office等词, 这些词可以省略. 例如:

I am now staying at my uncle’s (house). I got it at the watch-maker’s (shop).

9). 表示身份, 职务的名词作表语或同位语, 省略冠词, 例如:

上海龙凤1314He is (the) mayor of the city.

10). 可用动词不定式符号代替重复的动词不定式或短语. 例如:

He didn’t come to see us though he had promised to (come to see us).
