
<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 24

发布时间:2016-8-7 编辑:互联网 手机版

Lesson 93

1. It is the end of the school year. Susan is leaving. She is saying goodbye to Mr Zhu. 学年结束

上海龙凤1314了, 苏珊就要离开了. 她正在向朱先生道别. 1). Susan is leaving. 现在进行时态表示将

来或近期内按计划, 安排要做的事情. 在英语中, 一些表示位置移动的动词, 如: arrive ;

come ; drive ; fly ; go ; leave ; start ; travel ; move 等等能够用于这种句型. 此外, do ; play ;

work 等也可以这样用. 它们都可以表示按计划和安排将要进行的行为. 例如: Mr. Chen

is driving to Urumqi tomorrow. 陈先生将明天驾车去乌鲁木齐. My mother is coming to see

上海龙凤1314me tomorrow. 我母亲明天要来看我. What are you doing this evening? 你今天晚上打算干

上海龙凤1314什么? 2). say goodbye to sb. 向某人道别. say hello / sorry to sb. 向某人问好/道歉.

2. I wish you every success in the future. 我祝你将来万事如意. 句型I wish you + n . 表示祝

上海龙凤1314愿. 例如: I wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快. 再如: I wish you success / luck /

上海龙凤1314victory / a happy new year. 祝你成功/好运/胜利/新年愉快. 回答这种句子用Thank you.

3. I’d also like to congratulate you on your good work in these two years. 我也想祝贺你, 这两

年来你学习得很好. congratulate vt. 祝贺; 道贺. congratulate sb. on sth. 就某事向某人

表示祝贺 例如: Friends came to congratulate the young parents and to see the baby. 朋友

上海龙凤1314们来向年轻的父母亲道贺并观看婴儿. I congratulated my friend on her birthday. 我祝贺

我的朋友生日快乐. They congratulated me on my recovery. 他们祝贺我身体康复. Good

work 学习好 work (不可数名词) 工作 ; 功课 .

上海龙凤13144. I’m afraid I’m still not very good at it, though. 恐怕我在这方面不行. I’m afraid … . 常表示一种婉转的否定. 它有以下三种句型: 1). be afraid of sth. /doing sth. 害怕某物/做某事(不愿) ; 2). be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事(不敢) ; 3). be afraid (that) … . 恐怕…….

例句: I’m afraid of waking my parents. 我怕会吵醒我的爸爸妈妈. He is never afraid of

上海龙凤1314difficulties. 他从来不害怕困难. Her grandmother is afraid to fly in an airplane. 她奶奶怕

坐飞机. I’m afraid (that) she is ill. 恐怕她病了. I’m afraid I can’t come. 恐怕我来不了啦.

though用于句末作状语, 译成 “然而” “不过” . 例如: He said he would come. He didn’t,

though. 他说过他要来的, 然而却没有来.

5. It’s a pity (that) you missed the sports meeting last week. 你错过了上周的运动会, 真遗憾.

It’s a pity 后按that 引导的主语从句. 在口语中that 可以省略. 例如: It’s a pity (that) we

missed the film yesterday. 我们没有看昨天的电影, 真是太遗憾了. It’s a pity (that) you

couldn’t come to the party. 你未能来参加晚会, 真遗憾.

6. I wanted to ask Chen Wei too, but he’s away. 我原想请陈伟的, 但他已走了. What a shame!

上海龙凤1314Never mind, I’ll write to him. 真遗憾! 不过不要紧. 我会写信给他的. What a shame! (真遗憾! 真不像话!) 用来表示遗憾和愤懑. 例如: What a shame that I failed in the mid-term examinations. 我期中考试不及格, 真是遗憾! What a shame that you have to leave so soon! 你这么早就得走, 真是遗憾!

7. Do you remember when the three of us went on a picnic? 你还记得我们三人一起去野餐的

情况吗? the three of us 我们三个人 (总共三人) ; three of us 我们中的三个人 (总数多

于三人) 例如: The teacher praised four of us. 老师表扬了我们中的四人.


<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 24

Lesson 94

1. I read about you in the newspaper and decided to come and hear you play. 我在报上看到了

你的情况, 于是决定来听你演奏. read about sth. 阅读到关于……的材料. 这里的read

是不及物动词. 一些及物动词如hear ; learn ; write ; know等, 如后面接了介词about / of.

则变成不及物动词. 表示进行有关的行为. 例如: I learned about English. 我学习过一些

英语知识(英语发展史). I read about the news in the newspaper. 我在报上读到过这则消

息. We learned about what happened to him. 我们听说了他出的事情.

上海龙凤13142. I’m very glad I made the effort. 我很高兴不虚此行. effort为特定的目的而作的一次努力.

上海龙凤1314effort也可以用复数形式. 句中的effort指前面的travelled many miles. 短语 make an / the effort to do sth. 尽力去干某事 例如: I will make every effort to help you. 我将尽一切努力来帮助你. He made an effort to finish his work. 他努力去完成了工作.

上海龙凤13143. But I’m getting very tired of travelling. 但我对旅行感到厌倦了. get / be tired of 厌倦 …

侧重于精神. 动词短语 tire of厌倦 …侧重于动作和感情. 请比较: The boy is getting of

上海龙凤1314boiled-eggs. 那个男孩厌烦吃煮鸡蛋. I never tire of listening to the classical music. 我对

上海龙凤1314古典音乐百听不厌. 再如: Readers have got tired of reading long articles. 读者对读冗长


上海龙凤13144. At the moment in my country there are very few such schools. 目前在我国这类学校太少了.

at the moment “此刻”用于现在时;“那时”用于过去时;for the moment 暂时;for a moment 片刻;一时;一会儿. in a moment 立刻;立即. 试比较:My parents are getting in the wheat at the moment. 我父母亲此刻正在地里收割麦子. Stop discussing for the moment, please. 请暂停讨论. I had to think for a moment before I remembered his name. 我想了一会儿才记起了他的名字. You go first. I’ll come in a moment. 你先走,我马上就来.

5. But none of the banks I spoke to were interested. 我去谈过的银行没有一家感兴趣. none 表示三者以上全否定, 指人, 物都可以. 如指一定的范围之内, 后接of 短语, 谓语动词一般用复数(指全体). 但也可用单数(指个体). 请体会下面两个句子: When I went to see my friends, none of them were in. 我去看望朋友, 他们谁都不在. None of them has been to the college. 他们中没有人一个上过大学.

上海龙凤13146. … the school will be expensive to run. 办这所学校要花许多钱. run 经营; 管理; 组织. 例如: He is running the restaurant. 他正在经营那家餐馆. We are going to run four continuation classes in our school next year. 明年我们学校打算办四个补习班.

上海龙凤13147. But it’s going to be a very tiring five years for me. 但对我来说这将是非常累人的五年. tiring 令人劳累的; tired 累了的. 试比较: It is a very tiring job. 这是一件非常累人的工作. I’m very tired now. 我累坏了.

上海龙凤13148. Can I just check I’ve got the number right? 我核对一下号码好吗?get sth. right 使……准确无误; get sth. wrong. 把……弄错; 例如: If you do the maths problem carefully, you can get the answer right. 如果你仔细算这道数学题, 你就能算对它.

上海龙凤13149. Could I drop in at your house after the concert, or would that be too late? 我可不可以在音乐会开完后去你家访?那会不会太晚了?drop in on sb. 顺便拜访某人; 如接地点用at.


上海龙凤1314<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 24

Lesson 95

1. He is on the phone. Is he expecting you?他在打电话. 是他在等着你来吗? expect vt 期望;

指望. 在这里作 “期待着某人来”, 含有 “事先约好” 之意. 例如: I expect he will pass

the examinations. 我期盼他能够通过这次考试. We are expecting him to come for dinner

上海龙凤1314this evening. 我们正盼望他今天晚上来吃饭.

2. I’ve just arrived myself so forgive me if I don’t seem to know what’s going on. 我自己是刚

到家. 所以, 如果我不了解情况的话, 那么请您原谅. forgive vt 原谅; 宽恕. 例如: He

上海龙凤1314forgave me for losing his notebook. 他原谅了我丢掉了他的笔记本. Please forgive me for

上海龙凤1314waking you. 请原谅, 把你吵醒了.

上海龙凤13143. He just asked me to come round for dinner. 他只是叫我过来吃饭. come round 来访; 串门. (非正式的一种说法) . 例如: I’d like to come round your place one day. 我愿意哪一天有空能到你这儿来玩一玩. It’s very kind of you to come round to see us. 你来看看我们真是太好了. come round 还可表示 “恢复知觉” , “转变看法” , “又来到了” 之意. 例如: Li Mei came round when she knew the fact. 李梅知道了事实后, 改变了原来的看法. They watch-

上海龙凤1314ed by her bed, waiting for her to come round. 他们守在她床边, 等待她苏醒过来. The time for autumn harvest soon comes round. 不久又是秋收季节了.

上海龙凤13144. You remember my friend who helped me out? 你还记得曾经帮助我摆脱困境的那位朋友

吗? help sb. out 帮助某人摆脱困境 / 克服困难 例如: His friends helped him out when he was in debts. 在他负债累累时, 是朋友们帮他摆脱了困境. The taxi driver helped the old man out of the car. 出租车司机搀扶着那位老人下车.

上海龙凤13145. I insist on telling him how great you were. 我一定要告诉他你是多么了不起. insist on sth /

doing sth. 坚持某事/干某事;

6. And I owe you some money. 我还欠你的钱呢. owe vt 欠; 欠债(接双宾语) 例如: He owes

上海龙凤1314me 50 yuan. 他欠我50元钱. I owe 20 yuan to the tailor. 我欠那个裁缝20元钱. 把 …归

功于… . 例如: I owe it to you that I passed the examinations. 我通过了考试. 应当感谢你. He owes his success to hard work. 他的成功是努力工作的结果. 分词短语owing to 由于; 因为. 例如: I couldn’t come owing to a bad cough. 我因为咳嗽严重而不能来.

7. But let’s talk more over supper. 不过我们还是吃晚饭时再谈吧. over 在……期间 例如:

上海龙凤1314He fell asleep over a book. 他在看书时睡着了.

8. And you’ll have another supporter in me . 你还有一个支持者. 就是我. 介词in 后面的me

上海龙凤1314和前面的supporter 指的是同一个人. 再如: We have lost a good friend in Bill. 我们失去了

比尔这个好朋友. You will always have a good friend in me. 我永远是你的好朋友.

9. I’d like to come and cover the walls with some bright paintings. 我愿意来给墙上画满鲜艳的画. cover…with…用覆盖 例如:

10. Now let’s drink to the success of your school. 现在,咱们为你办学成功,干杯!Let’s drink

to… 祝酒时用语(用于非正式场合)to后接名词, 表示 “为……干杯”之意 例如: Let’s

drink to the success of Mr. Wang. 为王先生的成功干杯! Let’s drink to your further achieve-

ments! 为了你取得更大的成就干杯!



上海龙凤1314<<陈老师课堂>>重点难点点拨 高二英语 Unit 24

Lesson 96

1. Playing tricks on others is something we should never do. 捉弄他人是我们永远不应做的事

上海龙凤1314情. 短语 play a trick / tricks on sb. 捉弄某人; 开某人的玩笑. 例如: He played tricks on

上海龙凤1314others in that way. 他用那种办法欺骗他人. They played a trick on Lao Wang and hid his

上海龙凤1314glasses. 他们捉弄老王, 把他的眼镜藏起来了. These students like to play tricks on their

上海龙凤1314English teacher.

2. Babies like tearing paper into pieces. 婴儿喜欢撕纸. tear vt. 撕; 扯烂, 例如: He tore a

page out of his notebook. 他从笔记本上撕下一张纸. The boy tore a hole in his trousers.

上海龙凤1314那个男孩把裤子扯了个洞. tear down 撕掉 tear sth. open 撕开 tear at 撕扯 tear sth.

into pieces 把……撕成碎片.
