
高二英语第十八单元Mainly Revision

发布时间:2017-12-22 编辑:互联网 手机版

科目 英语

年级 高二

文件 high2 unit18.doc

标题 Mainly Revision

章节 第十八单元





fly(n.) L.69四会

in order that shout at L.71

上海龙凤1314waiter lay the table by accident L.69三会

cigar announcement track truth book(v.) charge L.70

上海龙凤1314extremely determine stupid permit prison couple L.71

Hank Stram Tina Max carrige in common L.70二会

get in touch with absence Frankfort Bonn turn up on one’s own

上海龙凤1314rush hour brake cyclist rude L.71



上海龙凤1314a)名词从句 Noun Clause(as an attribute)

b)定语从句 Attributive clauses(by/in which)

上海龙凤1314c)过去分词 Past participle(as an attribute, adverbial)

d)省略句 Ellipsis

e)名词从句 Noun Clauses(as Appositive)



上海龙凤13141.There are thousands of jokes in English which have a “play on words”.


上海龙凤1314句中的play on words意为“俏皮话”,“双关语”,“文字游戏”。即利用英语音异义或一词多义的现象构成含义诙谐的语义双关的词语。这一词组也可以作动词短语,作“说俏皮话”,“做文字游戏”解。本课中的小对话就是例子。

上海龙凤1314例如:Customer:What’s this?

上海龙凤1314Waiter:It’s bean soup.

Customer:I don’t want to know what it’s been; I want to know what it is now.

顾客说的最后一句俏皮话,就是通过“bean”和“been”这二个同音异义的词表现出来的。因为“It’s bean soup”和“It’s been soup”听起来是一样的,实际上前句的句意为“这是豆汤”,而后句的句意则为“这原来是汤”。

上海龙凤13142.Customer:What’s wrong with these eggs?

Waiter:Don’t ask me. sir, I only lay the table.

这段对话的意思是顾客向服务员提意见问道:“这些鸡蛋怎么了?”(也许味道不对,也许是坏鸡蛋)。而服务员却回答说:“别问我这个,(我也不知道怎么回事),我只是摆了桌了”。这一笑话的关键词是动词lay,这是个多意词,lay eggs是(鸡、鸭)生蛋的意思,而lay the table是摆桌子准备用餐的意思。


What has happened to you?

What’s the trouble with you?

What’s wrong with you?

3.…Quite by accident. 纯属偶然。

“by accident”意为“碰巧”,“偶然地”,“意外地”,“非有意的”,类似的词组还有by chance,相当于accidentaly,例如:

I met her quite by accident/chance. 我遇到她完全是偶然的。

He failed the exam by accident. 他考试没通过纯属偶然。


1.Hank Stram was on vocation travelling through Europe by train with his two children.


上海龙凤1314句中的on vocation意思是“正在度假”,另外还可以用on holiday表示“正在度假”。除此之外,on还可以构成一些习语,如:

上海龙凤1314on business出差 on purpose有意

Our manager is away on holiday this week. 我们的经理本周休假。

He’s gone to Canada on business. 他去加拿大出差了。

上海龙凤1314The family are on holiday in France. 这一家人在法国度假呢!

2.He bought a coffee and as the train was travelling fast and moving from side to side, he decided to drink it there and not to carry it back to his seat.


a)句中的get a coffee意为“拿/买一份咖啡”。coffee作为物质名词时是不可数名词,例如:Latin American countries export coffee. 拉丁美洲国家出口咖啡。

上海龙凤1314如果指“一份咖啡”或“一杯咖啡”时,常用a coffee或a cup of coffee来表示。

b)from side to side的意思是:“晃来晃去”。句中的from…to…还可以组成很多词组,例如:

from time to time有时 from morning to (till) night从早到晚

上海龙凤1314from beginning to end自始至终 from head to foot从头到脚

from bad to worse每况愈下

In order to buy her husband a birthday present, she went to from shop to shop.


上海龙凤13143.They found that they had a / of in common and get on well.


a)句中的in common作“(和……)有共同之处”,“共用”解,例如:

Real friends should have everything in common. 真正的朋友应该是共享一切。

上海龙凤1314The swimming pool is used in common by all the children in the neighborhood.


另外,in common与介词with连用时,意思是“和……一样”。例如:

上海龙凤1314In common with many boys, he likes playing football. 和许多男孩子一样,他喜欢踢足球。

In common with you, he kept his mouth shut at the meeting yesterday.


b)句中get on well为动词短语,作“(同……)相处得好”解,也可作“在……方面进展不错”解,与get along意思相近。例如:

上海龙凤1314How are you getting on with your classmates? 你和同学们相处得如何?

I’m getting on well in my new job. 我的工作情况进展不错。

上海龙凤1314We got on together like old friends. 我们相处得像与朋友一样。

4.Finally Hank and his friend gave each other their addresses and promised to get in touch again with each other when they both returned to the States.


上海龙凤1314句中的to get in touch with…是一个动作性动词词组,意思为“与……进行接触”,“和……取得联系”。如果表示状态,则用词组keep in touch with…,意思是“和……保持联系”。例如:

She was anxious to get in touch with you. 她渴望和你取得联系。

上海龙凤1314I’ve been trying to get in touch with you all afternoon. 我整个下午都在和你联系。

上海龙凤1314Have you kept in touch with him? 你仍和他保持联系吗?

For six months, the astronauts have kept in touch with the research centre on the earth by radio.


*lose touch with…是“和……失去联系”的意思。例如:

I used to see him quite often but we have lost touch.


I don’t want to lose touch with you. 我不想和你失去联系。

5.He had gone through six carriges when he found he could go no further.


上海龙凤1314a)go through在句中的意思是“穿过”,这是一个十分活跃的动词短语,还可以作“审阅”,“检查”,“用完”,“经历(困难、痛苦等)”解。例如:

It’s quite dangerous to go through a forest alone. 一个人穿越森林是相当危险的。

They went through our luggages at the customs. 他们在海关检查了我们的行李。

Our tearchers are going through our papers in their office. 我们的老师正在办公室阅卷。

I went through all the money my parents gave me. 我花光了父母给我的钱。

My grandparents went through a lot during the war.



I was just coming to see you when I ran into him. 我打算来看望你,突然又碰到他了。

上海龙凤1314I was about to leave when it began to rain. 我正准备离开突然下雨了。

c)句中的could go no further与could not go any further同义。例如:

上海龙凤1314I have visited the city no more since last summer.

上海龙凤1314I have not visited the city any more since last summer.


6.I’m going to see what Dad is up to. 我要去看看爸爸怎么了。

be up to是一个多义词组,需要根据上下文去理解。它可作“(打算)做……”,“(觉得)有条件做……”,“由(某人)决定……”解。例如:

They are very quiet. I wonder what they are up to there.


Is she up to such an important job? 她能胜任如此重要的工作吗?

Whether he will take it or not is up to you. 他是否接受这个就看你的了。

It’s up to us to give them all the help we can. 应由我们来决定是否能尽我们所能地去帮助他们。

上海龙凤1314What have you been up to lately? 你近来在忙什么呢?

7.Two hours is a long time to take over a coffee. 两个小时端杯咖啡是够长的了。


Twenty dollars is too much for a child to spend a week.


Three hours is not enough for them to complete the task.


上海龙凤1314b)句中的take over作“拿过来”解,另外还可以作“接替(职务)”,“接管”解。例如:

上海龙凤1314I’ll take over his job while he is on holiday. 他度假时我将接替他的工作。

上海龙凤1314This large company has taken over many small ones. 这家大公司接管了许多小公司。

Was it in 1948 that the Government took over the railways in Britain?


8.She had gone through just a few carriages before she found herself at the front of the train.



上海龙凤1314He didn’t wait long before his father came back. 没等多久他爸爸就回来了。

上海龙凤1314It wasn’t long before he told us about the affair. 没多久他就把这事告诉了我们。


It was a long time before I got to sleep again. 过了很长时间我才又入睡。

上海龙凤1314It was evening before we reached the little town. 天黑了我们才到达那小城。

It will be five years before we meet again. 五年以后我们才会再想见。

上海龙凤13149.The message is this: you are to go to the hotel where rooms have already been booked for you.


a)句中的be to do sth.常常表示“应该做某事”或“按计划将做某事”,这是表示将来时间的一种结构,用于第二人称时,常含有转达别人指示的意思。例如:

上海龙凤1314you’re to go to the teachers’ office after school. 放学后你要去老师办公室。

We are to wait for her at the school gate. 我们要在校门口等她。

They’re to begin their experiment next week. 他们计划下周开始他们的试验。


上海龙凤1314“The room is to be locked”. The manager said. 经理说,“这个房间要上锁”。

She’s to be back before ten. 她必须在十点以前回来。


上海龙凤1314He had booked two seats on the plane from New York to London.


上海龙凤1314I believe it’s terribly crowded, so you’d have to book seats now.



上海龙凤1314book down登记,记帐 book in签到 book up订(车票,住处等)

10.The hotel paid the taxi driver and put the charge on their hotel bill.



What is the charge for a room? 租住一个房间的费用是多少?

There is no charge for the exhibition. 这个展览不收费(免费)。

How much do you charge for a haircut? 理个发要多少钱?

We don’t charge anything for this? 我们对此不收费。

Please charge these to my account. 请把这些记在我的帐上。

He was charged with stealing. 他被指控犯了偷窃罪。


1.But the hardest part was the interview. 但是最难的一关是面试。


上海龙凤1314In the morning, I had three interviews. 早上我有三次会。

上海龙凤1314He refused to give any interviews to newspaper reporters. 他拒绝一切新闻记者的采访。

上海龙凤1314The film star interviewed the journalist one by one. 这位影星会见一个又一个的记者。

上海龙凤1314The manager said it was time to interview the staff members in his company.


上海龙凤13142.A yellow car passed me and suddenly stopped, as there was another car coming in the other direction.



In which direction does the river run? 这条河流向何方?

She hurried away in the opposite direction. 她匆匆忙忙地朝相反的方向走去。

The ship was sailing in the direction of Dalian. 轮船朝大连方向驶去。

上海龙凤13143.I had to brake hard and I hit another cyclist. 我只好急刹车,撞到了另一位骑车人。


上海龙凤1314The driver braked hard as the child ran onto the road in front of him.


His brakes failed on a steep hill. 他的车闸在陡峭的山路上失灵了。(作名词用)

4.I cycled as fast as I could and saw that the driver in the yellow car was waiting at the red light.


上海龙凤1314The interview went well and I told the company about my experiences and answered their questions as honestly as I could.



I shall come to see you as often as I can (as often as possible)


上海龙凤1314Please get them to finish it it as quick as possible. 请让他们尽快地完成这项工作。

5.I was still so angry I was determined to tell him what I thought of him.



b)(be) determine(d) to do sth.与make up one’s mind基本同义。例如:

He determined (was determined) to go there first. 他决定先去那儿。

I was determined not to follow his advice. 我下定决心不采纳他的建议。

Have they determined where the new school will be built?


6.I told him that he had knocked two people off their bicycles and had nearly caused a bad accident. 我告诉他他把两个人撞下了自行车,并且差一点儿造成一场事故。

a)此句中的knock off作“将……撞离……”解。例如:

上海龙凤1314He was so angry that he knocked all the books off the table.


上海龙凤1314除此之外,knock off还作“停止工作”,“减(价)”,“扣掉”解。例如:

上海龙凤1314What time do you knock off? 你什么时候下班?

上海龙凤1314We have done enough for today. I think we’ll knock off.


上海龙凤1314I’ll knock you five pounds off if you buy two. 如果你买两个,我就给你减掉五英磅。


knock sb. down将某人打倒在地 knock at/on the door敲门 knock into sb.撞在某人身上


上海龙凤1314I hope you’ll forget all the unhappiness I’ve caused you.


上海龙凤1314What caused his illness? 什么使他生病了?

The situation caused the serious concern to the Government.



The cause of the fire was a cigarette end. 这场火灾的起因是烟头。

上海龙凤1314There is no cause for complaint. 没有什么可以抱怨的理由。

7.I seem to remember that the last time we met I did most of talking, so perhaps I should let you do the talking this time.


句中的the last time引导出了一个状语从句。在英语中,一些名词词组可以充当连词,引导状语从句。例如:

The moment he spoke, we recognized his voice. 他一说话,我们就听出他的声音了。

上海龙凤1314Next time you come in, please close the door. 下次进来时请关上门。

Don’t look up new words each time you meet them. 不要一遇到生单词就查字典。

上海龙凤13148.I was pleased that the manager had decided not to be angry with me for having been so rude. 我很高兴,经理决定不因我曾经粗暴无理而生我的气。

句中由for having been so rude引导的短语作状语,说明angry的原因。由于动作发生在谓语动词的动作之前,也就是说粗鲁的行为发生在经理之前,因此用完成形式having been来表示。例如:

He was sentenced to death for having killed a man.


上海龙凤1314He felt sorry for having wasted so much time.


上海龙凤1314She forgot having been taken abroad when she was a child.




1.Here is my card. Let’s keep in .

上海龙凤1314A.relation B.touch C.connection D.friendship

2.I dislike the way he treats his students.

A.which B.by which C./ D.on which

3.They are boys that they can’t do the work well.

上海龙凤1314A.so small B.so little C.such few D.such little

上海龙凤13144.My father often asks how I at school with my classmates.

上海龙凤1314A.get on B.get down C.get off D.get up

5.-How long has this bookshop been in business?

- 1992.

A.After B.From C.Since D.In

上海龙凤13146.-Why does Tod look so unhappy?

上海龙凤1314-He seems to .

上海龙凤1314A.to being scolded B.being scolded

C.to have scolded D.to have been scolded

7.It’s useless only about it.

A.talk B.talking C.talked D.to be talked

8.I still remember the many times he saved the wounded soldiers on the battle field.

A.where B./ C.in which D.which

上海龙凤13149.Who is it up whether to start the experiment or not?

A.to deciding B.to decide C.to to decide D.for to decide

10.When people talk about the cities of Japan, the first comes into mind is Tokyo.

A.of which B.that C.city D.one

上海龙凤131411.The two words have something with each other.

A.in difference B.in ordinary C.in common D.in same

12.Can you lend me the book the other day?

A.about that you talked B.you talked about

C.which you talked D.that you talked

13.She hasn’t got enough to buy the computer.

上海龙凤1314A.that B.which C.for which D.with which

14.We think it important college students should master at least on foreign language.

A.that B.what C.whether D.what

15. I will accept the gift is none of your business.

A.What B.Whether C.If D.Which

上海龙凤131416.He was born in Nanjing but studied in Beijing .

上海龙凤1314A.So did I B.So I did C.So was I D.So it is with me

17.What’s the for her anger? She’s usually not easy to get angry.

上海龙凤1314A.reason B.fact C.cause D.wrong

18.I was about to leave the telephone rang.

A.after B.while C.when D.before

上海龙凤131419.The woman looks worried. She seems something.

A.having lost B.to be losing C.to have lost D.to lose

上海龙凤131420.It was raining hard, caused the river to rise.

A.which B.as C.it D.that


Two women came to Solomon with a hard problem.” This woman and I live in the same house. “explained one of them.” I gave 1 to a baby, and two days 2 , she bore a baby dead. But when I was 3 she put her dead child next to me and 4 my baby. As I got up and looked at the baby, I saw that it was not 5 .

6 this the other woman said, “No! The 7 child belongs to me.” The first woman answered, “No. The boy 8 is my son, not hers. “This was how the women 9 .

上海龙凤1314Solomon 10 for a sword, and, when it was 11 he said, “Cut the baby that is alive 12 half, and give each woman half of it.”

“No!” cried the first woman. “Please 13 put the child to death. Give it to her.” But the other woman said, “Don’t give it to 14 of us, go on and cut it.”

上海龙凤1314Finally Solomon spoke, “Don’t 15 the child! Give it to the first woman. She is the 16 mother.” Somomon knew this because the first woman loved the baby 17 much that she was ready to give it to the other woman. 18 this way the baby could be saved. When people heard how Solomon had 19 the problem they were glad to have such a 20 king.

上海龙凤13141.A.food B.milk C.birth D.death

2.A.behind B.later C.before D.back

3.A.working B.sleeping C.dreaming D.lying

上海龙凤13144.A.woke B.killed C.brought D.took

5.A.my B.her C.mine D.hers

上海龙凤13146.A.At B.With C.On D.In

上海龙凤13147.A.living B.alive C.lively D.lived

8.A.dying B.living C.death D.alive

9.A.quarrelled B.talked C.said D.fought

上海龙凤131410.A.looked B.cared C.sent D.called

上海龙凤131411.A.brought B.taken C.carried D.held

12.A.into B.in C.by D.onto

13.A.not B.not to C.won’t D.don’t

上海龙凤131414.A.neither B.either C.both D.any

上海龙凤131415.A.die B.beat C.murder D.kill

上海龙凤131416.A.wrong B.real C.mistaken D.clever

上海龙凤131417.A.too B.very C.that D.so

18.A.By B.Through C.In D.With

上海龙凤131419.A.found B.grasped C.solved D.worked

上海龙凤131420.A.wise B.brave C.cruel D.funny



Kleptomania is an illness of the mind that gives a person the desire to steal. Such a person is not really a thief. They are sick and cannot help themselves. All small children act naturally and as they grow up they normally learn to control their actions. People with kleptomania for certain medical reasons have failed to develop control over their desire to take things that do not belong to them. With medical help they many become normal citizens again. The things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. They often give away what they have stolen or collect objects without using them.

1.What is the topic of the text?

A.Young thieves. B.An unusual illness.

上海龙凤1314C.Reasons for stealing. D.A normal child’s actions.

2.From the text we learn that small children .

A.have little control of themselves B.usually steal things but grow up honest

上海龙凤1314C.are usually kleptomaniacs D.like to give things away

上海龙凤13143.Kleptomaniacs usually steal things that .

上海龙凤1314A.are valuable B.are unimportant

上海龙凤1314C.their friends like D.they themselves need

上海龙凤13144.Which of the following words can best replace(替代) the word desire in the first sentence?

A.chance B.power C.right D.wish


上海龙凤1314Our neighbour asked my daughter what she put on her cat to make him smell so good, “Maybe it’s the perfume I use,” came the reply “The cat sleeps with his nose against my neck, so some of the scent must rub off on him.”

The next evening our neighbour was in a department store when she noticed a familiar fragrance(香味) in the air. Our neighbour liked shopping very much and always went to the same store. She asked the woman who had just walked by what perfume she was wearing. After learning the name, our neingbour said, over the heads of all in the crowded store. “It smells wonderful. My friend’s cat wears it.”

上海龙凤13141.The cat smelled good because

A.the writer’s daughter put perfume on him B.the cat slept with the girl

C.the cat liked the smell of the perfume D.the cat wore perfume

2.Which of the following sentences does not keep to the topic?

A.Our neighbour asked my daughter what she put on her cat to make him smell so


B.“It smells wonderful.”

C.She liked shopping very much and always went to the same store.

D.“My friend’s cat wears it.”

3.In the sentence “After learning the name,…” the world “name” refers to .

A.the lady’s name B.the name of the perfume

C.the name of the store D.the name of the cat

4.On hearing the neighbour’s words, the lady in the store would probably be .

A.happy B.angry C.worried D.proud

上海龙凤13145.When the neighbour said, “It smells wonderful. My friend’s cat wears it.” she wanted to .

上海龙凤1314A.make fun of the lady B.make fun of the perfume

C.sound funny D.praise the perfume


According to an old story, a farmer once found that 1.

a bag of corn had been stolen in his house. He went to 2.

上海龙凤1314the judge and told him his loss. The judge ordered that 3.

上海龙凤1314all the people of the farm must come before him. He 4.

took a number of sticks of equal long and gave one stick 5.

上海龙凤1314to every man. He then said, “Come here again tomorrow. I 6.

上海龙凤1314shall know who of you is the thief because the stick 7.

上海龙凤1314giving to the thief will be one inch longer than the 8.

others.” The next day a thief was found because he 9.

was afraid of being found out and cut an inch of his stick. 10.


Ⅰ.1-5 BCDAC 6-10 DBBCB 11-15 CBDAB 16-20 DCCCA

Ⅱ.1-5 CBBDC 6-10 AADAC 11-15 ABDBD 16─20 BDCCA

上海龙凤1314Ⅲ.(A)1-4 BABD (B)1-5 BCBBD

上海龙凤1314Ⅳ.1.√ 2.将in改为from 3.在him之后加about 4.去掉must

上海龙凤13145.将long改为length 6.将every改为each 7.将who改为which

8.将giving改为given 9.将a改为the 10.将inch后的of改为off