
教案示例Unit 2 Why do you like koala bears?(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-1-19 编辑:互联网 手机版


上海龙凤1314  谈论自己的喜好;

上海龙凤1314  询问他人的喜好;




上海龙凤1314  语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧   重点词汇



上海龙凤1314使用what 和like的特殊疑问句

名词的单复数的使用 通过讨论,做出推理与判断,培养综合分析能力 tiger, elephant, koala bear, dolphin, panda, lion, penguin, giraffe,

smart, cute, ugly, intelligent, friendly, beautiful, shy, kind of, very, Africa, China

  语言结构   语言功能   跨学科学习

Present tense to like

Yes/No questions and short answers


Adjectives of quality

Why do you like koala bears?   讨论喜好

  陈述理由 文学:鼓励学生创作,根据自己调查的资料和感受写出对保护动物的理解


  Why do you want to see the pandas?

上海龙凤1314  Because they’re cute.

上海龙凤1314  Why does he like the koala bears?

上海龙凤1314  Because they are kind of interesting.

  What animals do you like?

  I like penguins. They are cute.

上海龙凤1314  What other animals do you like?

上海龙凤1314  I like dogs, too.

上海龙凤1314  Where are lions from?

上海龙凤1314  They are from Africa.


  Step 1: Lead-in

  Show parts of animal’s bodies by slide show, let students guess what animals they are.

  Then students show the pictures of all kinds of animals they found before class, and do a brief introduction of the pictures.

  Step 2: Task one: make a survey: what animals do your group mates want to see?

  Listen to the tape and finish Section A, 2a and 2b;

上海龙凤1314  Ask group mates what animals they want to see in a zoo, fill in the chart as below:

Name Favorite animals Why

上海龙凤1314Lucy Pandas, monkeys cute and friendly; smart and naughty

上海龙凤1314  Presentation: show their pair work

上海龙凤1314  report: Lucy wants to see pandas. She thinks pandas are very cute and friendly…

  Step 3: Task two: make decision what animals your group wants to see in a zoo.

  1. choose the most popular three animals in one’s group;

上海龙凤1314  2. listen to the tape, finish Section B, 2a and 2b;

  3. make a plan when you go to a zoo with your group mates.

  Give a dialogue sample:

上海龙凤1314  Boy: Where do you want to go now?

上海龙凤1314  Girl: Let’s see the elephants.

  B: The elephants? Why do you like elephants?

  G: Oh, they’re interesting. And they are really intelligent.

  B: Yes, but they are ugly, too.

上海龙凤1314  G: Oh, Tony! So, where do you want to go?

上海龙凤1314  B: Let’s see the pandas. They are kind of cute.

上海龙凤1314  G: Oh, yeah. I love pandas. They’re beautiful. But they are also kind of shy. Where are they?

上海龙凤1314  B: They’re over there on the left, just across from the koala bears.

  Step 4: Task three: We are going to the Beijing zoo for Autumn Outing, draw the order your group see animals at the zoo and state your reasons.

  Group work:

  1. draw a map of the zoo like the picture on P7; (according to the map of Beijing zoo)

上海龙凤1314  2. mark the order your group see animals;

  3. state the reasons like: Lucy, Mary and I like pandas best because they are lovely and beautiful, so we go to see pandas first. Then…

  Step 5: Homework: Task:

  If you have a wild animal zoo, what animals do you want to put in your zoo?

上海龙凤1314  Draw a map of your zoo and state why you have these wild animals.


上海龙凤1314  一.环节设计思路:



上海龙凤1314  本课设计上思路非常明晰,由潜入深,教师带领着学生一步一个脚印,渐渐进入任务,让学生非常自然的领会本课的知识点。任务的设计贴近学生生活,有趣又实用,学生的参与非常热烈。教师对课堂的把握非常到位,收放自如。不足之处在于野生动物的话题过于广泛,教师可给与适当的指导,提供方向性的资料利于学生课下任务的完成。

