
unit 17 My teacher 备课笔记(新课标版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-2-15 编辑:互联网 手机版


Ⅰ. 词汇学习

simple-minded , patience , laughter , burst into laughter , look back upon , wisdom , human being , priceless , gifted , throat

Ⅱ. 交际英语

Asking for permission and responses (征求许可与应答)

1. May / Can / Could I do … ?

2. I wonder if I could do … ?

3. Would / Do you mind if I … ?

4. Do you think I could do … ?

上海龙凤13145. I was wondering if I could

上海龙凤13146. Will you allow me to do … ?

7. Do you have any objection ?

8. I should like to do …

上海龙凤13149. With your permission , I should like to …

10. I hope you don’t mind , but wouldn’t it be possible for me to do …… ?

上海龙凤131411. As you wish . / If you like .

12. I don’t mind , just as you like . / I don’t mind your doing … .

上海龙凤131413. Not at all , please . .

14. You are welcome to use …

15. Of course . / Yes . / Sure . / Certainly .

上海龙凤131416. Go ahead . That’s OK . / That’s all right .

17. I’m sorry , you can’t . / I’m sorry , but … .

18. You’d better not do… .

上海龙凤131419. Out of question , I’m afraid .

上海龙凤131420. I’m afraid it’s not possible for you to do … .

Ⅲ. 语法学习


可以说系动词也是考试的热点,它用来表示状态;它跟形容词、名词、介词短语、动词-ing形式、过去分词等合用构成系表结构。常见的系动词有:become , look , sound , smell , taste , seem , appear , prove , turn , go , remain , stay , fall等。


at birth , at a birth , by birth , from birth , of…birth 与 give birth to

上海龙凤1314birth 是中学英语教材中的一常用词,也常见于 birthday ( 生日 ) 、birthplace ( 出生地 ) 、birthrate ( 出生率 ) 和 birth control ( 计划生育 ) 等一些复合名词或短语之中。从字面看,这些复合词和短语意义容易理解,但下面一些含 birth 的介词短语和动词短语对于中学生来说就不那么容易理解了。现将 at birth , at a birth , by birth , from birth , of…birth 与 give birth to 的用法作一总结,供同学们参考。

1 . at birth 意为 “ 出生时 ” ,相当于 when one was born 。例如:

She weighed 8 pounds at birth . 她出生时重 8 磅。

2 . at a birth 表示 “ 一胎生育…… ” 。例如:

Cats sometimes have four or five young at a birth . 猫有时一胎产四、五只幼仔。

上海龙凤13143 . by birth 意为 “ 按血统,论出身 ” 。例如:

He was a Swede by birth , a German by education . 他具有瑞典血统,受的是德国的教育。

4 . from birth 意为 “ 一生下来就,从一出生下来 ” 。例如:

上海龙凤1314She has been blind from ( her ) birth . 她从一生下来就双目失明。

上海龙凤13145 . of…birth 意为 “ 出身于……之家 ” 。例如:

He was a man of noble birth . 他出身名门望放。

6 . give birth to 意为 “ 生出,生产 ” 。例如:

She gave birth to a second chile in January . 元月她又生了一个孩子。

上海龙凤1314The Chinese nation has given birth to many national heroes and revolutionary leaders . 中华民族孕育出了许多民族英雄和革命领袖。





上海龙凤1314This kind of work requires much patience .

She had no patience with her nosy neighbours .她不能容忍爱管闲事的邻居们。

〖点拨〗with patience = patiently耐心地。be out of patience with对……不能忍受。

上海龙凤1314另外,注意:be patient with sb对某人耐心。be patient of sth对某事耐心。

You should be more patient with these patients . 你应该对这些病人再耐心些。

2. laughter笑;笑声

I heard a roar of laughter from the next room . 我听到从隔壁房间传来哄笑声。

〖点拨〗burst into laughter = break out into laughter = burst out laughing 放声大笑。

上海龙凤1314注意由laugh构成的词组有:laugh a good / hearty laugh开心地笑。laugh a bitter laughter苦笑。have a good laugh over对……捧腹大笑。laugh at嘲笑。

He laughs longest who laughs last . = He who laughs last laughs longest . (谚语) 笑到最后的笑的最好。(别高兴的太早了。)

上海龙凤13143. priceless无价的;非常贵的

The priceless collection of paintings is of great importance .

上海龙凤1314〖点拨〗valuable , invaluable , priceless , valueless 和 worthless

从形式上看,invaluable , priceless , valueless 和 worthless 这四个形容词均带有否定意义的前缀 in- 或者后缀 -less ,因此,很容易认为它们都含否定意思,其实它们的含义有天壤 之别。现介绍如下:

1) invaluable :该词中的前缀 -in 加重 valuable 的含义,所以 invaluable 的准确意思为“价值大得无法衡量的”“非常贵的”。如:

His advice has been invaluable to the success of the project . 他的意见对于项目取得成功起到了非常积极的作用。

2) priceless :该词中的后缀 -less 有抬高价码的意思,所以该词译作“价值高得难以确定的”“非常值钱的”“无价的”。如:

Only the rich can afford to buy these priceless paintings . 只有富人们才能买得起这些价值千金的绘画作品。

Works of art , historic monuments and priceless historical records were ruthlessly destroyed . 艺术作品、历史遗址以及无法估价的史料均遭到残酷的破坏。

3) valueless :此处的 -less 是一个含否定意义的后缀,故该词译作“不值钱的”“毫无价值的”。如:

These paintings have been ruined and are now valueless . 这些油画都已毁坏,所以现在就无价值了。

上海龙凤13144) worthless :此词与 valueless 同义,但还有“不足取的”“丝毫没用的”之意,这时不能与 valueless 换用。如:

The jewels he sold us turned out to be completely worthless . 他卖给我们的珠宝原来毫无价值。

It was a worthless action .那次行动得不偿失。


上海龙凤13141. mean nothing to me对我来说毫无意义

上海龙凤13142. reach my understanding终于使我弄明白了

上海龙凤13143. reach out to把手伸向

上海龙凤13144. reach out for伸手去那拿

5. take sb by the hand挽着某人的胳膊

上海龙凤13146. bring sb into touch with使某人接触到

上海龙凤13147. look back upon / over被……所感动

上海龙凤13148. be patient with sb对某人耐心

9. demanding job费事的工作

上海龙凤131410. owe thanks to sb for为……而感谢某人

11. start all over again重新开始

上海龙凤131412. do an exam考试

上海龙凤131413. be away on holiday外出度假

上海龙凤131414. sound exciting听起来扣人心弦

15. burst into tears = burst out crying突然哭起来

16. vote for sb投票选某人

上海龙凤131417. fall silent突然沉默下来

上海龙凤131418. study away from home在离家很远的地方就读


上海龙凤13141 . …one or two people had told my mother that I was simple-minded . 有一两个人曾对我母亲说过我头脑简单。

〖明晰〗(1)one or two…后的动词用复数,one or two还可作主语。但a/an…or two可当作集合名词看待,而动词取单复数都可,由讲话者或作者主观上而定。如:

上海龙凤1314There are one or two things that must be remembered . 有几件事必须记住。

Only one or two have been questioned about the case . 有关该案只有一两个人受到审问。

Only a word or two is/are needed here . 这儿只需几句话就行了。

(2)simple-minded 头脑简单的。minded作为形容词常构成复合词,含“有……头脑 的(思想的,观念的,意识强的)”。如:

small-minded气量小的,absent-minded心不在焉的,noble-minded思想高尚的,independent-minded有独立见解的,like-minded观点相同的,tradition - minded有传统观念的,lazy-minded 思想懒惰,sports-minded醉心体育运动的,safety-minded安全意识强的。

上海龙凤13142 . A born teacher, she thought she would turn a deaf- blind person into a useful human being . 她是一位天生的教师,她认为她能把一个又聋又瞎的人变成为一个有用的人。

〖明晰〗(1)a born teacher在本句作非限制性同位语,通常,非限制性同位语放在与它同位的那个词后面,并用逗号隔开。但是有时非限制性同位语可以提到句子前面,放在主语前面,这样做是为了给这个同位语以突出的位置,但更多的是因为主语是人称代词(人称代词太短),如果将较长的同位语放在后面会影响句子的平衡。又如:

An excellent speaker, he is never at a loss for words . 他是一位出色的演说家,从来不会想不出说什么好。


a born fool 天生的傻子/a born musician 天生的音乐家/a recently born idea 新近产生的想法/He is born rich . 他生来有钱。

3 . I reached out to Annie‘s hand . 我把手伸向安妮的手。

上海龙凤1314〖明晰〗reach out 伸出手(臂),可作不及物动词,也可作及物动词。如:

She reached out and took down a dictionary from the top shelf . 她伸手从最高一格书架上取下一本词典。

上海龙凤1314She reached out her hand and offered to shake his . 她伸了手去,想和他握手。

上海龙凤13144 . She also brought me into touch with everything that could be felt ━━ soil, wood, silk . 她还使我接触到所有能感觉到的东西 ━━ 泥土、木板、丝绸。

〖明晰〗bring into 使进入某种状态。bring sb into touch ( contact, association) with…使接触到。如:

This brought us into touch with a wide circle of people . 这使我们有机会广泛接触各式各样的人。

5 . As I look back upon those years, I am struck by Annie’s wisdom . 当我回顾那些岁月时,安妮的智慧使我惊叹不已。

〖明晰〗(1)look back“回顾,回忆”(=think about the past, recall the past), 后接on, upon, to, over介词短语。如:

上海龙凤1314Looking back upon our achievements, we are firmly convinced that we shall be able to achieve even greater victories . 回顾我们所取得的成就,我们坚信将能取得更大的胜利。

(2)be struck by 被……所打动,被……所迷住。

6 . It took great imagination as well as patience for Annie to teach me to speak . 安妮以极大的耐心和想象力教我说话。

〖明晰〗as well as 在此处是连词“和,又,也,除……外还”。 在表示“不但……而 且……”时则侧重强调前者,谓语与前者一致。而“not only…but also …”则侧 重于后者,谓语与后者一致。如:

He can speak French as well as English . 他不但会讲英语,而且还会讲法语。

She is not only hardworking but also clever . 她不但用功,而且聪明。

(He as well as we is(=Not only we but also he is ) eager to know the results . 不仅我们,而且他也急于想知道结果。

7 . To Annie I one thanks for this priceless gift of speech . 我得感谢安妮给了我说话能力这个无价之宝。(=Annie taught me to able to speak . This I consider to be the most valuable gift she gave me . For this I express my gratitude to her . )

上海龙凤1314〖明晰〗(1)owe thanks to sb for为……而感谢某人。to sb可提至句首以示强调。如:

上海龙凤1314I owe many thanks to Mr Wang for his help . 对王先生的帮助,我非常感谢。

(2)owe…to 应该把……归功于。如:

上海龙凤1314She owes her success to hard work . 她把成功归因于辛勤工作。

8. laugh, laughter, laughing, laughable, smile

〖明晰〗(1)laugh v . n . 笑;发笑;笑声。常作动词指由于高兴、快乐或看到某个有趣的景象而出声的笑,有时也表示嘲笑。如:

上海龙凤1314laugh at 因……而出声的笑;嘲笑/laugh in sb‘s face 当面嘲笑某人/laugh one’s head off放声大笑/burst into a laugh 突然笑起来/laugh a hearty laugh放声大笑/have a good laugh over 对……捧腹大笑/He laughs best who laughs last . 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。

(2)laughter 笑;笑声。 其常见搭配有:burst into laughter 突然哈哈大笑 /with laughter or with tears不知是哭还是笑/I heard sounds of laughter in the next room . 我听到隔壁屋里的笑声。

上海龙凤1314(3)laughing 带笑的;可笑的;一笑置之(指主语所表现出的外部特征)。 laughable. 有趣的;荒唐可笑的(指主语的所作所为令人可笑)。如:

上海龙凤1314a laughing girl一个笑容满面的姑娘/make laughable mistakes 把一个令人可笑的错误/It‘s no laughing matter . 这可不是开玩笑的。/He considered our offer of $ 10000 for the painting laughable . 他认为我们对这幅画出价10万美金简直可笑。


上海龙凤1314She smiled her thanks . 她以微笑表示感谢。

上海龙凤1314She smiled a forced smile . 她强作笑颜。

9. priceless, price, priced, value, invaluable, valueless, precious, worthless

上海龙凤1314〖明晰〗(1)price n . 价格,价钱;代价。priced有定价的。priceless(无比较级和最高级)无价的,贵重的(=invaluable)。如:

上海龙凤1314Up goes the price of the vinegar!醋价又上涨了。/the priced steel有定价的钢材/make a priceless contribution to human beings 为人类作出宝贵的贡献。/Good health is priceless . 健康是无价之宝。

(2)value价,价值。估价,评价;珍重。valuable adj . 有价值的,贵重的。 invaluable无价的(指无法衡量的高价值,相当于priceless)。如:

上海龙凤1314This book is of more value than that one . 这本书比那本书价钱贵。 /You don’t know the value of health . 你不知道健康的重要性。 /Our Party highly values the wisdom of the masses . 我党高度重视群众的智慧。


a worthless, broken tool 没有用的工具。

10 . health, healthy, healthful

〖明晰〗 (1)health “健康;卫生”,常用于be in good/poor health 身体很(不)健康。 healthy “健康的,健壮的”(having health),当healthy 引伸为“有益于健康”的时候可与healthful换用。healthful “有益于健康的”( giving health)。如:

Fresh air and exercise are good for the health . 新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。

Swimming is a healthful exercise . 游泳是一项有益于健康的运动。

(SEFC B1 L58)Every person needs water and a diet of healthy/healthful food . 人人需要饮水和食用有益于健康的食品。

11 . human, human being, human race, mankind, man, person, people, soul,creature

〖明晰〗(1)human adj . 人的,有关人的;人类的;有人性的。该词还可作名词表“人”,常用该词构成a human being一个人, human beings人们, human race 人类,在将人与动物、

神仙、鬼等比较时常用human, 其复数形式为humans。如:

Are robots as clever as humans?机器人跟人一样聪明吗?

(3)person 可以指man, woman或child,其复数形式常是people,用persons 则强调数 量的概念。“一个人”是a person, 不能说 a people, “两个人”可说two persons/people。


Man‘s knowledge of things constantly develops . 人类的认识总是不断发展的。

(5)people 泛诣“人们”,the people 人民,人们,a people, peoples民族。如:

The Chinese are a hardworking people . 中华民族是勤劳的民族。

serve the people为人民服务,many people at the meeting . 出席会议的人很多。the English-speaking peoples 使用英语的各民族。

(6)soul, creature 在书面语中常表“人”,常与数词连用并带感情色彩。soul还表“首脑,核心人物”如;

上海龙凤1314Won’t someone help that poor pretty creature?难道没人帮助那可怜但美丽的人吗?

The ship was lost off the coast with all souls . 这条船在沿海失事,船上的人全部遇难。

上海龙凤1314an important soul in the strike 罢工中的核心人物。


Birthday Suit

一位澳大利亚姑娘和一个美国小伙结婚后,在美国度蜜月。有一天新郎新娘去赴宴,新郎觉得没有合适的服装可穿,恰巧前不久新娘在他的生日前送了他一套服装,新娘于是不假思索地说:" Why not wear your birthday suit ? " 不料这句话却使新郎全家大惊失色,面面相觑。

原来,这位来自澳大利亚的、生来就讲英语的新娘不知道 birthday suit在美国英语中不当" 生日服装 " 讲,而是" 赤身露体 " 的婉语,所以闹出了笑话。如:

The little boys were swimming in their birthday suit . ( 那些男孩子正光着身子在游泳。)




上海龙凤13141. absent-minded心不在焉 2 . run across sb .偶然遇见某人 3 . go ahead 随便 ( 用 ) 吧,开始吧 4 . on the air 在广播 5 . let alone 更不用说 6 . as well 也,一起 7 . as ( so ) long as只要 8 . so far 到目前为止 9 . be sound asleep睡得很熟 10 . pass away 去世 11 . go to bed上床睡觉 12 . not a little不止一点 13 . break down ( 机器 ) 出故障 14 . bring up把某人养大15 . bring about引起,造成 16 . build up增强 ( 体质 ) 发展 ( 事业 ) 17 . but for 要不是 18 . call up sb .给某人打电话 19 . carry out执行,开展 20 . come true ( 梦想 ) 成真,实现 21 . in common 共同地 22 . the other day过去某一天 23 . keep a diary 写日记 24 . drop in顺便拜访 ( 某人或某地 ) 25 . at ease 26 . enjoy oneself过得快乐 27 . for good永远28 . far from毫不,远远不是 29 . feel like doing sth . 想要做某事 30 . by force通过武力





常见的“变成”类系动词有 become , get , come , go , grow , fall , turn , run 等,都表示从一种状态到另一种状态。尽管意思差不多,但搭配有差别,若不注意,运用时会出错。我们要注意以下几个方面。

上海龙凤13141 . 形容词作表语。

go 和 come 是一对相反的词。“go + adj . ”表示令人不快的事情,而“come + adj . ”则表示好的事情。例如:

In hot weather , meat goes bad .

上海龙凤1314Things will come right in the end .

上海龙凤1314go 与 come 前面的主语一般是物。例如:

(误)She goes famous .

(正)She becomes(gets)famous .

表语为mad , crazy(古怪的),blind , lame 或表示颜色的词,go 前面的主语可以是人。例如:

上海龙凤1314He went mad .

上海龙凤1314Hearing this , she went red .

上海龙凤1314run 后面接 short , dry , low , deep 等词,主语多为能流动,能消耗掉的东西。例如:

Their money was running short .

Still waters run deep .

上海龙凤1314但 wild 作表语,主语可以是人。例如:

上海龙凤1314Don‘t let the children run wild . 不要让孩子们毫无约束(变野了)。

grow 与 run 相对,接表示人或物特征的静态形容词,也接表示天气的形容词,侧重于“逐渐变成”。例如:

The girl grew thinner and thinner .

Soon the sky grew light .

turn 多接表示颜色的形容词,也接表示天气的形容词,它侧重变得与以前完全不同。

上海龙凤1314The man turned blue with fear . 因害怕,这个人变得忧郁起来。

The weather suddenly turned much colder .

上海龙凤1314fall 接 asleep , silent 等静态形容词和表示疾病的形容词,但不能接形容词比较级。例如:

She fell ill from cold .

上海龙凤1314(误)She fell worse .

(正)She got worse .

fall short(没中),fall apart(散开),fall flat(没效果),可作成语记住。

上海龙凤1314“get + adj . ”是口语,用得广泛,get能替代become , become 较正式,get 与 become 前面的主语既可以是人又可以是物。例如:

He became(got)angry .

上海龙凤1314His coat has become(got)badly torn .


上海龙凤1314The days are getting longer and longer .

注意:become 一般不用于“将来成为”的意思。例如:

上海龙凤1314(误)I hope you will become well .

(正)I hope you will get well .

2 . become , turn , get , go , fall 能用名词作表语,其它的则不能。例如:

上海龙凤1314His dream has become(got)a reality .

He has turned scientist .

上海龙凤1314He has gone socialist .

上海龙凤1314He fell(a)victim to cancer . (他患了癌症。)

上海龙凤1314注意:go , turn 后面的名词通常不带冠词。

上海龙凤13143 . become , get , grow 能接过去分词,并且 come 和 go 多接有否定前缀的过去分词。

“get + 过去分词”表示一次行为;“become + 过去分词”表示事情发生的最后结果。

The string comes untied .

His report went unnoticed .

The fence gets white--washed every year .

上海龙凤1314She became engaged as a typist .

4 . get , go , come 能接现在分词,不过它们已失去“成为”的意思。例如:

They went in and got chatting together . (开始)

We often go swimming . (去)

上海龙凤1314He came running in . (来)

上海龙凤13145 . come , grow , get 能接不定式,这种结构表示变化过程,come 表示“最终变得”,get 表示“由不……变得”,grow 表示“渐渐变得”。例如:

上海龙凤1314I’ve really come to love this place .

上海龙凤1314Mary‘s growing to be more and more like her mother .

You’ll soon get to like it .


(误)They have got to know each other for years .

上海龙凤1314(正)They have known each other for years .

6 . 它们都可以接介词短语,固定搭配需要一个一个地记。例如:

上海龙凤1314They went(grow)out of fashion . (它们变得不时髦了。)

They ran out of money .

上海龙凤1314The problem will come under discussion .

They fell behind the others .

What has become of the girl .

上海龙凤1314It‘s getting near tea-time .



一、汉语式典型错误题析 (中)

上海龙凤131431 . The bad weather prevented us to go out .

32 . He is the tallest of his brothers .

上海龙凤131433 . Eggs change bad easily in summer .

34 . What’s the distance among the three villages?

上海龙凤131435 . What ever do you consider happening to her?

36 . Child as he is , but he knows a lot .

37 . To our surprise , he has turned a thief .

上海龙凤131438 . No matter who told you that was lying .

上海龙凤131439 . I don‘t like to read letters written with pencil .

40 . His mother is ill , he has to look after her at home .

上海龙凤131441 . There will have a meeting tomorrow .

42 . He has been here from last Sunday .

43 . We are important to study English well .

上海龙凤131444 . I forgot my key at home .

上海龙凤131445 . Could you help me? Yes , I could .

46 . Tell them don’t talk any more .

47 . I like green colour .

48 . At the age of five his mother died .

上海龙凤131449 . Mother dresses coats for her baby every day .

50 . If you dare to come again , I‘ll punish you .

51 . How much is your weight?

上海龙凤131452 . The bus by which he goes to school every day is a red one .

53 . Is this the book your father bought it for you?

54 . His teacher praised his progress in studies .

55 . I shall be back after three days .

上海龙凤131456 . He gets up not as early as I .

57 . Do you think what his name is?

58 . He looked sad at me .

上海龙凤131459 . Why don’t ask your teacher for help?

60 . Need I go now? Yes , you need .

上海龙凤1314答案:31 . to go→from going 32 . his→the 33 . change→go 34 . among→between 35 . happening→happened 36 . 去掉 but 37 . 去掉 a 38 . No matter who→Whoever 39 . with→in 40 . is→being 41 . have→be 42 . from→since 43 . 此句应为:It is important for us to study English well . 44 . forgot→left 45 . Yes , I could . →Yes , I can . 46 . don‘t→not to 47 . 去掉 colour 或 green colour→the colour green 48 . At the age of→When he was 49 . 去掉 coats for 50 . 去掉 to 51 . How much→What 52 . by which→in which 53 . 去掉 it 54 . 在 praised 后加 him for 55 . after→in 56 . gets up not→doesn’t get up 57 . Do you think what→What do you think 58 . sad→sadly 59 . 在 don‘t 后加 you , 或改 don’t→not 60 . Yes , you need . →Yes , you must .


上海龙凤13141 . She sat ____ ( 盯 ) into space , thinking deeply .

They didn’t fight , but stood there ____ ( 怒目而视 ) at one another .

2 . Can you be sure of his ____ ( 诚实 ) ?

上海龙凤1314The young actress is very ____ ( 谦虚 ) about her success .

上海龙凤13143 . The teacher is very ____ ( 受喜欢 ) with her pupils .

上海龙凤1314I like basketball while my father’s ____ ( 最喜欢的 ) sport is fishing .

上海龙凤13144 . Please read the text ____ ( 大声 ) .

They shouted “long live”____ ( 大声 ) in the street .

5 . My brother ____ ( 赢 ) me at chess .

上海龙凤1314Who do you think will ____ ( 获胜 ) the election .

上海龙凤13146 . We must ____ ( 保卫 ) our country against enemies .

The government is doing everything to ____ ( 保护 ) the people’s interest .

上海龙凤13147 . The film is well ____ ( 值得 ) seeing .

This is ____ ( 值得 ) to be studied carefully .

8 . The gate isn’t ____ ( 宽阔 ) enough to get the car through .

It is a strong man with ____ ( 宽阔 ) shoulders .

9 . We should be ____ ( 友好 ) to the newcomers .

The ____ ( 友谊 ) between Chinese and Americans will last to the 21st century .

上海龙凤1314I want to thank you for your ____ ( 友善 ) to me .

0 . From your ____ ( 口音 ) I judge you are a man of some education .

She loved her ____ ( 声音 ) as she told me the secret .

I’m sorry to say your ____ ( 发音 ) needs to be improved .

上海龙凤131411 . Do you still remember the ____ ( 小事 ) that happened in your first physics class?

The _____ ( 事故 ) took place on a foggy day .

上海龙凤1314The minister is busy with important ____ ( 事务 ) of state .

12 . Betty was so ____ ( 想睡 ) that she could hardly keep her eyes open .

上海龙凤1314He was so tired that he fell ____ ( 入睡 ) soon .

He was so busy that he went to ____ ( 睡眠 ) late last night .

上海龙凤131413 . They hope to ____ ( 定居 ) down in the countryside .

上海龙凤1314He ____ ( 居住 ) under the same roof with me .

上海龙凤1314My brother went to Shanghai and ____ ( 留宿 ) in a small hotel yesterday .

上海龙凤131414 . She was deeply ____ ( 伤害 ) by his unkind words .

上海龙凤1314Although he was seriously ____ ( 受伤 ) , he went on fighting heroically .

My little sister ____ ( 伤 ) an arm in the car accident .

15 . The people are too ____ ( 渴望 ) to have peace .

Most students felt ____ ( 紧张 ) at the test .

上海龙凤1314His parents were very ____ ( 担心 ) about his health and safety .

It’s unnecessary to be so ____ ( 不安 ) about your failure . Good luck next time .

16 . We all deeply ____ ( 尊敬 ) him for his knowledge of science .

上海龙凤1314All the people on the square stood still ____ ( 向致敬 ) our 5 – star red flag .

上海龙凤1314The girl ____ ( 钦佩 ) him so much that she would do anything for him .

All the audiences were listening to the songs earnestly and looking at the popular singer with ____ ( 崇拜 ) in their eyes .

上海龙凤131417 . This classroom building is now under ____ ( 修理 ) .

The machine doesn’t work . It needs ____ ( 修理 ) .

The workers are making ____ ( 整修 ) on the school building .

上海龙凤1314My bike is broken . I’ll get it ____ ( 修理 ) this afternoon .

18 . The ____ ( 旅程 ) is long and difficult .

Did you get sea sick during the ____ ( 旅程 ) ?

Are you back from ____ ( 旅游 ) ?

上海龙凤1314We’re planning to make a ____ ( 旅游 ) to the nearest place of interest .

上海龙凤1314答案:1 . staring , glaring 2 . honesty , modest 3 . popular , favourite 4 . aloud , loudly 5 . beat , win 6 . defend , protect 7 . worth , worthy 8 . wide , broad 9 . friendly , friendship , kindness 10 . accent , voice , pronunciation 11 . incident , accident , affairs 12 . sleepy , asleep , sleep 13 . settle , lives , stayed 14 . hurt , wounded , injured 15 . eager , nervous , anxious , upset 16 . respect , saluting admired , worship 17 . repair , repairing , repairs , repaired 18 . journey , voyage , travels , trip