
高二上册整体单元教案(含有单元练习)Unit 1 Making a difference(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-7-1 编辑:互联网 手机版

I. Teaching aims and demands

类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目

话题 Talking about science and scientists

上海龙凤1314Talking about people

词汇 Undertake analysis obvious within agriculture gravity curious branch debate scan boundary graduate research wheelchair disable theory seek misunderstand scientific observe match predict unhappiness crime astronomer telescope heaven intelligent patient experiment

Work on go by go on with dream of turn out use up be satisfied with take a look at what if the other way around

上海龙凤1314功能 1, 描述人物(describing people)

上海龙凤1314…you are twenty-one years old and a promising graduated student…

上海龙凤1314The scientist is curious and careful.

He is also intelligent and patient.

上海龙凤13142. 辩论(debating)

I think biology is the most important and useful science because…..

That’s correct that’s true It’s clear that……..

I doubt that…. It’s hard to say…. Well. Maybe , but….

There’s no doubt that…. What’s your idea….. Have you thought about…..?

上海龙凤1314语法 动词不定式 作主语,宾语,定语和状语

上海龙凤13141. 动词不定式做主语

To obey the law is everybody’s duty

上海龙凤1314Hawking explain what it means to be a scientist


上海龙凤1314Scientists try to describe and explain what we see.


That will be the only thing to do now.

上海龙凤13144. 动词不定式(短语)做状语,表示行为的目的,结果,原因等。

上海龙凤1314Learn from the past mistakes to avoid the future ones.

We were surprised to find him there.

He traveled around to give lectures.

II. Teaching goals

1.Talk about science and scientists

上海龙凤13142.Practise describing people and debating

3.Learn more about the infinitive

4.Write a descriptive paragraph

上海龙凤1314III. Teaching periods.

Four periods

IV Teaching methods.

Period 1 listen and speak way

Period 2 Do some reading

上海龙凤1314Period 3. Language points study

Period 4. Writing ability.

上海龙凤1314The first period Listening & Speaking

上海龙凤1314Ability goals

上海龙凤1314Enable students to talk about science and scientists

Help them learn to describe people and practice debating.

Learning ability goals

Let Ss learn how to debate by talking about which branch is the most important and useful to society.

Teaching important points

上海龙凤1314Learn the patterns used to describe people and debating.

Teaching difficult points

How to describe people and how to debate.

Teaching methods

1. Listening to the tape ( individuals).

上海龙凤13142. Group work Debating (cooperative learning).

上海龙凤1314Teaching aids

Mutli -media

Teaching procedures & ways

上海龙凤1314Stepⅰ Warming up

Show the photos of some great people on the Powerpoint .Ask students whether they know who they are and what they are famous for .Then show the quotes on the Powerpoint. Ask students to match the pictures with the quotes. Then help students to understand the quotes.

上海龙凤1314Stepⅱ: Listening

T: After talking about the scientists, we will listen to the tape. Please try to judge who the famous scientists described on the tape are. And finish the exercises.

上海龙凤1314After listening ,check the answers with the whole class. After checking the answers, ask students what they are interested in .They are requested to write a short paragraph about what they would like to invent, discover, or be.

They are given five minutes to finish it.

Stepⅲ Speaking

上海龙凤1314Show the five branches Biology, Maths , Chemistry, Physics and Computer Science on the Powerpoint.

上海龙凤1314Show the useful expressions on the Powerpoint.

上海龙凤1314Stepⅳ Practice

Three minutes later, the debate begins. After the debate, the teacher will sum up.

上海龙凤1314The Second Period Reading

上海龙凤1314Ability goals

上海龙凤1314Learn the story of Stephen Hawking ad encourage students to become strong-minded. From his story students should learn to solve problems with scientific methods.

上海龙凤1314Learning ability goals

Students are divided into different groups. Each group will be assigned different tasks. They are asked to collect Stephen Hawking’s information from different resources. Each group member should be involved. Through these activities students should learn to be involved ,cooperate and solve problems.

Teaching important points

Learn about how Stephen got rid of his difficulties and became successful.

Teaching difficult points

How to analyze the text ad grasp the main idea of the text.

Teaching methods

Listening, reading, discussing

Teaching procedures & ways

Stepⅰ Leading in

上海龙凤1314T: Good. In this class we are going to learn sth about him. The title is “No Boundries”. How do you understand the title?

Talk sth about the title.



Ask the students to scan the text and find the information about his misfortune, his attitude towards difficulty, results from his disease and his achievements. Then fill the information in the form. It is not necessary to write in sentences. Key words will do. Students will finish the task independently and then they will compare their notes with their group members.


Ask students to skim the text and then finish the first question of the Post-reading part.

Careful reading

Read the text carefully and find the answers to the following questions.

Show the questions on the Powerpoint,

1. According to professor Hawking, how do people misunderstand science?

2. What are the basic steps of the scientific method?

3. What is it that hawking doesn’t like about his speech computer?

上海龙凤1314Sum up the main idea of each part.

Show the suggested answers on the Powerpoint.

上海龙凤13141. This part tells us about Stephen hawking’s attitude towards life in the face of great difficulties. It is his positive attitude that helps him succeed.

2. His achievements and his best seller A Brief History of Time.

3. The basic steps of the scientific method.

4. Science enables Stephen Hawking to give lectures all around the world.

Stepⅲ Explanation

During this procedure teacher will play the tape for students. Students will underline the difficult sentences .After listening to the tape, teacher will explain the text and deal with language problems.

Stepⅳ Post-reading

上海龙凤1314Students are given several minutes to go over the text to make sure they fully understand the text. Then come to the third group questions of Post-reading. These are open ending questions. Students are encouraged to give various solutions.

上海龙凤1314The third period Grammar

Learning ability goals

上海龙凤1314Enable students to use infinitives freely through some task-based activities.

上海龙凤1314Ability goals

Students are asked to talk about their infinitives.

Teaching important points

Infinitives have adv.and adj .functions as well as noun functions.

上海龙凤1314Teaching difficult points

上海龙凤1314V. that take infinitives but not gerund.

Teaching methods

上海龙凤1314Explaining and practising.

Teaching aids


Teaching procedures & ways


Ask several students to retell the story of Hawking. After the retelling, do the vocabulary exercises.

StepⅱWord study

Do the exercises on Page 5. and then check the answers.

Stepⅲ Grammar

上海龙凤1314First recall the functions of the infinitives. Then ask the students to do the exercises in Part 1.

Two minutes later check the answers with the whole class. Check the answers orally.

Step ⅳ Practise

上海龙凤1314Do the exercise 2&3. Then we will check the answers together.

5 minutes later check the answers with the whole class. The answers will be shown on the Powerpoint. And the students are asked to translate them Chinese.

上海龙凤1314After finishing the exercise in the textbook, divide the students into different pairs to fulfill the following tasks. Students are encouraged to use their imagination and give various descriptions. Then talk about the grammar.

Stepⅴ Homework

上海龙凤1314Finish all of the vocabulary and grammar exercises o the workbook.

上海龙凤1314The Forth Period Integrating Skills

Ability goals

Encourage students to be curious about science and be creative in their studies. Students should follow the good examples of the great scientists.

上海龙凤1314Learning ability goals

Helps students to learn about their own special skills and interests. Hope they will make a difference.

Teaching important points

上海龙凤1314Which characteristic is most important to make a difference?

Writing: write a paragraph about your favorite scientist.

Teaching difficult points

How to make others interested in your writing and what are you going to tell others about your favourite scientists.

Teaching methods

Task-based teaching method.

上海龙凤1314Teaching procedures & ways

Stepⅰ Revision

Check the homework.

上海龙凤1314StepⅱLeading in

Show some pictures of great scientists and ask students to speak out their achievements. Students are requested to tell how and why they could make such great achievements.

上海龙凤1314Stepⅲ Reading

What characteristics do the have in common? How could they make achievements?

Great scientists always want to know more. They are ever satisfied with a simple answer and are always looking for new questions.

Then students will be interested in sth about the text. Read through and try to conclude the main idea.

Step ⅳ Analyzing the passage

Show the following on the powerpoint.

上海龙凤1314Para1: The writer tells us :Everyone can make a difference if only he has the good characteristics-being curious.

Para2: Some other characteristics to make a difference-being knowledgeable, creative ad full of imagination .

上海龙凤1314Para3: If we want to make a difference, we must believe in that we do and stick to it until we succeed no matter what others think.

Para4: The most important thing to make a difference is to find what we are good at.

Stepⅴ Homework

上海龙凤1314Finish writing your favourite scientist.

Unit1 summary


上海龙凤1314Reading 部分介绍了著名物理学家斯蒂芬 霍金的生平,他的一系列探索发现和他对科学研究的态度,观点,他不为病魔和瘫痪所吓倒,而以惊人的毅力和信心成为物理界探索宇宙的先锋,本课不仅让同学们学到了语言知识,而且还学到了勇于探索,不怕困难的精神,并且乐观向上的面对生活。



本单元教学不足之处: 听力教学效果不够理想,有待改进。

Unit one Making a difference

第一题: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1. _______we move the picture over there? Do you think it’ll look better?

A. What if B. What about C. As long as D. Until

上海龙凤13142. -------Now you like the personal computer so much, why not buy one?

-------Well, I can’t afford ______ computer at present.

上海龙凤1314A. that expensive a B. a such cheap C. that an expensive D. so a cheap

上海龙凤13143. Tom______ the girl that he _____ four years ago.

A. married; engaged B. was married to; was engaged

C. has been married to; was engaged to D. married with; was engaged in

4. I’m ____the guidebook, looking for information about Guangxi, where I’ll travel.

A. looking B. scanning C. seeking D. arguing

5. Nothing can stop a _____ student ____ his mind to give up his studies.

A. promised; to change B. promised; changing

上海龙凤1314C. promising; changing D. promising; to change

上海龙凤13146. The old lady _______ making clothes for her neighbor’s children.

A. engaged to B. was engaged to C. engaged in D. was engaged in

7. The children are _____ after the long and hard trip. They need rest and food badly.

上海龙凤1314A. used up B. made up C. given out D. run out

上海龙凤13148. The shoe was discovered on the Chilkoot Pass, the famous trail used by people ____ gold in Alaska.

A. looking B. finding C. searching D. seeking

上海龙凤13149. ------Can you come on Monday?

-------No, I am _______.

A. stuck B. engaged C. lost D. puzzled

10. If you practice hard, you will ______ a good writer.

上海龙凤1314A. make into B. turn out to be C. develop D. bring up

11. I never dreamed of there ______ such a quiet place in the noisy city.

A. was B. had been C. being D. to be

12. He was observed _______ into the house and himself to what he liked before the owner came back.

上海龙凤1314A. to slip B. slip C. slipping D. slipped

上海龙凤131413. According to the recent research, heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily _______ and effect.

上海龙凤1314A. reason B. impact C. fact D. cause

上海龙凤131414. It ______ unusual courage and determination to make the break with his family.

A. took B. needed C. spent D. shared.

上海龙凤131415. When climbing the hill John was knocked unconscious by an _______ rolling stone.

A. untouched B. unexpected C. unfamiliar D. unbelievable



I went to Beijing this National holiday, and it was an interesting experience of my life.

  My friends told us that taking the “hard  16 ” to Beijing would be really terrible. So we didn’t know what to  17 . But we were pleasantly surprised when we finally boarded the   18  , which was relatively modern and  19  . During the 14-hour ride we ate peanuts and talked. It was not  20  at all.

  It was morning when we arrived. We stepped out of the railway station, having sat in hard seats and not getting much 21  . However, We had energy, First we tried to get return tickets to Shanghai, but the tickets seller  22  us that tickets would not be on  23  for another two days. We were a little worried about getting  24  , but we made up our minds to  25  for the hotel to put our bags down. After fighting our way  26  the “gypsy” taxi drivers that tried to  27  us one hundred yuan for the ride, we found a taxi and it 28  cost us thirty yuan to get  29  we had planned to go. When we reached the hotel, there was a window for airplane and train tickets. 30  the man behind the counter could get tickets that day, which we   31  . The most important lesson about China I ever  32  , is to get someone to do your work for you, and it seems to work out much33 . We were not able to get tickets, but the 34 agents(代理)could.

上海龙凤1314  While in Beijing we saw a lot of places of interest, most of which were very 35  . It was fun to be with thousands of people in one place. There aren’t any words to describe it.

16. A. chair B. bed C. seat D. bench

17. A. provide B. expect C. happen D. think

18. A. plane B. bus C. ship D. train

上海龙凤131419. A. quick B. clean C. simple D. long

20. A. bad B. good C. easy D. hard

21. A. trouble B. food C. sleep D. help

22. A. promised B. informed C. advised D. persuaded

上海龙凤131423. A. time B. show C. duty D. sale

上海龙凤131424. A. behind B. out C. through D. back

25. A. start B. ask C. look D. pay

上海龙凤131426. A. towards B. into C. across D. past

上海龙凤131427. A. offer B. charge C. bargain D. share

上海龙凤131428. A. even B. still C. also D. only

上海龙凤131429. A. what B. which C. where D. how

上海龙凤131430. A. Somehow B. However C. Therefore D. Otherwise

31. A. wouldn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

上海龙凤131432. A. learned B. taught C. offered D. heard

33. A. harder B. earlier C. later D. easier

上海龙凤131434. A. business B. transport C. travel D. hotel

35. A. interesting B. crowded C. famous D. noisy




上海龙凤1314The Spirit rover went for its longest trip on the surface of Mars (火星), traveling just over 26.4meters but stopping short of the distance NASA has hoped it would cover, scientists said today.

Engineers had hoped the rover would travel 49.2 meters on its way to a crater known as “Bonneville” to examine rocks and soil for evidence(证据)that water may gave existed on the Red Planet, mission manager Jim Erickson said.

“Spirit. she’s put some more territory behind her,” Erickson said. “We’re close but not as close as we’d wanted to be.”

Spirit’s longest previous distance covered in a day was 21 meters. That occurred last week. Before setting off for the crater. Spirit made a careful study of a flaky(有薄层的)rock called “Mini”.

上海龙凤1314Scientists want to know why the rock is flaky when nearby rocks are not. Erickson said flakiness may indicate layering-a possible sigh the rock was formed over time instead of all at once, as may be the case with spit from a volcano. Scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration reconsidered their judgment of the distance to the “Bonneville” crater, saying it’s about 345meters from Spirit’s landing place. The robot still has 240meters to got to reach.

36. Which of the following would be the best title of this passage?

A. Worries of the NASA about the Mars rover

上海龙凤1314B. Long way for Spirit to go

上海龙凤1314C. The longest walk of Mars rover up to now

D. Unexpected problems the NASA met with

37. The Spirit rover had covered about meters in all when the news was given.

A. 49 B.76 C. 47 D. 100

38. The Spirit rover traveled shorter distance than expected because .

上海龙凤1314A. she was ordered to examine some other rocks and soil

B. it took her more time than expected to study rocks and soil on her way

C. something was wrong with her operating system

上海龙凤1314D. a crater blocked her way

上海龙凤131439. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably means .

上海龙凤1314A. she has set some new historical record

B. she has covered some more distance

C. she has left some more rocks behind her

上海龙凤1314D. she has studied some more rocks and soil


上海龙凤1314News has just been received of an air crash in the north of England. The plane, which was on a charter (包租的) flight from London to Carlisl, was carrying a party of businessmen on their way to a trade fair. It seems likely that the plane ran into a heavy fog as it was getting close to Carlisle and was forced to circle for some twenty minutes. Everything seems to be going well. The pilot was in constant radio communication with Control, when the engines suddenly cut out and all contact was lost. The plane crashed on the site of the ancient Roman camp at Hadrian’s Hill, a place well known to archaeologists(考古学家) and tourists.

So far few details have been reported, but it is feared that at least twenty people lost their lives, among whom was the pilot, who was killed instantly. The local ambulance and firemen were on the scene within minutes of the crash, but additional help had to be rushed from other areas.

Mr. Lesilie Collins, one of the survivors, told our reporter, “We passengers noticed the engines were making a funny noise. Of course we couldn’t see anything because of the fog, but the pilot said there was nothing to worry about. The next thing, we know, the engines went dead. There was a rushing noise and a kind of flash-and after that I don’t remember any more.”

Mr. Collins is now in hospital, being treated for minor injures. We will be bringing you further news of the crash as we receive it. In the meantime relatives are asked to ring 023457211 for information.

40. The plane that crashed was .

上海龙凤1314A. returning from a trade fair B. on a regular flight to Carlisle

C. flying some businessmen to London D. not on a regular flight

上海龙凤131441. When the plane neared Carlisle it because of the heavy fog.

A. didn’t get any instruction to land B. was unable to hear Ground Control

C. had to wait for further instructions to land D. was forced to turn back

上海龙凤131442. The news report tells us that when the crash occurred .

上海龙凤1314A. the local help immediately came to the rescue B. all the passengers and the pilot were killed "

上海龙凤1314C. additional help was unnecessary D. help was long delayed

43. From what Mr. Collins said, it appears that he .

上海龙凤1314A. remembered everything that happened

B. had only an incomplete picture of what happened

C. remembered speaking to the pilot

D. heard and saw nothing at all


上海龙凤1314Helen is a twenty-years-old girl. She never had a job 44._________

before. Now she wanted get a job. So she went to meet 45._________

上海龙凤1314Mr Black, the manager of the hotel. Mr Black told 46._________

her it was getting very busy in the hotel on the evenings. 47._________

He asked her if she was interesting in a part-time job. 48._________

The girl said that she did. Then Mr Black said she had 49._________

to work very faster and that she must be there at six 50._________

上海龙凤1314every afternoon and work from six to ten, Monday to 51._________

Friday. He offered her with 4.5 dollars an hour. Hellen 52._________

pleased with the offer and decided to start work the next day. 53._________