
Unit 18 知识点(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-5-2 编辑:互联网 手机版

1.allow for 顾及,考虑到


上海龙凤1314It will take you half an hour to ge to the station, allowing for traffic delays.


We must start early, to allow for finding their house.


We should allow for every possible delay.我们必须考虑到任何可能的延误。

上海龙凤1314Inventors often rephrase a problem to allow for creative solutions and also try "impossible" or “crazy" solutions.



allow sb. to do sth允许某人做某事 allow (doing) sth允许(做)某事 allow that承认

上海龙凤1314My parents don't allow me to stay out late. 我父母不允许我在外呆的太晚。

We don't allow smoking here.我们不允许在这儿吸烟。

I allow that he is a able man.我承认他是一个能干的人。

2. reject vt.拒绝;排斥;抛弃


He rejected my suggestion.他拒绝了我们建议。

If people are unkind to a person, then the person will feel rejected.


Choose the good apples and reject the bad ones.拣出好苹果,丢掉烂苹果。


rejection c.n. 拒绝

I have had so many rejections I've stopped offering to help her.


3. get/be stuck 遇到困难,陷进去


He got stuck in the mud.他陷进泥里了。

His finger got stuck in the hole.他的手指卡在洞里了。

We were stuck in a traffic jam for an hour.我们因交通阻塞而受阻了一个小时。

I got stuck on the second question.我在第二个问题上卡住了。

If the bank won't lend us the money, we'll really be stuck.


[拓展] get stuck on 非常喜欢 get stuck with 与不喜欢的人在一起 get stuck in(to) 开始积极地做 某事


The students are really stuck on their new teacher.


I am stuck with the naughty boy for the whole day.我一整天都让那个淘气的小男孩缠住了。

He got completely stuck into that book you gave him; we could hardly get him to say a word!


4.break away from 摆脱,脱离


上海龙凤1314The pickpocket broke away from the policeman who had been holding his arm.


上海龙凤1314He broke away from the organization in 2002.他在2002年与那个组织脱离了关系。


上海龙凤1314break away 断开;剪掉(树枝等) broke down 捣毁,镇压,(机械等)出故障,(计划等)受挫 break into 强行进入,破门而入 break off 折断,断绝关系,中断 break out (战争,火灾等)突然发生,爆发 break up 粉碎,结束,与某人分手

5. otherwise (adv)不同地,另外地: (conj.)否则,要不然; (adj.)不同的,别样的


He seems to thinks otherwise.


上海龙凤1314You must work hard, otherwise you will fail the exam.


上海龙凤1314Some are creative, some are otherwise.


I don’t care whether he is rich or otherwise.



上海龙凤1314(1). otherwise做形容词用时通常置于系动词后作表语

(2). or otherwise或相反,或用别的方法

上海龙凤13146. be aware of 知道,意识到

He wasn't aware of the danger.他没有意识到危险。

He said that the government was acutely aware of the problem.


[拓展] be aware that/wh

上海龙凤1314They are well aware that this is a risky investment. (=They are well aware how risky it is.)


7. after all 毕竟,终究;别忘了


I am so sorry. I can't come after all.对不起,我终究还是不能来。

It's not surprising you've got stomachacher. After all, you've eaten too much.


上海龙凤1314[拓展]after all 作介词短语时,意为“虽然......,但仍然....."

上海龙凤1314After all his efforts, he also failed this time.虽然他很努力,便这次还是失败了。

8. keep track of 跟踪,保持联系


上海龙凤1314It's difficult to keep track of all the new ideas and developments in education.


上海龙凤1314He keeps track of all his old school friends.他与中学时所有的老校友都保持着联系。

上海龙凤1314[拓展] lose track of 与......失去联系