
Unit 2 The EnvironmentWelcome to the Unit(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)

发布时间:2016-6-18 编辑:互联网 手机版

By Xu Weiliang

上海龙凤1314Teaching aims:

上海龙凤1314(1) Make students pay attention to the environment around them and do their best to protect the environment.

上海龙凤1314(2) Get the Ss to improve oral English by talking.

上海龙凤1314Important points & difficult points:

上海龙凤1314(1) Students are expected to express their own opinions on protecting the environment.

(2) Encourage students to speak freely.

Teaching methods

上海龙凤1314(1) Discussion

上海龙凤1314(2) Ask and answer

Teaching aids

上海龙凤13141) A tape recorder

上海龙凤13142) A computer


Step 1 Lead-in

上海龙凤1314Today, we’ll learn something about the environment. First, let’s enjoy a song called Earth song by Michael Jackson.

Do you like the music?

上海龙凤1314Do you think the environment in the earth is important for us?

What is your picture of earth in your mind ?

上海龙凤1314(Then show the students a picture ) Look at the picture and answer my question .

上海龙凤1314Why is the earth crying ?

上海龙凤1314(The earth is facing serious problems)

What are the problems?

Step 2 Discussion

上海龙凤1314Then ask students to look at the pictures in the book.

Now let’s discuss the pictures then answer some questions.

Look at the picture above and discuss which ones are caused by nature and which ones are caused by man?

上海龙凤1314Then show some pictures of the city of Pompei. Ask the students some questions.

上海龙凤1314What city is in the picture?

What caused the destroy of the city of Pompeii?

上海龙凤1314(Mount Vesuvius erupted and lava, ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside. All the people in Pompeii were buried alive, and so was the city.)

Can you think of other natural disasters that damage the environment?

Step 3 Talk about natural disaster

Ok. Please look at the screen.

The picture is about some kinds of natural disasters. Then let’s talk about these disasters one by one.

Reference (Something about Tang Shan earthquake:

On July 28th, 1976, at 3:42 a.m. local time, a powerful earthquake recording M8.2 took place in northeastern China about 95 miles east of Beijing near Tang Shan, an industrial city of about 1 million people. Many eye witnesses said they saw a bright flashed across the sky which was followed by a deafening roar just before the shaking began.)

上海龙凤1314Then show some pictures of the city of Loulan. Ask the students some questions.

上海龙凤1314What city is in the picture?

上海龙凤1314What caused the city of loulan to disappear ?

上海龙凤1314(It was gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 500.)

What caused the sandstorms ?

上海龙凤1314Can you think of other ways in which people damage the environment?

Step 4 Talk about problems of the earth

Besides natural disasters. the earth is now facing other problems .Lets try to find some of them and the effects, the causes and the solutions to them.

上海龙凤1314Water pollution


上海龙凤1314Many people don’t have enough clean drinking water. Make people get sick.


上海龙凤1314Factories pour waste into rivers/lakes/seas. People throw rubbish into rivers/lakes.


Use new technology to make sure that factories are green and clean. Clean the water in the rivers/lakes. Save water in our daily life.

Air pollution


Make people get sick or even die. Make the environment dirty.

Cause acid rain(酸雨).

上海龙凤1314Causes Factories, power stations, cars, air conditioners give off waste gas. Burn coal and oil.


上海龙凤1314The harmful smoke should be made harmless before it goes into the air. Ride bikes more. Limit the number of cars./Make cars that don’t pollute the air.

上海龙凤1314Rubbish/waste pollution


Make the environment ugly, dirty and even dangerous. Cause diseases.


Throw rubbish in the streets or in nature. Buy products that use too much packaging.


Throw waste in rubbish bins.

上海龙凤1314Buy products that use less packaging. Recycle as much as possible.

Deforestation Desertification


上海龙凤1314Cause bad weather (sandstorm).

Lands or mountains turn into desert. Cause starvation.

Causes Cut too much wood. Rich surface soil will be blown away by wind or washed by rain down to hills and into rivers.


Use less wood . Plant more new trees. Try to make desert areas become green land.



上海龙凤1314Cause society problems: violence, crime…

Many people die.



上海龙凤1314Uneven distributions of wealth

上海龙凤1314Lack of education


上海龙凤1314No wars; Rich countries should help people who can’t get enough food or education.

Step 5.Competition

上海龙凤1314As a student, what can you do to reduce waste pollution and protect our environment? Discuss with your partners and write down the things you can do.

上海龙凤1314Divide the class into two groups. The group which has more ideas will be the winner.



上海龙凤1314Step 6 Summary and Homework

上海龙凤1314Today we have talked about the environment of the earth and the ways to solve the earth’s problems. After class, please think more ways to protect environment. And preview next period.